Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Three



How Does The Lord Admonish?



Have you ever been warned by the Holy Spirit on what His will is? Have you ever heard the Lord caution you on what you are doing? This is what we are going to learn in this chapter. I have been able to listen to what the Lord is speaking about my life directly. If I was not able to hear what the Lord was saying, I would have been dead. If you want to heed to the Lord’s admonishment, then you need the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right path. How will you know you are being admonished by the Lord? If you are in the Lord, you will always hear the Holy Spirit warn you. If you ignore the Holy Spirit, you will need to understand why the Lord is admonishing you. The Lord does caution you when you are not doing His will. If you are involved in a will that is not from the Lord, it will only cause you much peril. The Lord is always admonishing those, whom He loves. When you have been cautioned, the Lord calls that love! However, if you do not love the Lord, you will become bitter and concentrate on the enemy’s will. How is the Lord’s will different from the enemy’s will? The Lord’s will is always antagonistic to the enemy’s will. If the Lord says go, the enemy will say stay! If the Lord says; tarry, the enemy will say, now is the time. The enemy is always trying to oppose the Lord’s will. When you decide to do the Lord’s will, you will always face resistance from the enemy. If a person loves the Lord, that person will be encouraged by the Lord to do His will. The Lord’s will is simple and not burdensome as opposed to the enemy’s will that is difficult and burdensome. If a person has decided to do the Lord’s will, it will seem difficult at the beginning, but will later become easier as the person continues in obedience to the Lord. If a person decides to do the enemy’s will, it seems easier at the beginning, but becomes difficult with the passing of time. When a person is involved in doing the enemy’s will, that person will seem to progress faster but in vain. A person who is doing the Lord’s will may seem to seem to progress slowly but will eventually be able to become an overcomer. The enemy is able to give an impression that all is well to a person doing his will. On the other hand, the Lord will nurture a person doing His will. The two types of people will never be able to be at the same level later on in life. The one that did the Lord’s will built his house on a foundation of rock whereas the one that did the enemy’s will built his house on a foundation of sand. This is what a good servant does; to do the Lord’s will. If a person who has done the Lord’s will gets a reward from Him, that reward will bring Joy! If a person who has done the enemy’s will gets a reward from the enemy, that reward will later bring that person misery. This is what most people do not know. The Lord will not reward a person for doing the enemy’s will. The enemy will be the one to reward such a person who has done his will. He can also reward! If you are involved in doing the enemy’s will, then your rewards are from hell and cannot be used to glorify the Lord. If you are in the Lord’s will, you will be able to use your rewards to glorify Him. The Lord will give to a person who does His will regardless of whether that person asks or not. When a person is doing the Lord’s will, the gifts that the Lord has given to that person become entitlements! For instance, if a person who is doing the Lord’s will receives a house, that house is an entitlement for a home that he has also received from the Lord. If another person who is doing the enemy’s will receives a home from the enemy, that person may not be entitled to a house. He will have to work hard to get or keep a house. Usually, that house will be taken away by the Lord if that person is repentant. If a gift is from enemy, then the Lord cannot use it for your betterment. You will have to start on a fresh page with the Lord; “The new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved”. If a person is able to use the enemy’s gifts in the Lord’s service, that person receives a curse from the Lord and will have to lose that gift if he is going to start doing the Lord’s will. The Lord will not sow where the enemy has sowed and vice versa. When a person goes and cries out to the Lord to sow where the enemy has sowed, that person is lacking knowledge and needs to start to fear the Lord for the Lord to give him knowledge. When a person begins to fear the Lord, the Lord will give that person knowledge as he begins to obey His commands. A person who has been able to obey the Lord will be rewarded. A person who has not been able to obey the Lord will not be rewarded. Such a person might then set out to pray, tithe or fast more but in vain. This is what most people who are involved in doing the enemy’s will are caught up in. The Lord will not continue admonishing them. They need to repent for the Lord to heal them.

When the Lord gives, He does not take back; the Lord’s gifts are without remorse! A person who has a gift from the Lord will always thank the Lord for that gift. If that person has a gift from the enemy, he will have to relinquish it to be able to do the Lord’s will. That is what happened to me. The Lord told me to part possession of a gift that I received from the enemy. I had used this gift to earn a living and it brought me much misery rather than joy later on. When I relinquished it, the Lord gave me new gifts that have brought me much joy. I have been able to learn so many exciting things because of the gifts that the Lord has given to me. I have learnt the skill of mixing different types of spices for profit. I have been taught by the Lord on the purposes of specific spices in making tasty meals. I have also learnt how to write books for the Lord’s glory. I have been taught by the Lord how to make different kinds of foods for profit. All this I have learnt with the Lord’s guidance and not from a man. These gifts are as a result of obedience to the Lord. When a person sets out to do the Lord’s will, He rewards that person with gifts. A person who cannot hear what the Lord says, will not be able to obey Him. It is like gambling in a casino; you rely on chance and not truth. If you are such a person, repent and go back to the Lord, He will heal you. When a person has repented, he will start a journey that will bring a lot of encouragement in doing the Lord’s will. This type of encouragement is what we will discuss later in this book.

When a person has rejected the Lord’s admonishment, that person has decided to sin against the Lord. If that person continues, he will become a reject before the Lord. If he becomes a reject and continues, he will become condemned before the Lord. This is the state of many who have adamantly disobeyed the Lord for long. A condemned person cannot hear the Lord’s voice. He will hear the enemy’s voice and take it to be the Lord’s voice. The Lord calls such a person dead; the psalmist says, “They have ears, but they hear not; neither is there any breath in their mouths”. The Lord will usually give a condemned person an opportunity to repent through circumstances; why? Because that person is wicked towards the Lord. If you are going through different discouraging circumstances, know for sure that the Lord has chosen to admonish you that way. This is when the Lord has chosen to abandon you. The people that have been abandoned by the Lord need a prophet to tell them what the Lord’s punishment is. They are the ones that seem not to need the Lord in their daily lives. They are always cursed by the Lord to be deaf to his voice and therefore need not seek to hear the Lord’s voice; they will but hear nothing! What they will hear is, “repent” until the Lord eventually condemns them. After sometime, if a person does not repent, that person will not be able to desire anything of God. They will be full of the world and what it has to offer. A person that has to communicate with the Lord through a prophet will most often not be able to understand what the Lord is saying through that prophet; even if that prophet has understanding of what the Lord is saying. Such people usually find themselves seeking mediums to be able to understand the meaning of the circumstances they are going through. These people might eventually seek the services of witch doctors, psychics, and fortune tellers. Others have to interpret signs in the heavens and the earth through necromancy, horoscopy, magic, stargazing among many others.

Once a person has rejected the Lord’s admonishment, that person is not only in the hands of the enemy but he is also an asset to the kingdom of darkness; he will not be disturbed by the enemy as long as he is doing the enemy’s will. If such a person decides to abandon doing the enemy’s will, he will be attacked by the enemy so he can abandon the path of repentance. A people who have been involved in sin against the Lord usually are cursed by the Lord to lack. When you are faced with lack, know for sure that you have continuously been disobedient to the Lord. A person who lacks is always distracted by need. Such a person cannot stay in the Lord’s presence at all. They will always look for what the Lord can give and cannot concentrate on who He is. This is a carnal person. They seek the Lord for His riches and not because they love Him. Once they receive what the Lord can give, they do not need Him anymore; they are always asking but never receiving! They are the ones that say; “Seeking the Lord is in vain”. They would rather do the will of the enemy. If such people are given a taste of the goodness of the Lord, they will not appreciate Him truthfully. The Lord has raised up people who will do His will. They are the ones that the Lord blesses. Blessings are gifts that are as a result of loving God. If you who does not love the Lord seek His blessings you are without knowledge. The Lord will not bless a person who does not love Him. A blessing is an undeserved gift that the Lord gives at His discretion. You cannot earn a blessing from the Lord nor ask for it. It is the Lord who brings His blessing upon man at His own timing. A person who seeks a blessing from the Lord is deceived, he is without knowledge and needs to rather start by fearing the Lord. A person that is blessed is the one that has been doing the Lord’s will without ceasing. When the Lord blesses, it is up to a thousand years! The Lord will not bless a person who is not doing His will.

The Lord has been seeking for men that are able to do His will. If you start seeking the Lord, you will learn that you have a specific task that the Lord has designed for you from the foundation of the earth. There are people that have started out with the Lord with much zeal only to be disappointed later. Such people are the ones that have been in the enemy’s will. The people that are in the Lord’s will are always nurtured by Him and are not easily deceived by the enemy’s enticements. If you were able to go to church at the beginning of your journey with the Lord and now you do not have that desire anymore, you probably went to solve a problem that was giving you no rest or peace at the time. This type of person is the one that has come to the Lord for what He can offer. If he does not witness the works of the Lord, this person will lose interest in the Lord and become distracted to embrace the world and what it has to offer. What is the world? It is a system where there is a form of godliness but the Lord is constantly rejected! If you reject the Lord, you are worldly or carnal. You do not need to depend on the Lord for anything. You can do everything on your own with your own strength and understanding. This type of person is the one that needs signs and wonders to have faith and therefore cannot please God.

A man that needs God in his life is the one that will seek the Lord so that he will live by the Lord’s commands. If you are able to seek the Lord, you will find God. If you are seeking God yet denying the Lord, you are worldly, you will not find God, and you will rather find death! The Lord is not able to take you to the Father if you deny Him. The Lord is the way to the truth; you will not be able to find God without Jesus.