Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships - HTML preview

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Principle 39 God Actually Answers Prayer

Principle 39

God Actually Answers Prayer

WITH MANY in the Church prayer is treated as the last thing we do before God. We use prayer to ask Him to fulfill—in many cases—our own carnal plans. With thousands of books written on prayer many of us have still not placed prayer as the most important Christian activity we do, corporately619 or privately.620 We have special times for prayer once in a while, expecting that God should hear us and then go back to our normal lives without an intense reliance on God through prayer.

All the growth of the house Church movement in China stems from a base of intensely fervent prayer.621 Whole congregations cry out to God with weeping and tears in intercession for the lost in their country and for their persecutors.622 Such passionate praying will shock and disturb many of us, yet the Church there truly believes that God answers genuine prayer. As with the widow who cried out to the judge,623 so this house Church movement cries out to God day and night and God hears them. If we realized that God would hear such praying, we would spend much more time as a Church in the blessed place of prayer and intercession. Persistent intercessory prayer may often go on in many underground meetings for up to three or four hours at a time in duration.

It is argued that over 80% of the believers in the underground house churches in China believed in the Lord Jesus Christ because they have either seen or experienced some miracles, signs and wonders. How else can you convince atheists there is a One True God? “God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.”624

One underground Church pastor upon returning to China from America, stated to his movement: “Our brothers in the West know how to plan, but we know how to pray.”

There is such a great commitment to pray that many in the underground Church wake up at 5 A.M. every morning to worship and pray before they start their day of manual labor. Prayer meetings gather at this early hour of the morning and there is even a hymn written with the title: 5 A.M. in China. Some of the words are: “When dawn arrives in China you can hear people praying. They are rejoicing in the great love that unites all the peoples of the world. These prayers soar over the highest mountains and melt the ice off the coldest hearts.”625

Should this not move us to spend much time with our Heavenly Father who is eager to hear the prayers of His children? “I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.”626

The Lord will hear our cries as we seek His face daily and believe that what we ask in the Name of His Son He will answer.627 Prayer must be the first thing a local Church does and not the last. Prayer declares our dependency on the Lord for everything. We end up being paupers by not accessing all the riches of Christ Jesus628 through prayer.