My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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A Women is Submissive


I hate women’s liberation; I absolutely hate those two words because it makes it seem as if before all this women were oppressed and in the Chapter: The Role of a Man we covered what kind of man abuses his wife.


I was watching a show one time and this woman asked the question what does she need a man for? If she wants some sexual gratification she can use a toy, she makes her own money and if she wanted a child she could just go to a sperm bank.


That day I wanted to put my foot through the television if this is what women’s liberation means than I want no part of it.


A woman’s greatest trait is submission, a woman who submits to her husband is a woman any man would be glad to call his own, a women who puts her own needs before her husband’s is not someone you want to call wife and mother of my children.


A woman who puts her husband’s needs before her own is one that is to be treasured and held up as an example to others. The secret to why my family works is that my wives put the family first, to them the family comes before everything else before their friends before their job and before their own needs which is why I have four wives who like and respect each other.


People have often said that no two women can share a man and I challenge them to prove it. Is it not sharing if you are not aware of it? I had a friend who was always going on about how polygamy is wrong and that what I was doing was tantamount to cheating and his wife was so proud of him and every time he would start this conversation I’d ask him to stop because he was insulting not just me but my wives as well and he’d do so.


Then weeks later he’d start up on the issue again and each time his wife would pipe in about how it’s not in a woman’s nature to share. Now this friend of mine was a sales rep like I was back in the day and his job included a lot of travel so it wasn’t uncommon for him to be out of town and sometimes out of state on business.


One day he gets into an accident I’m sure you’ve all seen it before but when his wife arrives at the hospital she finds a woman and child sitting in the room with him she walks in and he has to confess that his married to them both, the funny thing is that he didn’t want to have children with her.


So this begs the question how do you know that you are not sharing your husband with someone else or are you happy in your ignorance or do you trust him that much?


So before you start passing judgment reflect on this and then let me know how you feel.


A woman is submissive am I saying that she docilely sits in the corner while her husband makes every decision for her? No who wants that but what I am saying is that a woman puts her family first because by doing so she fulfills her basic need of being a nurturer and of being a wife and mother.


To close this issue I always say to women like this who think that they don’t need a man, a woman is born a nurturer and from birth this gift this need of hers to be complete is cultivated by her mother and once she’s of age she completes this cultivation by becoming a wife and mother.


Just because you own a pair doesn’t mean you wear the pants in the house.