My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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What happens when you settle?


You become a no one because one day you will find the one but you’ll be married so to act on those feelings would be adultury.


To achieve the second tier of your pyramid of happiness you need to have the one else you are settling and when you eventually meet the one you will be a no one. Because you cannot act on those feeling towards the one and you are now stuck in a marriage you no longer want to be part of or you commit adultery with you mind and heart.




Let’s Examine a Woman’s Pyramid of Happiness


The First Tier


God – I truly believe that if you have no faith than you have nothing, yes I say that when I married I became complete but that transformation started with me accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior once more and allowing His hand to guide my life.


The Second Tier


Husband – In the role of a man I’ve said that children belong to their father. Yes the mother carries them for nine months, gives birth to them and nurtures them but at the end of the day they belong to him. Which is why for a woman’s pyramid of happiness I put her husband above her children, in the Role of a Man I explained why this is so because to a man his children are the most important beings in his life. When should a woman put her husband’s needs secondary to her children’s? Only when the situation calls for it because no real man would do anything that would put his children in harms way.


The Third Tier


Children – Your job is to nurture them and in all matters except where he is in the wrong defer to your husband because he knows best.


The Fourth Tier


In Laws – As I’ve said before when you marry someone you marry them with all their baggage and sometimes you’re In Laws can be hellish but remember that they gave you your husband so you need to consider them in all that you do.


The Fifth Tier


Family – Honor your parents.


The Sixth Tier


You – after you’ve met everyone else’s needs only then should you consider yourself.