Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. During the Gold Rush days of the 1800’s many miners found what they believed to be real gold, but they were mistaken. They thought they had found the “Mother Lode,” but all they had found was something that looked like gold. They had found what is called “fool’s gold.” Fool’s gold is a mineral called “pyrite.” On close inspection fool’s gold does not look exactly like the real thing.

Many in churches today trust in “fool’s gold” because their leaders do not understand the difference between the real and the profane. Christians need to seek for the ‘true riches” which can only be found in the “true nature” of Christ not in their own motives and desires.

We can use this analogy when confronted with a gospel which “looks like the truth” but instead is an attempt to subvert and change the “true gospel.” Satan deceives many into thinking there are many pathways which lead to Heaven. In reality there is only one pathway to Heaven. Jesus is the Truth (reality), the Life and the Way (pathway). Unfortunately, many people fail to seek the truth for themselves, thus they end up following a substitute Jesus (fool’s gold) who leads them down the pathway which leads to spiritual death and destruction.

In reference to gold mining, the term “Mother Lode” is defined as a “principle vein of gold ore.” The term is also used metaphorically referring to things which are valuable or in great abundance. When people suddenly become wealthy, one of the similes which some use is “I have hit the Mother Lode.”

As Christians we all should be seeking the “Father Lode.” Prophetically, gold found in the “Father Lode” speaks of the “vein of gold (treasure)” which ran through the “veins of Jesus.” There is no greater treasure in Heaven or on Earth than the “Blood of Jesus.” The “Blood of Jesus” which was shed on the Cross at Calvary was paid as ransom for the souls of all mankind. However, only those who accept Christ as Lord and Savior will have access to “His divine nature.”

The “true gold,” the “divine nature” is administered to believers by and through the power of the “Blood of Jesus.” When we accept Jesus and become born again, His “Blood” runs through our “spiritual veins” to give us NEW LIFE and establish His “divine nature” within us.

As Christians our victory can only be found in the overcoming power of the “precious Blood of Jesus.” Our victory over sin, sickness and disease is found only in the “Blood of Jesus.” The power to tread upon serpents, scorpions and over all the power of the enemy is found ONLY in the “Blood of Jesus.” “OH THE BLOOD OF JESUS—THERE IS POWER IN THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS!”

We all need to be “down-loded” (downloaded) with the principles which are found in abundance in the Word of God. We need to be “down-loded” (downloaded) with the “divine nature of Christ” which is offered to us through the power of “His precious Blood.” There is no greater treasure which we can seek and possess than the “divine nature of Christ.” There is nothing more important or valuable for Christians than being FILLED with the fullness of Christ.

Fool’s gold looks much like real gold, and many have been deceived by thinking they had found “the real thing.” Fool’s gold has the yellowish color of Gold. It shines like gold and resembles gold in many ways, but it is not gold. Fool’s gold does not have the hardness of real gold, nor can it withstand the pressure “real gold” can stand.

Many of the gold miners who thought they had found “real gold” fooled themselves into thinking they had become rich; however, in reality they were “foolish” and sadly mistaken. Charlatans sold fool’s gold to many people who “foolishly” thought they were getting a bargain as many do today. They were surprised and thoroughly embarrassed when they tried to exchange their “newly found” wealth for cash.

When it comes to reality fools cannot or will not acknowledge the truth when they are exposed to or confronted with the truth. The truth of the Gospel sets men free, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7).

Many in churches today are unable to distinguish between the “true nature of Christ” and a Christ who Church Leaders proclaim to be Christ, but is an imposter. The Apostle Paul said “If anyone comes preaching another Jesus or another gospel than he preached let him be accursed. (read 2 Corinthians 11:3- 4 and Galatians 1:8). There is a curse which comes upon those who preach “another Jesus,” as well as those who follow their teachings.

Not all that looks, sounds, and feels like the “divine nature” is the “divine nature.” Many accept spiritual substitutes which are the “habitats of fools.” Many do not look to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith, but to a substitute Jesus who will allow them to do anything they desire and still make it into Heaven.

Real gold (the divine nature) will not fall apart under pressure, but will stand firm during the trials and storms of life. The “true gold (the nature of Christ)” has been tested and tried in the fiery furnaces of affliction and will stand victoriously against the onslaught of the enemy without disillusion or repudiation.

Many Christians today have accepted a substitute gospel which will never bring them true peace and freedom from deception, depression, and demonic subjugation. They listen to the cunning fables of spiritual charlatans and shamans who tell them they can do what they want and still make it to Heaven. They teach them that “earthy prosperity” is more important than “heavenly posterity.” They teach them that “earthly profits” are to be desired more than “heavenly prophets.” They tell them that they can “buy a stairway to heaven” and “walk them golden stairs” when they die. Unfortunately, many people think they are taking the “UP ESCALATOR” to Heaven. However, in reality they are taking the “DOWN ESCALATOR” which leads to death and destruction.

Fool’s gold is found today in the hearts and minds of many of those in churches who have ears that “itch” to hear that God does not have a problem with their sins. Their itching ears prove they despise true wisdom and instruction. They will find themselves following the pathway which leads to death and destruction because they refuse to listen to the voice of righteousness, reason, and reality.

False doctrines are like fool’s gold. They may look like the real thing, but they are man-made and worthless. False doctrines will be useless when the trials and tribulations of life encompass the believer. Fools will walk in the counsel of the ungodly and sit in the seat of the scornful. Ungodly counsel produces foolishness in those who listen to and/or adhere to spiritual charlatans who are only interested in promoting their own agendas while making themselves rich.

The Church at Laodicea mistakenly thought they were rich. Unfortunately, they were unable to distinguish between true riches and “fool’s riches.” Jesus said the Laodiceans thought they were rich, but in reality they were poor and wretched. They had chosen earthly riches over the true riches which can only be found in the “divine nature of Christ.” Their focus, motives and attitudes were geared toward earthly treasures rather than the treasures of righteousness, grace and peace. Their love and reasonable service to the Lord had become non-existent.

The Laodiceans had become spiritually naked, destitute and blind. Their hearts were not pure and their understanding of truth had been compromised. Jesus told them to “anoint their eyes with eye salve” so they could clearly see the condition of their hearts. If people prefer “earthly riches” over “heavenly riches,” they will never be changed into the image of Christ.

The Bible says only the “pure in heart (the sincere)” will see God. (Matthew 5:8). Only the sincere will be able to see God and understand the truth in His Word. Only those who seek to be “like Christ” will become “Christ-like.” Only “the pure in heart” will see God. The “sincere” will seek to find the “divine nature of Christ” and become transformed into His “divine image.”



In 1848 gold was discovered at a place called Sutter’s Mill near Sacramento, California, setting off the great California Gold Rush. When word spread about the discovery of gold, hundreds of thousands of people RUSHED to California from all over the world in search of gold. This event is known as the “Great California Gold Rush.”

In relation to the numbers of people who RUSHED to California to find a fortune in gold, there were relatively few who became rich. Many people died in the gold fields as they were seeking to become wealthy. Many others became sorely disappointed when they failed to find any or very little gold. Many died at the hands of others who killed them in order to steal their claims.

Greed has a way of gripping the hearts of men causing them to do many foolish things, including murder. Earthly riches are deceptive and can bring much pain and sorrow to those who trust in riches rather than Christ.

The Bible says, “Those who trust in riches will fall.” (Proverbs 11:28). This scripture is not saying that people should not HAVE riches, but rather that they should not TRUST in riches. The Bible also says, “God gives wealth to people so His covenant can be established on Earth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18). Riches are not inherently evil. However, trusting in wealth and ignoring the “true riches” which comes from being FILLED with Christ will leave people spiritually blind, destitute and poor.

Many people have spent everything they owned in an effort to “gain wealth.” Many men have lost fortunes by squandering what they owned. Still others dedicate their lives to trying to become rich and successful, but never obtain anything except an empty bank account and a broken spirit. Money is not the answer to mankind’s problems. JESUS IS THE ANSWER to all of mankind’s problems.

There needs to be a “New Rush for Gold,” for believers. Christians need to RUSH to Jesus if they desire to be partakers of the true riches found only in the “divine nature of Christ.” The greatest treasure in existence is CHRIST JESUS and His “divine nature.”

The treasures which cannot be seen are GREATER and more precious than those which can be seen. True riches can only be found in the “divine nature of Christ.” These riches cannot be bought. They have already been paid for by the Blood of Christ, and they are freely given to all who will “believe on His Name.” True riches are freely given to believers who seek after them with their whole heart. Above all things Christ must be our “first love” and the “greatest desire of our heart.”

Everything we own in the natural can become hindrances to us if we desire them more than we do Christ. If we put Christ second place in our lives, we will not be partakers of the “divine nature.” We must RUSH to Jesus if we are to find the hidden treasures of His righteousness, love, joy, grace, peace, and mercy.