Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ


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Book Description HTML

This is a book that details a prophet's calling to a prophetic ministry in a time when the Lord is preparing to give people knowledge about what is going on around us. You will learn about: A prophet's journey to finding God, the gifts of the Spirit that the Lord has given to the people whom He loves, How to hear the Lord's voice, How discern between spirits, How to understand the diverse types of spirits that are around us, what leads to the curses that affect people, how the kingdom of darkness is organized and understanding who Christ is. In this book, you will understand how to become a son of God.

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Maurice Paul Obonyo

I have a calling to go into the world and proclaim the second coming of the Lord Jesus I have been in the Lord s presence for over two and a half years now He has commissioned me to teach and speak about His love for man The Lord has enabled me write nine books so far I have a goal to write a particular number of books which the Lord spoken to me about The books I have written have come out of the Lord s presence I have received a wealth of knowledge and understanding from God as I have been writing I was a graphic designer by the time the Lord called me He told me to stop whatever I was doing and do His will When I was called by the Lord I was confused as to why He was giving me prophetic messages I asked myself Why is the Lord speaking to me about His second coming is the world coming to an end I did not know that the Lord tells His prophets what is on God s mind Little did I know that the Lord was giving me a hint on what He had called me to be When I was in the world I thought that the Lord does not speak to a people directly I thought He spoke only through pastors the word of God signs and oracles I did not know that God is not only interested in redemption but in having a solid relationship with man When I started hearing the Lord s voice I thought that He was a cursed spirit speaking to me He asked who are you He said It is I Jesus I went and asked two pastors who did not know me and who

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