My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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What is the Role of a Woman to You?


I think that I have to agree with Diana as a woman your role changes at the different stages of your life.


What it was when you were in your early twenties will change completely to what it is when you are in your thirties.


To me right now my role as a woman is to be the best mother, wife and sister I can be.


What about jealousy?


There is definitely some but it’s only when you allow it to come upon you do you think about it.


I mean do I wonder? Definitely but when that feeling starts I remind myself of the following three things:


  1. If he wasn’t a polygamous than I never would have been in this family.
  2. Jealousy is just another way for the devil and his agents to try and bring me down.
  3. When his with me I’m the only thing that matters. (Which is the most important thing to me).


What happens if he dies?


I think John forced us to develop the friendships we have for a specific reason. He did it with all of us when he knew that we were ready for the next step marriage he would encourage us to go out without him specifically with the intention of us getting to know each other and to also show the other’s that this was someone who would fit in well with the family.


So I think he did that specifically for this purpose, even to this day he’ll plan something special for us wives while he looks after the children.


He understands that jealousy exists which is why he has that whole no affection in front of the other’s rule.


The including his wives in the courtship process is to show his wives what he sees, yes they won’t see exactly what he sees but he does this so that they see what kind of person he wants to bring into the family and if they can live with her.


So if he were to die we would still be there for each other, heck if we re-marry our new husbands would have ready-made houses to move in.


What if he was to take a fifth?


Diana and Roxanne have explained to me why they were so opposed to him marrying me but through hard work and years together I’ve proven to them that he didn’t make a mistake.


At the moment John spends two days a week with two of us and if he were to add a fifth where would he find the time to be with her?


If he was to take a fifth I think it would cause a lot of friction and tension in the house and besides all that Diana and Roxanne would kill him.


People need to understand that when it comes to marriage it is a debate because it affects all of us, talking from experience he had to go to bat for me to join the family because they were so violently opposed to the marriage and to this day I still find myself trying to prove to them that it wasn’t a mistake.


So if he were to take a fifth I would support him because I’ve been on the outside looking in but in this marriage almost everything is a debate and I doubt that the committee would vote in his favor this time.