My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Blending a Family{5}


Blending a Family Where the Child is from the Father and the Mother is still in the Picture 


Well as I said before the child belongs to the father and when you marry someone you marry them with all their baggage.


The first thing that needs to happen here is that you need to stop seeing this child as a burden but a gift and a part of the man you love and married.


Just off the topic here this is one of the reasons why I advocate abstinence.


While the child is in your house and under your protection your rules outweigh those of his biological mother because in those instances you will be acting under the guidance of your husband who is the first and last authority on the wellbeing of the child.


You need to accept the child as your own and not because you are trying to impress someone or prove that you are willing to accept his “baggage” but because you want to. I always say to women who find themselves in this situation make it clear that you aren’t trying to replace the biological mother you are just trying to be a part of your husband life and that includes his children. 


Blending a Family Where the Child is from the Father and the Mother is not in the Picture 


Take the child as your own never let the child know that you are not its mother not by your words nor by your deeds, if the mother should make a return than you as that child’s parents need to decide whether or not you will allow her to see him or her.


Blending a Family Where the Child is from the Mother and the Father is still in the Picture 


Support your husband.


So if for example I was to tell Carl that its bedtime Jennifer would back me up because our son needs to understand that even if I’m not his father by blood I am still his father because of the mere fact that I married their mother.


Blending a Family Where the Child is from the Mother and the Father is not in the Picture 


Support your husband.