Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment including every secret thing, whether it is good or it is evil. Ecclesiastes, ch. 12, vs. 13-14.

The “whole duty of man” is to fear God and keep His commandments. If we do not fear God, we will be unable to KEEP His commandments. If we are going to KEEP His commandments, we have to stay focused on Him. We must be determined to do all we can to fulfill His plan and purpose for our lives. The “fear of the Lord” is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. (Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10). Without the “fear of the Lord,” we cannot or will not possess godly wisdom and knowledge.

Everything we do here on Earth will come under judgment, whether it be good or whether it be bad. Evil will be punished, and good will be rewarded. Nothing people do here on Earth will escape the judgment of God. We must not fall into the same trap as many others who lost their focus, rejected godly counsel, and fell from grace. Our focus must continually be on Christ and the cross we have to pick up and carry every day in order to follow Him. Our cross is not heavy nor burdensome, but is a place of death where we must “crucify our flesh” in order for us to be raised to life in His likeness.



Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews, ch. 12, vs. 1-2.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the author and finisher of the “divine nature” which He imparts to us as believers. Determination will assure us we can and WILL walk in the fullness of Christ as we run this race with patience and endurance.

Many disciples who followed Christ in the beginning left Him because they could not keep their focus on the prize which was set before them. They were not determined to “press forward toward the mark of the high calling.” They had more important things to focus on than “the gospel.” For them the gospel of the Kingdom was hard to understand and receive. However, the original disciples, excluding Judas, resolved to keep their eyes on Christ and follow Him wherever He went because He had the “words of eternal life.” (John 6:68).

Eleven of the original twelve disciples would “go into all the world” to preach the message Jesus had entrusted them with. Judas would betray Christ for 30 pieces of silver and die a horrible death because of his love for money. Another disciple, Matthias, was chosen to take the place of Judas. These twelve disciples have been credited with “turning the whole world upside down” as they “went into all the world” to “preach the gospel.” (Acts 17:6).

Many people today are betraying Christ in their hearts for fortune and fame. If Christians are not careful and fail to guard their hearts, the spirit of greed can enter into their hearts and deceive them. The Bible says the “deceitfulness of riches” and the “cares of this world” will choke the Word (Christ) of God. Choosing earthly treasures rather than the true riches which are found only in Christ is not wise.

As Christians we must be determined to follow Christ wherever He may lead us. During our journey through life we will find the fullness of Christ and the power He wishes to give to us. God cannot trust everyone with His power. He is looking for those He can trust to carry the power of the “gospel of Christ” to again “turn the world upside down” for Him.

Elisha was determined to get a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. Elijah told Elisha he would receive a “double portion” of the Spirit if he saw him taken up to heaven. Therefore, Elisha refused to leave Elijah alone and followed him everywhere he went for several years. Finally, with Elisha watching, Elijah departed and was taken up to Heaven in a whirlwind as his mantle fell to the ground. Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle and received the “double portion” he was promised by Elijah.

Persistence is what God is looking for in people. God is looking for people like Elisha who are determined to receive the power of the Spirit which is imparted to believers through the “divine nature of Christ.” If we keep our eyes on Christ and continue to follow Him wherever He leads us, we will receive the “divine mantle” Jesus wishes to place upon each one of us.

Imagine what would happen if the Church was full of Elishas. Imagine what would happen if every Christian was determined they were going to be FILLED with the fullness of Christ. If the entire Church pursued the “divine nature of Christ,” we could “turn the entire world upside down--over and over again.

Jesus is still looking for Elijahs, Elishas, Peters, Pauls, Johns, Janes, and Judys who will “forsake all” and take the gospel to the nations. Jesus is waiting on the people He has chosen who have not yet “picked up their crosses” to follow Him wherever He may lead them. Many have been called, but few are chosen because many refuse to “heed the call.”

For many the “call” is just to share the gospel with those in their neighborhood or those they may work with. This is the part of the world which they have been called to minister to. Unfortunately, many will not even follow Jesus to Church on Sunday much less follow Him to their neighbor’s house to tell them about Christ.

For others, the call to the ministry is to help support their local churches or financially support the mission fields at home and abroad. Even that seems to be TOO MUCH of a burden to bear for most. Many have been chosen to “go into all the world” to preach the gospel. Others have been called to go into their neighborhood. Still others have been called to go to nursing homes and hospitals, or share the gospel on the street with people who have no homes.

We will all be held accountable if we fail to “heed the call” or fail to FULFILL the calling God has placed on our life. For those who do not KNOW or understand what God has called them to do, now would be a good time to ask Him. I prayed and fasted for several days before the Lord gave me “marching orders.” Others have received orders in different ways. However “HOLY ORDERS” have always come by earnestly praying and seeking the Lord for His “true direction” for our lives.