My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Should a Woman Work?


Well for me personally I’m gratefully that my wives work because I know that had it not been for their salaries our family would have struggled after I left my job to start my own business.


But the question was should a woman work and the answer is no, ideally the man as the head of he house should be the sole provider but in these modern times the ideal situation is not the practical situation.


A woman can work and should work if the situation calls for it but she must never forget one thing that her family comes first. But I always say that if you want to work after marriage you should obtain your husband’s permission. 


You see my real issue when it comes to women and them working isn’t that I’m trying to dominate them it’s because this is another way to undermine the role of a man.


When I left my job and sometimes even during my tenure as a sales rep my wives earned more than I did but never once did they make me feel like anything less than the man of the house.


I mean when it was just the three of us we’d all go to work and leave the kids at a nursery and where their salaries are guaranteed mine was based on my performance and if I didn’t perform than you can just imagine how I felt when at the end of the month we’d see the balance in the account and my salary was the least.


This made me feel two feet tall and as the man of the house I just wanted to run away because I was ashamed of myself for a whole week after that I couldn’t face my wives because I was failing them I’d promised to look after and this was a promise I made to them in the presence of our loved ones and most importantly God.


And I was failing miserably so I couldn’t face them or my children I just spent all my time trying to make more money and after the move it was worse until one day they confronted me.


Well when he was making more money than us he was always happy but then things started getting harder for him and at the end of each month he seemed to withdraw further and further away from us and then he met Lina and the spark came back to his eyes but then it disappeared once more when the month came to an end and this was before Lina joined the family during our move, so we confronted him on this.


That day was the first time since the birth of Moses, Jessica, Sarah and Penelope that I’d seen him cry and it broke my heart because for me I just couldn’t understand why he would feel like that. The thing about our marriage that always made me happy was that there was no separation between us there was none of that my stuff it was ours.


And it took a lot of convincing but eventually we were able to convince him that there was nothing wrong with us helping him out during this transitional phase.


Diana is right during that time it was hard for him because he felt like an utter and complete failure and no matter what we said or did we weren’t able to get him out his funk and were Diana wanted to confront him I was of the school of thought that we should leave him alone in the end we did both we confronted him and then we left him alone and eventually he straightened himself out.  


It’s because of my wives that we were able to survive as long as we have without having to file for bankruptcy and I am grateful for them working.


And I love the fact that they work because for Diana as a teacher she feels like she’s making a difference to someone else’s child and it adds to making her the person she is today.


Roxanne saves people’s lives. Lina looks after our home and children and Jennifer’s obsessive compulsions are exorcised at the office.


For me a woman should work but only if she has her husband’s permission and she never forgets to treat him as the head of the house just because he earns less than you doesn’t mean his less than you. He is still the head of the household and should be treated as such.


Just because you own a pair doesn’t mean you wear the pants in the house.