My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.


You know in this modern age of ours I think that religion has got to be one of the biggest money makers out there, I mean think about in the Christian faith alone how many churches are there in the world?


I know our faith demands that we give to the Lord I can’t speak on other religions so I won’t.


And it is this part of the Bible that these wolves use to exploit our weakness for forgiveness, salvation to line their pockets.


My father always said that you pay a man an honest wage for a hard day’s work and I agree with him which is why I don’t have a problem with using part of the donations made to the church to pay a priest.


However what I do have a problem with is someone using the Lord’s name to make themselves rich. I have a problem with someone forcing someone to give way beyond their means because they are too lazy to work.


I always say that when you are doing the work of the Lord than you need no thanks because your reward awaits you in heaven but more and more I am proven wrong because almost every day a new prophet who has been touched by the spirit emerges and for a small fee they can teach you how to communicate with God, or how to ask Him for favors and all sorts of things and it makes me sick.


Like I said before the answer is in you and you don’t need anybody else to tell you how to find them.


The answer is in you, that’s what I always tell my kids the answer is in you.


So often in this life we look to others to provide solutions to problems in our lives, whenever my kids come to me with a problem I ask them what they’ve done to resolve it and only if they failed to resolve it themselves do they come to me.


I find that the Bible has solutions to our all our problems even in these modern times.


Which is why I always look within when I have a problem if that fails I turn to the Bible and if that fails I look to my family and friends, sometimes I get the solutions from my kids, they truly are wonderful creatures.


Tara Cards, Palm Readers, Fortune Tellers and Astrological Signs


My God is a jealous God, I’m sure you’ve all heard this before so why is it that Christians continually seek the advice of these people on how to live their lives and on what the future holds for them.


If you believe those people than you are the biggest fool out there because only the Lord knows what you’re future holds. He has already planned out your life even the hard times and the only person who can derail that plan is you.


God’s Plan for You


I always tell people that God has a plan for them and my two favorite examples are Job and the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.


I always say that God has a plan for and the only person who can derail that plan is you. 


The Chinese had it right you know life is all about balance, you cannot live your life constantly being on the winning side because when the hard times hit. You won’t know how to deal with them.


I truly believe that everything in my life happened for a reason because if it hadn’t happened than I would not be the man I am today and I wouldn’t have the life I live.


The path of the righteous is not an easy one; one that is peppered with many pitfalls and stumbling blocks it is only by overcoming those blocks and avoiding those pitfalls are we able to receive our reward which is a place in heaven and the many rewards we get on this earth, friends, family, children. So many rewards like I’ve said before He is always talking to you and all you need to do is listen.


Which is why, I always say like my father did when the devil knocks on your door he will knock loud enough to not only draw your attention but the attention of those around and when he enters your house he will not be alone.


The Devil


Some people believe in him other’s don’t. I believe in him because my Bible tells me so.


We all know the story of the devil, he was an angel in fact one of God’s favorites that is until God created men and the devil was jealous of this because he was no longer the favorite he was no longer the favorite, secondly because the Lord had created us in his own image and thirdly because the Lord held his Angels to a higher standard than he did us.


The devil is a spirit nothing more nothing less he is a spirit.


Earlier I said that men have an inherent need to prove themselves in their father’s eyes well that’s exactly what’s going on between the devil and his father.


By corrupting us he is essentially saying to his father look, look what you’ve created, the creatures you say are your greatest creation look at what they do, are you not proud of them are they still your greatest creation look, pay attention to me. I was right all along are you not sorry now because you chose them before me and the rest of my brethren?


God has a plan for you and the only person who can derail it is you.

God is patient but even He has his limits, which is why we have Judgment Day.


The devil is weak which is why he needs you and he enters you in many different ways you see the devil is like someone who hates you and they hate you with such a passion that they rejoice anytime anything bad happens to you.


The same with the devil any small victory he can get and he rejoices over it, you lust after your neighbor’s wife, score one for the devil.


You envy your friends life, another point to the devil.


You are angry with your brother and refuse to forgive him, the devils count is getting high now.


You steal from the poor only too line your own pockets, that hot oil is waiting for you.


You dishonor your parents.


You are lazy and not ashamed of it.


You are not humble.


You destroy the temple of the Lord with food, drink, sex and drugs.


You worship false gods, think about it how many times have you said you worship a certain star or mock bowed in front of them?


Like I said all it takes is one thing and his in and when he enters he enters with his friends.


To the devil you are just another soul he can use in his quest to try and prove himself to his father and when he approaches you it won’t be as the cartoon characters we have come to associate with him but as a person who looks just like you, as an opportunity that you just can’t miss out on, it will always be something small because that’s how he does it.


He eases you into a false sense of security and convinces you what you are doing isn’t wrong and by the time you realize it it’s too late.


Like his brethren who are angels he can take the shape of many things which is why I always say that if you have to justify it you know you’re doing wrong.