Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships - HTML preview

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Principle 40 The Body of Christ is the Church

Principle 40

The Body of Christ is the Church

MANY TIMES we are preoccupied with the idea that the building where we worship is the Church. Many believe that by just being members of that building or organization they are part of the Church. Yet in the early Church and Biblical record, God calls the people themselves the Church.629

One of our main desires in church planting in North America or abroad can be the constructing of a church building after a group of believers is established. This is not always helpful. The true work of God is not dependent on money and resources to grow but rather on hearts that have been affected by the Gospel of our Lord. If we focus on building structures and churches, we can subtly deceive the people to depend on such structures630 and not the living Lord.631

No structures, except the living structure of the body of Christ are necessary in the rural underground Chinese Church. Almost the entire movement does not own buildings but rather they make use of fields, caves632 and homes. What is most important to them is the people of God.633 Such was the burden of Paul the Apostle who saw the people as being the Church and the crown of his reward.634 This was also the burden of the early Church which acknowledged the priesthood of all believers635 where every part of the body had a job or function. They did not believe in leadership that controls the body of Christ but rather serves and equips it.636

This does not undermine the great usefulness of a building or structure where it can be used for a gathering of people, who are the Church. Some servant leaders of the rural underground house Church networks in China meet in a barn with animals walking around as they pray and receive instructions from the Lord for millions of believers. Meeting in a barn or even an old unoccupied church building is not wrong in itself. Though the underground Church in China is not as free as other nations to meet in various types of buildings, the Church is still growing and abounding in the work of the Lord. May we never see the building as the Church but only the people as God’s true Church set apart unto Jesus Christ.

Bibles in the rural underground Church in China are scarce at times, and it is common that fellowships have handwritten copies of verses and Epistles similar to the early Church days. The Chinese love their Bibles greatly and treat them as the most cherished item that they own or have in the world. Some of the current servant leaders in the rural underground Church early on, would gladly travel a full day, one way, to just be able to borrow and read a Bible. Most preaching, especially in the earlier days of the movement, was from verses they had memorized.637

“As the Holy Spirit teaches the Chinese Church, they are not reservoirs who selfishly keep what they learn; rather, they are clear and unobstructed conduits that flow to others. The believers have an unconditional and uncompromised love for each other.638 They love each other according to Christ’s command.639 Our Chinese brethren are walking Bibles for they have memorized much of it. We must do likewise for if we in the West have our Bibles confiscated, how will we still minister to others if we cannot recall God’s Word?”640

The underground Church in China has such a reverence for the Lord and His Words and they see themselves in the proper light of God’s holiness. A short Chinese hymn641 that reflects their humble hearts in realization that they were sinners in need of a Savior is: “Lord, how great You are! You didn’t abandon us. We are dust. We are no better than worms and moth, but You took pity on us. You cared for us, and chose us.” Such words show the humble attitude we should come to God’s Word with to receive life, instruction and truth.642

The underground Church in China operates like a body and one part does not demand to be recognized above the rest. One Church leader who with 7 others oversees over 20 Million believers was asked if titles are used for them. He responded by saying, “No, we don’t think like that. We’re all just brothers and sisters.” All believers in that house Church network know who the leaders are and respect them but they do not demand to be recognized by titles and other various elevated positions.

“The underground Church in China is basically a pure New Testament Church. No one is called doctor or pastor, they call each other brother and sister. What they do is defined by function or gifts, not title. One may be gifted as a teacher so he teaches. Another may be gifted in hospitality so they serve in that capacity. Their gift makes room for them to serve. They feel that titles divide. To them the Church is a familial entity; every member is essential. The Chinese see the Church as a family functioning as the body of Christ.”643

They truly have a faith in the body of Christ and that Jesus Christ is the Head above the rest and He alone is the glorified One.