One Man's Walk with God: Preparing for Trials and Fears by Jeremy B Strang - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

Growing in The Beauty of Your Word




“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalms 119:105


This morning, Father, my soul feels so carried, so lifted up, so highly exalted and close to You; so joyous that I cannot apply words to explain my greatly happy heart. Oh praises upon praises be unto You my God for ever and ever. Oh how sweet is Your word is to me;44 I feel so lifted in Your love, joy and new mercies today, for it would be far better to continue this writing again later – for to worship You, in fellowship, spirit and truth,45 to literally walk with You being shut up to You is by far the most excellent place I desire. Like the Apostle Paul said, “…to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.”46 – what an amazing truth! You have given me such joy this day, I find it best here to step away from this and dwell intimately with You. May this take deeper root in me. Amen.

“He knew that the ultimate rest, blessedness, and satisfaction of the soul, is not in seeing the works of God, but the glory of God Himself.”47

Lord, it has been a few days since last picking up my pencil and coming to you in this fashion. I am again reminded through Your word that You are good regardless of my feelings and emotional tides. You tell me to draw near to You and You will draw near to me48 – oh such a sweet promise should I comply. Oh Lord that I would only trust You and grow in Your word, that I would simply obey and leave the results in Your sovereign hands. For to the degree You make Yourself known to me, although obedience on my part to seek You, is as You know to be fitting for me during the season and day of my life.

I am further reminded that there is no sinless perfection with me, there is no one that I am the superior, thereby so very much am I needful of You and Your precious life giving word. Your word is a “lamp” and “light” unto me and the way in which I walk, needful in all my ways. Your word, Lord God, is not only “breathed out” by You, but it is sufficient for every aspect of my life; and because You are the inspiration of the Scriptures,49 I also know that it is infallible, thereby giving me even more the reason to trust every iota. And although I may at times be feeling the painful toils resulting from my fallen nature,50 and may be temporary in my blinded unbelief in some aspect or another regarding Your promises and goodness, I know because of who You are and Your word, You will work in me that which is eternally best for me, according to Your great love and word. I am reminded that if it were not for Your grace and the propitiation of my dear Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, that amazing sacrificial love and imputation, I would yet be in a growing heap of sin so insurmountable that I would forever be undone because of my atrocities and enmity against You; and yet, even though I have been made new and given a new heart with new motives and desires, and shown such unconceivable love, I find myself still too often wrestling with fears and doubts; and if this were not enough, depression and anxiety desires to sink its arrows deep within, all while unbelief longs to persuade my heart away from Christ – “Oh wretched man I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Thanks be to You through Your dear Son my Lord!51

Praises be to You Lord God, maker of heaven and earth, that You have given me Your word – for Your word is a lamp unto me! And yet, regarding Your word, is this not the very place I too often forget? Although I know Your word is indeed the best for me, is this not where unbelief lays its attack and whispers in my ears that it is not for me? But, oh Lord, how can I not trust You, for You indeed not only have the words of eternal life,52 but You are eternal life.53 Thereby I ask You yet again, and ten thousand times over, help my unbelief54 and continue to grow me in the beauty of Your word. Give me ears to hear, wisdom to understand, and a humble heart willingly obedient to apply the words that I may grow in patience, love and mercy. Lord, may Your strong arm be shown as You teach, reprove, correct and train me up in Your ways and will. May You increase my reverence of You and increase a measure of desire and love for Your word; grow an obedient resolve in me that I might be diligent to read, study, ponder, pray through and meditate upon Your word. Your word is vastly wonderful, and I can yet not even grasp the foothills of such realities.

As the fear of You is only the beginning of knowledge and wisdom,55 may I also increase my awareness of a right and strong confidence in You. May I never forget the fountain of life,56 which is Your promise for those who fear You. May Your word be forever branded and brought to my mind when trials and fears come to hunt me down. In light of Your inspired, sufficient and infallible word, help me to deeply understand and see with eternal eyes and to heed – “Look carefully, then how you walk… making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”57 How many are the distractions of this fallen world and my old-natured mind? – You know oh Lord.

If this were not enough for me to consider, then You remind me to ask, is not Jesus the word made flesh?58 Is He not the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets?59 So why Lord do I continue to be tempted with other desires? Is it not because of my lawless flesh, the old-man within still longing for carnality60 and seeking to escape the double-edged sword61 of Your word? Oh, You know Lord, You know! Your word is living and active! And if the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace and good news are beautiful,62 how much more beautiful is Your word? – For it is Your word that make such feet beautiful! In light of these truths, should I not be all the more diligent to grow in Your word? – Oh Yes! Lord, is it not in and through Your word, along with earnest prayer, that the beginning, and continuation, of walking You is formed? And not only the beginning and continuation, but also the preparation of being equipped to face many kinds of trials and especially that of fear? Oh how precious and beautiful is this hidden pathway to godliness and simplicity of faith, so light of burdens and filled with joy, such that words cannot give proof to the value.

Oh how true was the saying of the Preacher, “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”63 For at the end of the day, meaning the basics of my life this moment, I cannot change yesterday – for I can only learn from my mistakes, failures and lax disregard of Your Scriptures; tomorrow has not yet come – so it is best not to fret and become consumed with the unknown; however, I have today! For today I can seek You, Your kingdom and Your righteousness,64 being transformed by Your word and growing in the beautiful and greatest of all commandments.65

Lord, make me wise like the man who found great treasure66 and the one who found a pearl of great value67 - to sell all I have wrongly valued, even the good things I have esteemed more highly than I should, so that I would have all my treasure in You and Your inspired, sufficient and infallible word. Make me such a one, oh Lord, that desires eternally lasting things and that I am found diligent and resolved walking with You in reality, thus being prepared for the dark and difficult days to come. Search my heart Lord,68 know me and prove whether these things are true in me. To Your glory, Your name and Your dear Son, may Your word be fanned into ever increasing flame, for You have “not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.”69 Help me to understand and apply such lofty truths. Amen.