Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Because you say I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked—I counsel you to “buy from me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed: and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. Revelation, ch. 3, vs. 17-18.

Gold is used in scripture to prophetically illustrate the “divine nature of Christ.” Gold is the most precious of all metals here on Earth. It is long lasting, durable and beautiful. Gold is one of the most sought after treasures on Earth. Men have searched since the beginning of time to obtain this precious metal because of the POWER it gives them to obtain what they desire most.

Gold and what gold can buy is what natural men seek for more than anything else on Earth. For some people, it is the things that gold can obtain for them which make it most important. For others, it is the things they can buy and the POWER it gives them to control and rule over others. For many the desire to obtain gold, money and/or other precious minerals is an “obsession” which leads to sin, sorrow and depression for all who are under the beguiling spell of avarice. The lust of the eye and the lust of the flesh will never be satisfied with material things.

In the Bible we find that gold represents the “divine nature of Christ.” There is nothing more precious or valuable to believers than “His divine nature.” True riches are found only in the character of Christ. Unfortunately, natural man is more interested in “natural gold” than the “DIVINE GOLD” which can free them from the bondage of sin and the deceptive allure of power, natural wealth and riches.

The Laodicean Church had lost their spiritual focus. They had turned away from Christ, their first love, and traded their faith and love of Christ for mammon. The deceitfulness of riches had blinded their minds, and the WORD of God was no longer a priority to them. Because they were wealthy in worldly goods, they thought they had need of nothing. They trusted in their wealth rather than the true riches which can only come by possessing “the divine nature.”

Jesus sent the Laodicean Church a harsh rebuke telling them they were “spiritually wretched, poor, blind and naked.” The first thing Jesus told them to do was to “buy gold.” Jesus admonished them to “buy GOLD from Him that had been refined in the fire.” Jesus was counseling the Church at Laodicea to buy the “true riches” which would have an eternal impact on their lives. Jesus is saying the same thing to the Laodiceans which are found in many of our churches today.



Buy from me gold refined in the fire. Revelation, ch. 3, vs. 18.

The words “tried” and “trial” in the Book of Revelation originated from the Greek word which means “refined” or “purified.” It speaks of an object being placed into a melting pot to purify it of the things which made it impure. Natural gold must be purified or melted in order to separate the “pure gold” from the impure elements found in and around the gold.

In Bible days gold was purified by placing it in a crucible and heating it until all the impurities were melted out. When the gold had been purified, it could be formed or molded into whatever someone desired to make. Unfortunately, for many the gold was made into idols of worship as they turned away from God.

The “divine nature” or “person of Christ” was tried in the fires of tribulation when He was crucified at Calvary. The “true riches” in Christ were found to be pure, holy unblemished, unadulterated, and untarnished. Jesus had committed no sin, however, He was tried and declared guilty in the court of opinion by those He had created. He willingly was crucified on their behalf for THEIR iniquities and sins.

Gold is usually found in rock or quartz to be specific. Quartz is a crystalline rock. Today crystals are sought out by New Agers and others who dabble in the occult, magic, mysticism, and divination. They believe crystals have certain powers which can help them obtain the things they desire most. In reality, the idea that crystals have some kind of supernatural powers is just a lot of hocus pocus engendered by demonic entities to draw others into the world of the occult.

In Christianity the crystalline which is found around gold represents the “false precepts” in the minds of believers which block them from breaking through to where the true riches or the “divine nature” can be found. False teachings in many churches today have kept believers from obtaining the true riches (the divine nature) which is able to free them from sin, sorrow and demonic oppression. The “true riches” are hidden in the heart of every “true believer” waiting to help the believer to rule and reign with Christ in this life.

My, brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James, ch. 1, vs. 2- 4

The quartz which is found around the gold represents the “hardness of the heart” in many believers which must be removed in order to get to the “true riches.” At times we all will go through trials and tests in our life. However, because of the hardness of the hearts of many people, they become purified through MANY trials and tribulations. When the “old man” has been crucified, the “new man” (Christ) emerges to rule and reign in our hearts through truth, faith and righteousness.

One of the warnings for Christians found in Scripture regarding the end times is that “false teachings” will abound in the Church. False doctrines will always block the true riches found in the “divine nature” from being revealed in and to the believer. The refiner’s fire, the true Word of God, purifies the believer who seeks after the truth.

In the Sermon on the Mount discourse Jesus stated “only the pure in heart will see God.” If our hearts are not pure, we will be unable to see clearly through the eyes of our understanding or understand His Word clearly. We will be unable to fulfill His “entire” plan and purpose for our lives.

Jesus is coming back for a Church without “spot or wrinkle, or any such blemish.” (Ephesians 5:27). There will be no BLEMISHES left in the Church when Jesus comes to receive His “Holy Bride” to consummate the age. Jesus adores His bride and will make her Holy by the “washing of water” by the power of His Word.

If we are to become a Church without spot or wrinkle, we MUST be filled with the FULLNESS of Christ. We cannot be filled with the fullness of Christ unless we are washed, purified and FILLED with His “divine nature.”

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 1 Peter, ch. 4, vs. 12-13.

Along with the “washing of the water of the Word” comes persecutions, tests and trials which are designed to PURIFY the Church, the Bride of Christ, and “make her Holy.” When the Word of God is dwelling richly within us, we will be able to stand victoriously during times of persecution, tests, and trials which we face.

The Bible tells us to “Be Holy even as He is Holy. (1 Peter 1:16). Holiness is one of the greatest and most honorable characteristics of the “divine nature.” Without Holiness “no man will see God.” (Hebrews 12:14). If we fail to put on “the fullness of Christ,” we cannot and will not be completely “set apart” and “fully sanctified” unto the Lord. Without Holiness we will be unable to consummately fulfill GOD’S perfect plan and purpose for our lives.