There are many Christians who live a defeated life, and many of them have
backslidden because they did not see the benefits of being a Christian. Surely,
many of them were tempted by the devil to disregard the importance of living a
righteous life. Indeed, many of them have not grasped the Bible truth, ‘Jesus is
the way, the truth, and the life.’ Anyone who hungers for the way, the truth, and
life, will find it in Jesus. Jesus is our righteousness and if we abide in
righteousness there is nothing that can deny us. When we abide in the
righteousness of God, we will all be successful in whatever we want to do. We
would be successful because the presence of the Lord will always be with us.
The presence of the Lord means everything to us, and it will give us anything
that we need from Him. We could only maintain the presence of the Lord when
the Lord is pleased with us. God could only be pleased with us when we make
His word our Lord. We need to allow God to rule us through His word. The
word of God must be our standard of what is good and acceptable to Him, and
we would always be victorious when we are totally controlled by His world.
Our Father has also promised us eternal life that comes through the blood of the
Lamb of God, who was sacrificed on the cross so that we may not die. We can
only achieve the promised eternal life when the word of God is our God. The
word of God is everything to those who understand the mysteries of heaven. To
them, everything must bow to the word of God because they understand that
when they reject the word of God, they would be rejecting God. We can never
separate the word of God from the Lord. The Lord watches over His word to
perform it. And anyone who rejects the authority of the word of God will live a
defeated life because life is only possible through the word of God, Jesus.
This book clarifies the wisdom of God in a simple language, and it makes us
understand what the whole Bible is saying in a language that would be
understood by many. It illuminates the word of God in a way that could be
grasped by many people. This book has captured all that the Holy Spirit wanted
us to know. It does this through brief and simple statements of wisdom that
clarifies the mind of God for us. The Holy Spirit is not substituting the Bible
through this work, but He is shedding more light to all that has been written in
the Bible.
Anyone who reads this book will be blessed by the deep revelations that the
Spirit of the truth has made in this work. This book is a must read for every kind
of Christian. It would be profitable to those who have just known the Lord, and
it would immensely help those who have walked with the Lord for many years.