Nuggests of Wisdom: Illuminating the Wisdom of God by Kholisile Kosana - HTML preview

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“Then Moses led Israel to journey away from the Red Sea. They went out to the Desert of

Shur, walked for three days into the desert, and found no water.

Then they came to Marah, but they were not able to drink the waters of Marah, because they

were bitter. (That is why its name was Marah.)

So the people murmured against Moses, saying, "What can we drink?"

He cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. When Moses threw it into the

water, the water became safe to drink. There the Lord made for them a binding

ordinance, and there he tested them.

He said, "If you will diligently obey the LORD your God, and do what is right in his sight,

and pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, then all the diseases

that I brought on the Egyptians I will not bring on you, for I, the LORD, am your

healer” Exodus 15:22-26, NET).

The state of the church is in a serious decay. When you look at the surface, all

things seem to be rosy in our Christian world, but when you go to the word of

God, you begin to see the terminal state of the church. There is a lot that is

wrong with us, and if we do not turn from our ways, the wrath of God is

awaiting us.

It is estimated that there are more than 40 000 different Christian churches

around the world. At the turn of twenty century, there were approximately 1600

churches. It is also estimated that there are now more than 2 billion Christians

around the world. The kingdom of God seems to be increasing at an alarming

rate, but this is not true. The number of churches and the followers is increasing,

but the calibre of the churches and the followers leave a lot to be desired.

Indeed, the church collective has regressed from the progress made in the past

centuries, and it will continue to decline if there are no bold men and women

who could wake up and stand for what is true, a gospel that preaches a pure

version of righteousness.

There are countless books that have been written about God, and there are many

preachers who stand in the pulpit every Sunday and preach about God.

However, many Christian books and the sermons that are preached in the pulpit

are doing more harm than good. These books and many sermons that are

preached around the world preach a different version of Christianity. It is a

version that is making man the center of everything. They elevate man above

God, and if we continue this way, there is no hope for the coming generation of

believers. We could change the course of history by rewriting the wrongs of our

past. To do this, we all need to go back to the supremacy of the word of God,

which has a central message of righteousness. A life of a Christian must be

centered around holiness and nothing else.

Our God is very concerned with the state of the church. And it is for this reason

that the Lord inspired me to write this book. I am just a simple prophet of God

who has been tasked with the simple message, ‘Let my people return back to the

supremacy of the word of God, and let righteousness be their rod of strength.’

This book is a log that the Holy Spirit is throwing at the church that tastes bitter.

Many of those who do not know the Lord are not able to drink from the church

that was given to them to be a place where they would find rest. Many of them

are dying because the church has lost direction, and it cannot offer them the

solutions they are looking for. The church is the center of the kingdom of God

on earth, it is where the Lord is able to impact upon those who hunger for

salvation. But if the church is bitter, no one will get true salvation from it.

1. Heart

God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10, HCSB).


Your tongue and body are conveyor belts that convey what has been manufactured in

your heart. They both reflect the conditions of your heart. Righteousness and

wickedness are both manufactured in the heart of your soul. The thrones of

righteousness or wickedness are both seated in our spiritual hearts. If you speak and

walk in righteousness, the throne of Jesus is fully established in your heart, but if your

tongue and body behave sinfully, then the throne that is seated in your heart belongs to

the devil.


The power that transforms our lives must be planted by God in our hearts. The Lord

plants the Holy Spirit in our hearts so that the Spirit of the Lord could establish God’s

dominion in our lives and conduct. When the Spirit of the Lord has been firmly

planted in our hearts, our hearts are able to listen to the voice of God and act in

accordance with His word. But if the devil’s throne is the one that rules us, our

conduct and lives would be drawn towards worldliness. The battle between the Light

of God and the devil happens in our hearts because our hearts are the battleground of

goodness and evil. If we allow God to rule our hearts, we shall be like Him by walking

in victory all the time. But when the devil’s throne rules us, we shall forever swim in

the pool of tears and sorrow.

2. Love

“If you love Me, you will keep My commands” (John 14: 15).


Many people confuse God’s love with their own love for Him. The two are not the

same because we can never love God the way He loves us. Our hearts can desire to

have the same love He has for us, but we can never achieve such depths of love

because God’s love for us is immeasurable, but our love for Him is limited. God

measures our love for Him through His word. We manifest our love to Him by loving

His commandments. When we obey the word of God, we manifest our love for the

Lord. Our obedience to His word is all the proof of our love for Him. If we reject the

word of God through our conduct and utterances, we do not know Him. We are called

the children of God, for the Lord rules over us through His word. When we reject His

word, we reject His Lordship over us, and we also cease to have a Master by the name

of Jesus.


2.2Your love for God determines all, and your love for others reveals all. Indeed, your

love for others reveals your true spiritual state, and it reveals your love for God. Your

love for God determines your love for others. If you do not love God, you will never

love anyone.


What is the secret of a great relationship? It begins and ends with God. To love the

Lord with all your heart, mind and soul is the ingredient of any great relationship.

When you love God, you will transfer that love to others. God is the mirror that

reflects your love for Him to others. The depth of your love for God determines the

depth of your love for others and the respect you have for the Lord will be reflected in

your respect for others.


When you love God, you would hate sin so much that you would not even imagine

yourself doing any kind of sin.


If you love God with all your mind, heart and soul, you will know the mysteries of

Heaven. When your mind is tuned to the frequency of heaven, you will hear the voice

of God speaking inside you.


You cannot do anything to increase God, for He has created everything. The best thing

you can do for Him is to praise Him. You praise Him by living a life of righteousness,

not by saying nice things about Him with your mouth. It is good to say nice things

about God. However, the nice things you say about Him must complement the nice

and righteous things that are happening in your life.


Those who would one day see the Lord are those who do not care about what the

world is doing and saying, or what the world is doing to entertain itself. They are not

drawn towards the world, but they gravitate towards the heart of God. Their

preoccupation is to live for the Lord and to please Him in all things.


Love helps you to be obedient to God. If you love God with all your heart, mind, and

soul, you will never want to do anything that would upset Him. When your heart

bursts with love for Jesus, you would always want to put a smile on His face by doing

what is right all the time.



You can live for a million years and you will never find anyone who loves you like

Jesus. He is the only One who loves you unconditionally, and He bears the scars of the

cross of Calvary to prove the depth of His love for you.

3. Worship

“Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from

God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body” (1

Corinthians 6:19-20).


There is no better way of worshiping God than to do so in your own body. Your body

is the temple of God and must be totally dedicated to His service. You serve God

when your mouth and conduct glorify His name. The Lord is glorified when you live a

life that is totally controlled by his word.

4. Success

“Now if you faithfully obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all His commands I am

giving you today, the LORD your God will put you far above all the nations of the earth. All these

blessings will come and overtake you, because you obey the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).


Jesus is the Anointed Saviour and He is also the blessed Son of God. Heaven and the

earth are all His inheritance. Anyone who is in Jesus is anointed and blessed. If you

are in Jesus and standing in one position spiritually and materially without progress,

this is not caused by the lack of blessings in your life. It is caused by the lack of the

breakthrough power of God that must break through into your blessings. This

breakthrough power of God comes only through righteousness. If you want to be

successful in life, you need to live a holy life so that the breakthrough power of God

could work in your favour. When you experience failure in your life, God does not

have anything to do with your failure, your life that is against righteousness is to

blame for all the predicaments you are facing in your life. Righteousness is the only

magnet for success, and if you want to be successful, you must walk in total obedience

to the word of God.


Rest assured in God’s ability to provide you with anything that you want from Him.

The Lord wants all the good things for you. He wants them more than you do. His

perfect will for you existed before you were born. You need to know that the Lord

always has your best interest at heart. If there is something that is not moving well in

your life, the fault is not with God, it has something to do with you. Look inward and


you will find what you must do to succeed in your life. If there is anything in your life

that contradicts the word of God, that thing will work against your success. In this

regard, if you contradict God, you will become your worst enemy. And when you fail,

don’t look for any other culprit, the culprit would be standing right where you are

standing. The blessings of God are linked to the obedience of His word, and if you

want to be successful in whatever you want to do, make the word of God your God.

Let it rule your life, and it will make you prosper in whatever you want to do.


If you want breakthroughs in your life, you must give the word of God the chance to

break through against the power of sin in your life. Sin is the biggest stumbling block

of prosperity. If you want success, you must hunger for righteousness because

righteousness is the only magnet of great breakthroughs.


Your number one preoccupation in life must be to allow God to change you into the

nature of Jesus. All the promises of God for us are in Jesus. If you need the blessings

of God or you need the power of God to work in your favour, you must be like Jesus.

Jesus is the only standard of what is right and acceptable to God. He is also the heir of

heaven, and if you want to inherit the treasures of heaven, you can only do so if you

are like Him in all respects. Your will must function within the will of God, and you

must be obedient to God even though that obedience might cost your life. Jesus is the

secret of God’s power, and for you to access that power, you must be conformed into

His nature. Jesus also gives eternal life to all who are like Him, those who have died to

themselves and are now alive in God through Him.


All those who want to receive the blessings of the Lord must understand the rules of

heaven. Heaven can heal you or deliver you in an instant from any sickness or

demonic oppression. God heals you in order to bring you into the knowledge of His

power and existence. He reveals His glory or power when He heals you. However, all

other blessings from the Lord will only come to pass when certain spiritual milestones

have been fulfilled in your life. Each blessing has its own spiritual milestone. Some of

these milestones are general whilst others are specific.

The Lord wants to release to us all the promises He has made for us. If we want to

receive something from Him, His will, and our will must be the same.

All the children of God are blessed in Jesus. Jesus is our resurrection, He will resurrect

anything that is dead in our lives. Our dead marriages and other relationships will be

alive and so will be our finances. And the dormant spiritual gifts we have will also be

alive when Jesus abides in us.


We are already blessed in Jesus, but some of us are not able to access their blessings

from God. We need to understand the first principle on blessings. The Lord blesses the

bloodline, and everyone who comes from a certain bloodline will have the blessings of

their bloodline. A certain bloodline might be very rich and yet all the members of that

bloodline might all be poor. They might be poor not because of the lack of blessings,

but because they lack the Life that will give life to those blessings. Jesus is the life and

the light of God, and when we make Him our Master and Saviour, He will resuscitate

all that was dormant in our lives.

Many children of God are unable to access their blessings. This is caused by their lack

of understanding of the rules of heaven. The principles of heaven are easier to

understand if you want to understand them. If you could meet all the expectation of

heaven today, you could access all the blessings that are in your life. The only

stumbling block to us receiving our blessings is the ignorance of the principles of

heaven on blessings.

There are spiritual milestones that you must reach before you could access your

blessings from God. What are these milestones that you need to reach in order to

access your blessings? One milestone could be to receive Jesus, and when you make

Him your Lord and Saviour, God might give you access to some blessings. Those

blessings could be good health, a job or any other blessing. There is a general

milestone that applies to all the blessings. It is spiritual maturity, which is your

knowledge of the word of God and to live in accordance with it. The world of God

includes many virtues; it includes love, patience, forgiveness, self-control, a giving

heart, being prayerful and so forth. The knowledge of God is in His word. If you know

God, it means you know His commandments and your life is geared towards pleasing


To know the commandments of God is when those commandments are one with you.

If you want to access all the promises of God for your life, you must be united with the

word of God. If patience is the milestone God expects you to achieve before you

receive a certain blessing, you would only receive that blessing when you have been

perfected in patience. The same is true for all other milestones. In some instances, you

milestones could be an experience God wants you to go through before He could give

you access to your blessings. These milestones are spiritual or relate to your character.

Sometimes, your spiritual journey requires you to be betrayed now so that when the

biggest betrayal comes, it will not shake you. In this case, the Lord would only give

you access to your blessings when you have dealt with your betrayal in a way heaven

approves. Betrayal will strengthen your character and faith when you have dealt with

it correctly. If we deal with any milestone in accordance with the word of God, the

Lord would open the drawers of heaven for us.


Some other times, the Lord would want to show you the folly of trusting people. He

would expose you to a situation that will make those who are close to you to betray

your trust. And if you deal with this betrayal in a godly way, and you have learned all

that the Lord wanted you to learn from such an experience, a drawer of a certain

blessing would be open for you.

At times, the Lord would want certain people to move away from us before He could

open the drawers of heaven for us. It just depends on what the Lord wants to teach you

or change in your life. All the milestones you must go trough will either teach you

something or confirm something about you. What is the key to your blessings? Learn

all that you can about God, and live your life in accordance with His word. Allow the

Lord to change your character so that you may be like Jesus. All those who have been

conformed into the nature of Jesus shall eat all the choicest fruits of heaven. They

shall possess more blessings than those who are still stuck in the mud of ignorance and



In the world, survival belongs to the fittest. Victory belongs to those who are strong.

In the kingdom of heaven, victory belongs to those who abide under the Vine Tree. It

belongs to those who are nourished by the Lamb of God


Anyone who teaches you about blessings and prosperity, but omits to tell you about

the righteousness of those who believe in the Lord is a false teacher. If you want

people to prosper, you must teach them about righteousness, which is the only thing

that attracts the blessings of God. Anyone who teaches people about worldly

materialism is not sent by God. The one who is sent from above will teach people

about spiritual possessions. Spiritual possessions are the keys to a life of prosperity. If

your focus is in heaven and its righteousness, your life will be a magnet that attracts all

the good things in life. Do not focus on worldly possessions, focus on living a

righteous life that is pleasing to God. When God is pleased with you, He will release

all the material things you need in your life.


If you live in righteousness, you shall move from one glory to the next glory. You

shall move from one breakthrough to the next. And those who live in sin moves from

one desert to the next. They move from one hill of dryness to the biggest mountain of

parched forests.


Those who move from dryness to dryness do not understand the cause of their dryness.

They do not realise that the consequences of sin have piled mountains of bareness in

their way. These mountains are the guarantee that they will never eat the honey and


milk that God has promised them. Stay away from sin, and you shall see the power of

God’s breakthrough in your life.


What is the secret of walking like Jesus? You must be everything that you want God

to be to you. He is merciful, be merciful towards others. God is faithful to you, be

faithful to Him; He loves you so much, love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul;

God is your provider, provide your body and life wholly acceptable for the service of

the Lord; He is your healer, sooth the mind of God by living a righteous life and do

not let God worry about sinfulness in your life; God is your holiness, walk in the

holiness of God by being holy as He is; God is your Master, you must lord over sin

and if you do so, you would testify about the power of righteousness over sin. Jesus is

your Master so that He could help you to bring sin under your control. Sin must run

when it sees you because you are the light of God.


What is the secret of success in the kingdom of God? Know your God and understand

His righteousness, and know that God expects you to be righteous as He is. Live every

second of your life to please Him in everything and be mindful of the cross of Calvary.

Remember that the cross of suffering set you free from the world. Find a place in your

heart for that precious cross of the Lamb of God. When you eat, think about the cross;

when you walk, meditate on the cross; and when life is good or bad always think about

Jesus. The cross means everything to those who have been crucified with Jesus. It sets

us free from bondage and gave us rest in the arms of Jesus.


An effective prayer is the preserve of those who walk in accordance with the counsel

of the word of God.


The obedient love you have for God determines your successes and failures in life.

And the more obedient you are to the counsel of His word, the more effective and

successful you would be. The less love you have for Him, the less said about your

doomed destiny.

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