My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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All a Woman has is her Reputation


Consider if you will why parents are so over protective of their little girls.


Because they know something that we don’t know until we ourselves become parents just as all a man has is his word all a woman has is her reputation or honor.


It’s the reason why when a boy has two or three girlfriends at onetime his considered The Man and admired by his peers but should a woman do the same she is called all kinds of names even by those of her own sex who are probably harsher on her than her male counterparts.




Because they understand how important a girl’s reputation is to her and let’s be honest boys love to talk. Sometimes when it comes to gossiping we’re almost as bad as a gossip magazines.


That’s the thing if a girl succumbs quickly to a boy’s charm after his had his way with her he’ll tell all his friends about it and of course they’ll try their hand as well. Is this always the case, no.


But once a girl gains a certain reputation it’s hard to come back from it or to shake it off which is why until she is married a girl needs to be aware of what others out there think of her because it not only reflects on her but on her parents as well.


You’ve all heard that old saying: There’s that girl you take home to mama and there’s that girl you have fun with until you find the one to home to mama.


Don’t be the girl to have fun with.

I’m going to let my wives close this section.