My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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The Word of God


I said earlier that people interpret the Bible differently few times do you find two people who agree on any verse in the Bible.


Some people have said that the word of God is too difficult for them but I say that the path to God is what is too difficult for them not his word because his word can be understood by even a child.


Look don’t get me wrong I have nothing against priests some of them are really good man who have dedicated their lives to the Lord and who in return ask for nothing because they know that their reward awaits them in heaven.


I just dislike the people who use people’s laziness to gain financial wealth.


The answer is within you I always say to the group of friends I meet with every Sunday that if anyone doubts what they are saying or what they believe ignore them and if you have to cut them out then do so.


However if this is not an option ask them to ask you five questions and if after providing them with answers they are still not satisfied then know that they are agents of the devil sent to bring about you destruction.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Let your actions speak louder than your words it does no good for you to constantly carry on about the Lord and how powerful He is when your actions do not echo that statement.


I’ve said it before I don’t like giving away money, I am like my father in the belief that a hard day’s work deserves an honest pay and I’ve been challenged on this because of what the Bible teaches that we should give.


I don’t dispute this and I do give just not financially. In the group we have we give money to each other when we are in need of it but even then the person or people who are receiving it contributed to this total in some way.


And when we give to a charity we don’t give them the money we instead speak to the head of the organization and ask them what they need then we provide this.


Some people say that this is enough, but we don’t agree it doesn’t help for you to say you help the poor and less fortunate just because you give money to a charity every month, or you give that homeless man a slice of bread at the end of the day.


What matters is what you do every day which is why we don’t just buy the things that they need but we also give our time, just like with my wives every day in the littlest ways I try to help others.


You will never be poor as long as you believe.


People pride themselves on the fact that they help a stranger once a week or a month or a year but those that are supposed to be nearest to their hearts they ignore.


Someone will say I’m a soldier for the Lord because they preach every Sunday in church or they go out and preach the word of the Lord in the streets or because the visit the sick and offer them comfort.


But those same soldiers will stand back and watch while evil

occurs; these are the same soldiers who will turn the sound on their TV’s higher while their neighbor beats on his wife. Those soldiers will stand back and say not my problem while their own brother kills himself slowly with alcohol and drugs.


Soldiers who will allow their sisters to enter into prostitution instead of offering them a helping hand, soldiers who will put their brother’s children in an orphanage because they are just too “expensive” or they forget the commandment the Lord gave for us to go forth and multiply because of the same reason.


He had a reason for this if they are more of us that means more of us to share the word, more of us to combat the forces of evil but we chose to ignore this because we can’t afford it. Really?

When you are judged it will not be by your words but by you actions and this is what you need to remember before you declare yourself a soldier of the Lord.


A true soldier of the Lord is one that keeps the laws of the Lord and shares that law with other’s and asks for no thanks or payment because the work they do is reward enough for them and more importantly they know their reward awaits them in heaven.


Some have said isn’t that similar to hiding your light under a bushel and the answer is no I’m not hiding my light under a bushel I’m praising the Lord, I’m sharing the word of the Lord and I’m keeping the word of the Lord the only difference between me and those who proclaim that there are soldiers of the Lord is that I need no recognition for what I do.


To me the greatest reward I can get is to see those people beginning to live their lives in accordance with His word.


Heaven and Hell


Do I believe in heaven yes do I believe in hell no, unless you call the existence that some of us choose to live as hell.


Which brings us to the question what happens when you die?


Nothing you are dead what were you thinking would happen your soul would leave your body and enter heaven. If you’ve really read the word you would know that this is not so when you die your soul dies with you.


The soul is a part of you and if your soul dies so does your body and vice versa.


When you die you are dead and dead you shall remain until the Day of Judgment when the Lord returns to take His children home and until that day dead you shall be.


So what about hell, the Bible teaches us that there is one but I refuse to believe that the God I know and love would condemn His children to an eternity in the pits of hell. I believe He will banish them to purgatory to burn there for five life times or until they have truly repented for their sins.


The Soul


The soul is what makes us, when God created us He created the soul so that a part of Him would always be with us and it is this part that the devil wants because he knows that when the End of Days arrives this will be the commodity which will be traded in which is why he works so hard to corrupt us because he knows that by gaining more souls than his father than he will have finally proven what he’d said all along about the human species.


Just like your life your soul doesn’t truly belong to you so I’m always surprised at how cheaply people take it. Even as a joke you should never utter the words, “I’d sell my soul to the devil for …” because he is listening and this is an opportunity for him to try and corrupt you.


A saw a movie once were a man sold his soul to the devil and the devil granted him seven wishes after the first wish he begins to truly realize what a trickster and liar the devil is.


But the time they get to the fourth and fifth wishes his wishing that he’d never entered into this agreement and at the end of it all the Lord appears because by now his turned to the one being he should have turned to in the first place, God.


And you know what the character of God said He said how can you barter with something that isn’t yours to barter with in the first place?


God is always talking to you all you have to do is listen


To end this book let me say what I said right at the beginning He is always talking to you all you have to do is listen, sometimes the Lord will talk to you through someone else but even then it will never be something that will hurt you.


Only the answer to your prayers.


God is around you always I’m sure we are all familiar with the story:


God and a man are walking down the beach and as they walk the leave behind a set of footprints they’d been walking for a while when the man turned around and saw the footprints reflected in the sand.


There were two sets of prints when they began their walk but at some points of the journey instead of two only one set of prints was imprinted in the sand so he turns towards God and says, “Father we have been walking for a while now and when I looked back I saw that at the start of the journey they were two sets of prints but as we carried on some parts of the journey I only saw one set of prints reflected in the sand why have you forsaken me?”


To which God replied, “I did not forsake you when we started our journey together things were good and so I walked by your side but then things got hard and that was when I carried you hence the reason for you seeing one set of prints and so I carried you until things got better. All the times you see a single set of prints know that these were difficult periods in your life when I was carrying you.”


I know it doesn’t go exactly like that but you get the point.


To finally end the book when you need to communicate to the Lord all you need do is recite the prayer below and He will answer just remember to listen.


Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,

The power, and the glory,

For ever and ever.
