Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself. Ephesians, ch. 1, vs. 9.

The mystery of God’s plan and purpose for mankind is no longer a mystery since Christ has redeemed us through the power of His Blood. God desired to have a family which He could place His Spirit in. He also desired to have a people He could have fellowship with. God has a plan and purpose for His family which exceeds the understanding of natural men. God has given us the wisdom to understand His “divine plan and purpose” for our lives through the knowledge of His Word. Read Ephesians, ch. 3, vs. 1-12.

Divine purpose is rooted and grounded in the “divine nature of Christ.” Finding “divine purpose” for our lives should be the goal of every believer. Without “divine purpose” we will be like a reed blowing in the wind. We will be blown about by every wind of doctrine which comes along.

False doctrines are designed by the enemy to subtly lead people in the wrong direction. False doctrines will always lead people away from the cross of Christ and the very principles which graciously provide our souls a spiritual foundation to build and rest upon.

Many believers are unsure what their purpose is in life. They do not know that as Christians there is a “divine purpose” for their lives here on Earth. We have ALL been given a “divine purpose” which was foreordained before the foundation of the world to bring honor and glory to Christ and the Father.

Each Christian has been given different responsibilities. Each one of us has been given a ministry to perform. The five-fold ministry was not just given for the purpose of overseeing the Church, but to train and “equip the saints” for the work of the ministry. The five-fold ministry was a gift from Jesus to the Church to enable the Church to live together and function as ONE BODY as we dwell together in the unity of the Spirit. The gifts of the five--fold ministry were to be a seed or seeds which produce after their own kind.

We are all qualified to “do the work of the ministry” if and when we are equipped and trained to do so. God has given “talents” to each person according to the ability which resides within them. We ALL have something we can contribute to the “work of the ministry.”

In the “Parable of the Talents,” Jesus gave talents to ALL His servants. (Matthew 25:14-30). One servant whom Jesus called “wicked” buried his talent in the earth (heart), and the talent produced nothing. When we do not use the talents God has given us to help further the cause of Christ, we are not and will not be fulfilling the plan and purpose of God for our life.

Those who pursue the “divine nature” will find God’s divine purpose and destiny for their lives. As Christians our purpose is to first “follow in the footsteps of Christ.” The steps of a righteous man are order by the Lord. (Psalm 37:23).

When we are following in the footsteps of Christ we will find our purposed destiny and righteousness will be instilled within us. We become rooted and grounded in faith as we follow Christ step by step. The plan and purpose of God for our lives is found in following Christ. We must follow in His footsteps if we are going to accomplish what He has called us to do.



All who accept Christ and follow Him are Ambassadors of Christ. We all have been called to be witnesses of the goodness of God and the grace and mercy He extends to all mankind, even to those who do not believe in His existence. We are all called to be emissaries of the “divine nature” wherever we may go and whatever we may do in life.

Without purpose people will continue to wander aimlessly through life never receiving the promises or even understanding that the promises of God are for each and every one of us. When we fully understand the plan and purpose God has for our life, we will realize that our purpose for living is to be a reflection of His “divine nature” wherever we may go.

God offers the plan of salvation through the promise of the seed (Christ) to a lost and dying world. We are born again through the “power of that seed.” The “divine nature” of Christ is found in the “seed of promise.” Christ is the promise. Christ IS the “seed of promise.” When we are clothed with the “seed of promise,” we will carry the “divine nature” of Christ wherever we go as a witness to others of the love, goodness and mercy of God.



If we are going to be “divine witnesses” for Christ, we must first be clothed with the “divine nature” of Christ. The cause of Christ must take preeminence in our life. Nothing can be more important to us than serving Him. Nothing must stand in the way of our relationship with Christ. Our relationship with Christ is our most prized possession.

In Christ we MUST live and move and have our being if we are to be witnesses of His power and glory. It is Christ “in us” that is the hope of glory “for us.” It is His “divine nature” which enables us to be like Him. It is His “divine nature” within us which gives us the power to do the “greater works” Christ told us we could do in His name. It is the “divine nature” which enables us to perform the miraculous, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons IN HIS NAME.

If we are going to be “divine witnesses,” of Christ we must do it His way and not our way. We must be rooted and grounded in faith or we will be unable to do the “greater works” He said we could do. We must believe in the power of His Name when we call upon Him in our time of need or He will not respond to our prayers in the way we need Him to respond.

“Divine witnesses” are “divinely inspired” and led by the Holy Spirit to carry the gospel to others without hesitation, haughtiness, or hype. Their main goal is to prayerfully and purposely share their testimony of the goodness and mercy of God wherever they go to everyone who will listen.

“Divine witnesses” carry the “anointing” with them to the workplace, the market place, the home place and every other place they go. They carry out the orders they receive from headquarters which is based in heavenly places. They reject a mere “form of godliness” and become “conformed to the righteousness of Christ.” Their works are their testimonies, and Christ is their inspiration to perform righteous works.



He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John, ch. 3, vs. 8.

The Bible tells us the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. The purpose of Christ was/is to destroy ALL the works of the devil. As emissaries of the “divine nature,” we are all called to “destroy the works of the devil.” The scripture tells us that Christ has given us power and authority over ALL the works of the enemy. We have been endued with “power from on high” which enables us to perform the “works of Christ” as we faithfully minister to others.

When we obey the commandment to “go into all the world and preach the gospel,” we are fulfilling the Law (commandment) of Christ. When we have been transformed into the image of Christ, we will be able to perform the “works of Christ.” When we are clothed in the “divine nature of Christ,” we will possess the same power and authority over the enemy which He possesses.

It is imperative that we embrace the “divine assignment” which God has given each of us so we can fulfill the plan and purpose He has for our lives. If people are not seeking to complete the “divine assignment,” which He has given them, they will fail to receive His help in THEIR time of need.

The devil comes to steal the WORD when it has been sown into the hearts of God’s people. If we are not rooted and grounded in faith, the “seed of promise” is stolen and the works of the enemy will dominate our circumstances. Traditions which are planted in the hearts of people by the enemy will cause the Word of God to become of no affect. The traditions of men will choke the Word of God, thus the promises of God become unattainable. Those who allow themselves to become “steeped in tradition” will have a problem embracing the promises of God.

Without the “divine nature,” people will not be able to distinguish between falsehoods and the truth which is found only in the Word of God. The “divine nature” is called the “divine nature” for a reason. It is the “nature of Christ” who is the express image of the “divine God.”

Without the fullness of the “divine nature of Christ,” people will be easily led into accepting false doctrines. False doctrines always come from demonic sources and are anything but “divine.” Putting on Christ will enable us to discern between the truth and the lies the enemy establishes in those who “walk in the flesh.”