One Man's Walk with God: Preparing for Trials and Fears by Jeremy B Strang - HTML preview

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Feeding our minds with the word of Christ is essential if our hearts are to be filled with the joy of Christ. Yet, despite this, we are all too slow to read and meditate on the Scriptures, to seek to master them as far as we can, and in the process be mastered by them. There is no substitute here for dogged daily discipline. It is a battle to find the time; it can be a harder battle to fight sloth. But we need to overcome the habit of reading Scripture only when we ‘feel like it’. For in one sense it is an ‘acquired taste’. Only when we learn to read and meditate on it no matter what we feel like we will actually begin to feel like reading it. Scripture is medicine for our sick souls. The label says, ‘Take daily’ not ‘Take when you feel like it’! If we do only the latter it is likely that we will never ‘feel better’!70