My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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A Man is known by his Word


All a man has is his word without it his nothing. Remember when I said trust is important in a marriage well it applies for any relationship you have whether it’s a friendship, a working relationship, your relationship with your children and most importantly your relationship with God.


If you say you’ll do something you need to do it, if I tell my friend that I will help him paint his house and I deliver on that promise he knows that he can trust me.


Trust is something which is developed over time and once it’s broken it takes four times longer to rebuild it than it had been to develop it.


If I say will do something than I do it, yes actions do speak louder than words but remember that with almost anything before you can act on it you first have to speak it.


Ask my friends to give you one word to describe me and the answer is always the same dependable and I didn’t get that easily I had to prove myself to them and I did that by being constant like I said when I was courting Roxanne if I said it’d be home by ten than I’d be home by ten no excuses and it was through that my wives learned to trust me and to take me at my word when I say something.


Remember never make a promise you can’t keep especially to God.