Praise The Lord by Leon Backwards - HTML preview

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This section will show you a sample prayer using the structure above. I think it will make a lot more sense to you when you can physically see what I have been talking about in the preceding steps and remember to edit this as much as you want, this is purely an example but please follow the format. Notes are highlighted to assist you.


Hello (Possibly say Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening) my guardian angels, my grandfathers, Jesus Christ and Almighty God. It is I, (Name and location), Please listen to my prayers and whisper them into God's ears. I pray in Jesus name. I want to confirm with you my Lord, Almighty God of heaven and the earth, that you are always welcome in my life at any time. The door is always open for you. God bless me. Jesus, you are my Co-Pilot.


Praise The Lord.


Glory to God in the highest,

and peace to His people on earth.

Lord God, heavenly King,

Almighty God and Father,

we worship You, we give You thanks,

we praise you for your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ,

only Son of the Father,

Lord God, Lamb of God, 

You take away the sin of the world:

have mercy on us;

You are seated at the right hand of the Father:

receive our prayer.

For You alone are the Holy One,

You alone are the Lord,

You alone are the Most High,

Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,

in the glory of the Father. Amen.


I pray for all of my dead relatives and I pray that they rest in peace.


Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and salvation, grant that our relatives and friends who have passed from this life may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, come to share your Eternal happiness through Christ our Lord.


Eternal Rest, grant to them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.


I pray for forgiveness for any sins that I committed. It was not my intention to anger or sadden you my Lord. Thank you for forgiveness, patience and understanding always.

I confess to almighty God,

and to all, my brothers and sisters,

that I have sinned through my own fault,

in my thoughts and in my words, 

in what I have done,

and in what I have failed to do;

and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,

all the angels and saints,

and all, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord, our God. Amen.



I request a favour from you my Lord. It is financial abundance. I want to make my living, $300 per day, through working at my own business (Business Name). I request that money comes to me from multiple sources with ease. Please give me guidelines and give me help. I am aware that I may be asking for a lot but I promise you, my Lord, if you give to me, I will give back more upon delivery of this favour. I pray for it using the scriptures of the Bible as my base as I want to remain within Jesus and God's word and have them remain within me.


In John 15:7, Jesus says, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you".


Jesus says in Mark 11:24, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." God says, "Believe that you have the answer today--NOW!" This is what Jesus meant in Mark 11:24.


From The Light of God that I Am.

From The Love of God that I Am.

From The Power of God that I Am.

From The Heart of God that I Am.


I Decree–

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance

of God is my Infinite Source.

The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me

into lavish expression. Good comes to me through

unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to

bless me.

I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too

good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.

With God as my Source, nothing amazes me.

I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is

gone. The other is yet to come.

By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful

fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is

created and my abundance made manifest.


I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment

into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.


From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life

and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase.

Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God

provides for me in wondrous ways.

I AM indeed grateful and I let it be so. Amen.

Lord, I have faith that you will answer my prayers with the

blessings that I am requesting in Jesus name and according

to your will. I love and praise you my Lord. Amen.


I already have it. It's a done deal, the questioning part is

over. My name is Noel, water is wet, fire is hot, and I have

already received it. Too late Mr devil, done deal, done deal.



I pray for my family and friends. I pray that they are blessed

with everything they need. I pray that anyone who is

suffering worldwide may find peace and I pray for the

goodness and abundance of all.


Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest. Amen.


Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of

thy womb Jesus.

Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at

the hour of our death. Amen. 


Our Father, Who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name;

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world

without end. Amen.


Finally, I thank you, my Lord, for the blessings that you have

already given me and for the blessings that are yet to come.

Thank you for giving me strong faith and thank you for

blessing me with everything that I have asked for. I love

you. (Greeting: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening).


May almighty God bless me,

in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
