Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 13



Then Jesus looking at him, loved him and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way and sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me. B.ut, he was sad at this word, and went away grieved, for he had great possessions. Mark, ch. 10, vs. 21-22.

The rich young ruler had “labored” to keep the Mosaic Law all his life. The character of the young man was a testimony of his lifestyle as a devout Jew who desired to please God by keeping His commandments. He followed the “letter of the Law” until He was confronted with the one command from Jesus which would separate him from his greatest possession--his wealth.

Many people today are falling into the same trap which the rich young ruler fell into. The deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world will always conflict with the principles that promote and perfect godliness in the believer.

The rich young ruler was dedicated to observing the Law and was probably well known for his philanthropy. However, when confronted with making a choice between his wealth and following Christ, he could not separate himself from what he desired most— his earthly possessions. Therefore, in rejecting Christ he was rejecting the promise of “eternal life” which can only come by receiving and obeying Christ as Lord and Savior.

The rich young ruler had secured a place of trust and high position in life. He had accumulated great wealth and possessions. However, when he was faced with parting from the one thing which could bring him “position” in the Kingdom of God, he could not bring himself to part from the wealth he had gained. Wealth can become a stumbling block to those who trust in riches rather than Christ.

In the Kingdom of God nothing short of obedience is accepted by Christ. Self- surrender to Christ is the only yoke Jesus places on those who follow Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. For many people the yoke of worldly wealth keeps them continually in bondage to the things which really matter “least in life.” The deceitfulness of riches has sent many well meaning men and women to the pit of disillusion, depravity and destruction.

The only burden Jesus places upon His people is a burden for others who are less fortunate than they are. Jesus said “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30). The yoke and burden of riches is one which no man can carry without consequence when they trust in riches rather than Christ.

Had the rich young ruler accepted the challenge of Christ and given all his possessions to the poor, he would have placed himself into a position to receive even more than he already possessed both spiritually and naturally. Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or lands for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.” (Mark 10:29-30).



Jesus does not have a problem with people being rich. As a matter of fact, God gives some people wealth in order for His covenant to become established on Earth. (Deuteronomy 8:18). This is known as “covenant wealth.” God does not have a problem with people having wealth. However, God does have a problem with riches having people. We must not allow anything to come between us and Christ our Savior. Our relationship with Christ is much more important than our relationship with wealth and possessions. If we are not willing to give up all we possess and/or all those things which possess us, we are not a good fit for the Kingdom of God.

We cannot follow Christ without being obedient to His commands. The rich young ruler was more interested in his possessions than he was in serving Christ. His possessions became more of a liability to him than an asset when it came to his relationship and obedience to Christ. Jesus expects total obedience. He is looking for people who are willing to obey his commands without hesitation or question. Christ accepts nothing less from us than complete obedience.

Jesus could have told the rich young ruler that if he gave all his possessions to the poor he would receive many more earthly possessions as we see in the scripture above. However, the rich young ruler may have been giving his possessions away just to receive more wealth. His motives would not have been pure. He would have never been free from his possessions unless he gave them away for the right reasons. That is a lesson we should all take to heart. If we are attached to earthy possessions, we will be detached from the heavenly treasures which empower us to be free from covetousness and avarice.

The rich young ruler wanted to follow Christ, however to give up his possessions was “too much” for Jesus to ask of Him. Without Christ no one has the ability on their own to give up riches and possessions which hold them in bondage. People will never be truly free until they are FREE of the things which they deem to be more important than being FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ.”

Human desire is viewed in Heaven as evil, sinful, lustful, and covetous. If desire is self-centered or self- indulgent, it is not “divine” but is a byproduct of idolatry. Jesus told His disciples, “If any of you desires to follow me you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) NLT. Men will be unable to follow Christ until and unless they purge themselves of their selfish ways.

Sometimes purging ourselves of selfishness is a process which happens over a period of time. Christians have to free themselves of selfish desires which hinder their walk with Christ before they can fully comprehend the love of God which passes all human understanding.

Jesus is looking for people who possess “divine motives and attitudes.” Jesus is looking for people who will follow Him wherever He goes without hesitation. Following Jesus for all the wrong reasons will not produce godly fruit in anyone. Christians will never be able to withstand the onslaught of the enemy when he comes in “like a flood” if they are following Christ for all the wrong reasons.

When the Lord is our greatest desire, all our other desires will be “divinely inspired and motivated.” The desire to fulfill the plan and purpose of God for our life should be first and foremost in our life or we will be missing the many blessings He has in store for us. God promised us He would give us the “desires of our hearts” when we “delight ourselves in Him.” (Psalm 37:4).

When we delight ourselves in the Lord, the FULLNESS of Christ will become the “desire of our heart.” Those who are emboldened and empowered with the “golden (divine) nature” of Christ will always “delight in Lord” rather than earthly riches and possessions.