My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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What is the Role of a Woman to You?


For me being a woman could only be described in one strong. Being raised by a single mother who’d come back from nothing helped shape me into the woman I am today and I’ll for ever be grateful to my father for that and people are always surprised when I say this because the man abandoned us.


But it’s like we always say: trials and tribulations are just a stumbling block on the way to happiness.  My father leaving us was just a stumbling block because if he had stayed our lives would’ve have turned out completely different whether or not for the better I’ll never know but it was because of his choices that my life turned out the way it did.


When I told my friends that I was going to be a second wife they all thought that it was because of what my father had done and that I thought I didn’t deserve better but what they fail to understand is that I married John because he is my reward.


All you have to do is just spend a few minutes with him and instantly you are drawn in his funny, exciting, smart, lovable, kind and he just happens to be married to four women.


For me I retained all that which makes a strong woman, and just because I put my husband and children before myself doesn’t make me weak it makes me strong.


Do you enjoy being a Sister Wife?


Absolutely we’ve all said it a hundred times we love the life we live. Would I do this with anyone else? No, I did it with John because he is the one, you know the second I saw him I knew it and when this opportunity to be with him was presented to me I jumped at and I haven’t looked back yet.


What about jealousy?


Absolutely it exists but it’s because of what your mind does to you because John himself doesn’t do anything to aggravate that jealousy it all comes from you.


He doesn’t kiss us in front of each other.

He doesn’t say I love you to any of us in front of the others.

He basically won’t show any emotions towards one of us if the other is around.


So if you get jealous it’s because the little green monster is whispering in your ear, do I think about what he does when his with the others?


I try not to because that’s how I open myself up to these feelings of jealousy.


What happens if he dies?


Well I’d mourn him after all he is my husband and if he dies before me than a big chunk of me would die with him.


But honestly I like to think my life as being divided into four, ¼ belongs to God, ¼ belongs to the children, ¼ belongs to John and the final ¼ belongs to my Sister Wives so if he was to die I’d still have ¾ of my support structure there for me.


What if he was to take a fifth?


He’ll need a doctor to recover from what I’ll do to him.