Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships - HTML preview

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Principle 38 The Spirit of Martyrdom

Principle 38

The Spirit of Martyrdom

AS THE underground Church in China has been baptized in a fire of intensely severe persecution this has produced a theology of suffering with Christ.598 They have realized that all suffering is because of Christ and for Christ.599 It was clearly told to Paul the Apostle, that he was persecuting Jesus Christ directly when he was persecuting the early Church believers.600 There is a willingness in the Church in China to suffer for Christ as the normal cost of being a believer. It is accepted as the will of God at times to suffer601 and to even expect severe persecution. This type of suffering produces a joy602 and sense of privilege that they are willing to identify with their precious Lord who has saved them.603

Suffering and persecution has not built a resentment against China or its government but rather a deeper love for all the Chinese who are simply sinners in need of God’s great love.604 In other countries we need to deeply learn and try to understand this lesson that we are to love our enemies as our Lord taught us.605 As the spirit of antichrist and persecution comes to us we need to learn the same theology of martyrdom606 that this young underground Church has learned so well.

One beautiful example of this optimism in the face of severe persecution can be read in one of the hymns of the underground Church: “In the dark night, flowers are more fragrant. In the dark night, footsteps are more determined. A journey in the dark, is close to its end. Remember to remain faithful to God!”607 Such a dark night of persecution is coming to many. May we be of good cheer and leap for joy608 even as we reflect the character of God’s Son to others.

“The Church thrives under pressure, that was the very birth of the Church. They were persecuted in Jerusalem and all over. In the Scripture, especially in Acts, they went out after being arrested and beaten and they went rejoicing because they were worthy to suffer for the Name of Jesus. I think it’s a great privilege, but it’s not something you seek, because then that is the wrong attitude.”609

The pressures of persecution for the Name of Christ, and an unwarranted hatred will come against you in the end times simply because you adore and worship Jesus Christ. Will you be able to stand in that day?

It will be easy to follow the multitudes, the many who will be turning away from the faith.610 Yet our Lord desires us to stay true to His calling and Name by His grace. He states to the Church at Philadelphia: “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept My Word and have not denied My Name.”611 Also in the city of Pergamum: “Yet you remain true to My Name. You did not renounce your faith in Me, not even in the days of Antipas, My faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.”612

May God find us with these faithful Churches that happily and with hope endured much for the kingdom of God and did not allow compromise and lukewarmness to cause them to drift away from being bold for the Lord.

This falling away is shown in 2 Thessalonians: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.”613 May God preserve us in that day and allow us to faithfully cling to Jesus Christ as our hope and salvation to be willing to bear the loss of all things for His Name sake.614 Our great security in Christ is never at jeopardy as long as we continue to abide in Him daily.

We can sit at His feet as He prepares a table in the presence of our enemies.615 The Great Shepherd of the sheep will keep us. Let us stay close to our Master so that none of these things will overwhelm us. These words should bring strength to our souls for these coming days and a desire to do the will of the Father.

In the first century the Apostle John wrote: “Do not be surprised, My brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.”616

Now, 2000 years later, let us not be surprised when the entire world system will hate us who call ourselves after the Name of Christ. Be valiant for His testimony, for very soon suffering and martyrdom will not be mere abstract theology but a practical reality. May we learn of the Lord how to endure now for that time that is coming upon us. His “grace is sufficient,”617 He will bear us up in that day for His glory’s sake.

Also, may God continue to build in us a profound respect for those martyrs that have gone on before us in the Church,618 and to help us realize that the Christianity in our day needs more soberness in it—a martyr spirit that will proclaim the Gospel at all costs to the world around it.