Praise The Lord by Leon Backwards - HTML preview

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Reconnecting is the first and most important step of your journey. You must first reconnect before you can have your voice heard. Sure, God is always listening but if your voice does not hold any merit then how can you be sure you’re your voice is heard? Rebuilding the relationship is not a difficult process but you need to let God know that you are here to stay. You must promise that you will not be a ‘’Hit and run’’ type of person who will forget who helped them once you get what you want. Let’s take an example of this: There is a neighbourhood in a land far away where a man named Jesus lives. He is a very successful and honest man who has heard the cries of millions of people and helped them in their hour of need. A man, named Michael, lives just up the road and unfortunately he has fallen on hard times. Now, Michael could easily go and ask Jesus to help him out but he feels discouraged to do so. You see, Michael and Jesus used to be great friends. Michael would visit Jesus’s house every Sunday for a short while and listen to his words alongside sharing his own thoughts and would go back home feeling great. One day, Michael came no more, spoke to Jesus no more and thereafter Michael’s life fell to pieces. Michael often threw blame to Jesus saying he had always been helped in the past and why was he not being helped now? He threw the blame to everyone other than himself. He didn’t realise that he had broken the connection. If he didn’t visit Jesus or allow Jesus to be a part of his life, then how could his voice be heard? How could Jesus know what he was going through? How could Jesus help if he didn’t know there was anything wrong? Humans have this silly idea that God just knows what they want and therefore should grace us with that without us making any kind of effort. Imagine if an old friend arrived at your door after not speaking to you for a few years and saying ‘’Hello, please give me money, thank you, goodbye’’. I know you would be shocked and question how someone would have such courage to ask you for such a thing and even further shock that they would expect that you just hand over whatever they are requesting. I hope you understand from those examples above that when you haven’t reconnected with God, that you indeed are just the same. You are asking and expecting that your requests be granted without making any effort at all. We think we can just say a couple of prayers and thereafter be granted with whatever we request and then we can go back to living our lives. It doesn’t work that way with God or even with any reasonably sane person for that matter. I cannot stress the point enough, you must be willing to work on your relationship with God before you can expect any answers to your prayers and requests. Now, you may be thinking you don’t have the time, you are busy and all of the usual things but believe me. This does not take a long time. Just a few minutes of your day can make all the difference and been honest it makes you feel better. God understands that we all live hectic lives and that we have our own things going on but if God sees that you are willing to talk to him for a few minutes a day, then he will know that you are in this for the long run.