Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans, ch. 12, vs. 2.

The mind is where we store and process information and knowledge we receive. It is also known as the “soul.” Before we came to know Christ as our Lord and Savior, our knowledge and understanding of God and His Word was imperfect and unfruitful. We were unable to process any knowledge of truth because the Spirit of Truth did not live within us.

Jesus is the personification of Truth. In order for us to process spiritual information, we must be renewed in the “spirit of our minds.” (Ephesians 4:22). To be “renewed in the spirit of our minds” means our spiritual desires, motives and attitudes must be changed.

Our desires, motives and attitudes must be Christ centered and Christ empowered. When we put on fullness of the “divine nature,” we will become “spiritually minded.” We will become Christ-like in all of our endeavors to serve God. We cannot and will not be able to bring reproach upon the name of Christ because we will be walking in the Spirit. The Spirit of Truth will lead and guide us into ALL truth which is able to transform us into the “image of Christ.

Before coming to the knowledge of the truth, our minds were conformed and in bondage to the things of this world because of our carnal minds. The Bible tells us “that to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6). The carnal mind is enmity with God.

As Christians, if find we do not have peace and if life seems to be throwing us a lot of curve balls, it is probably because we may be somewhat carnally minded in some ways. The carnal mind will always lead people down the pathway of confusion and degradation.

True LIFE and peace does not exist outside of the “divine nature of Christ.” Christ is our rest, our peace, our righteousness, and our Life. For mankind eternal life exists only in Christ, and without Christ, the “abundant life” does not exist.

The Bible says the carnal mind is the enemy of God. (Romans 8:7). Those who walk in the flesh cannot please God because the flesh is contrary and wars against the Spirit of God. As long as our minds are carnally rooted and grounded in the vain imaginations of the flesh, our thoughts will remain in opposition to the plan, will and purpose of God for our life. The Bible tells us to be renewed in the “spirit of our minds.” The carnal mind cannot receive the things of God because it does not understand or know how to process spiritual knowledge and information.



The devil takes a terrible toll on Christians who have not been “renewed” in the spirit of the mind. The mind of the believer will not be established in truth, righteousness, and peace if they do not understand the principles which govern the “mind of Christ.” The motives and attitudes of those who are “spiritually minded” will always be in harmony with Christ.

The mind of the believer which has not been fully renewed in the “spirit of the mind” will continue to remain bound in spiritual darkness in some areas of their lives. Until the Light of the Word of God intervenes and prevails over all chambers of the mind, darkness will play havoc in the believer’s life. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, and will steal our peace if we are not rooted and grounded in faith.

As Christians we “have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16). When we received Christ as our Lord and Savior, we also received the “mind of Christ.” We have the potential to become “spiritually minded” because the mind of Christ now dwells within our hearts. Unfortunately, if we do not become renewed in the “spirit of our minds,” our understanding of spiritual matters will remain unfruitful. The potential to fall into temptation and sin will continue to remain with people until their thoughts become Christ centered and they become completely “transformed into the image of Christ.”



Our spiritual mind is renewed through the process of “revelation.” We become united with Christ through the power of “revelation knowledge.” The Living Word (Jesus) brings “new life” to our spirit when we accept Christ and become born again as we acknowledge and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. As we study God’s Word and seek His presence, we will become enlightened, renewed, and refreshed in the “spirit of our minds.”

The word “revelation” comes from a Greek word which means “an unveiling or uncovering.” The Apostle Paul prayed for the Church at Ephesus to receive the “Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation” in the knowledge of Christ. We are changed from glory to glory through the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation as the “divine nature of Christ” is revealed in us. We are transformed into the “image of Christ” as we seek to be FILLED with Christ.

Revelation Knowledge is more than just facts and information. It is Holy Spirit breathed and received by those who diligently seek to be filled with the “divine nature.” Revelation Knowledge is a tangible force which comes into our spirit, soul, and mind in order to replace all the inequities and impurities which are found in the carnal mind. Our understanding of God’s Word comes by the Spirit of Revelation. The ability to understand the Word of God and how we can walk in the “power of His resurrection” is revealed to us by the Spirit of Revelation.

The Spirit of Revelation gives us the wisdom which empowers us to interpret the Word of God accurately with clarity and understanding. Godly understanding and wisdom always comes through the process of “revelation.” The “Spirit of Revelation” will always lead and guide us into all truth.



For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans, ch. 8, vs. 5-6.

Christians will continue to remain carnally minded if they fail to renew their minds to the truth. Carnal Christianity is a problem in many churches. Carnal mindsets always war against the Spirit of God. People can be born again, but the carnal mindsets which ruled their lives before they became saved will continue to plague them until they become renewed in the “spirit of their minds.”

We reverse the curse of being carnally minded when we become transformed into the “divine image of Christ.” We transform our thoughts and change our motives and attitudes by submitting to the authority of God’s Word as we earnestly seek to be clothed in the “divine nature.”

But we all with unveiled face, beholding as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians, ch. 3, vs. 18.

Being transformed into the image of Christ is a continuous and ongoing process. It is a process which involves pursuing the “divine nature” until we are FILLED with His Spirit. However, we must do more than just be “filled” with His Spirit. There must be an overflow of His Spirit out of our innermost being so we can reach those around us. When we become FILLED with His “divine nature,” we will desire to reach out to others so they too can be FILLED with the Spirit.

The Bible tells us to “study to show ourselves approved of God, a worker who will not be ashamed, by rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). Studying the Bible, meditating on the Word of God, and seeking to continuously dwell in His presence will transform the believer into the image of Christ.

The veil which separates the carnal mind from the “spiritual mind” is removed when we continuously seek to be clothed with the “divine nature of Christ.” When we focus on Christ, and Christ alone, we will be changed from glory to glory. We will change carnal mindsets and become spiritually minded as we pursue the “divine nature” into the realm of Christ--awareness. Our spiritual eyes will be open to see the Glory of God being manifested wherever we go and in everything we do and say.



When we are born again we become new creations in Christ. New Life is then imparted to us by the Spirit of Christ. (Romans 8:9). We are changed from death unto life the moment we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. We are freed from the bondage of the Law of Sin and Death because we have been infused with the “divine nature of Christ.” However, just because we have been born again does not mean we are instantly FILLED with His “divine nature.” Our minds must be transformed to think like Christ. When we become Christ–like we will walk in the fullness of the “new creation” which has been given to us through His “divine nature.”

Until we are renewed in the “spirit of the mind,” the carnal mind will continue to dictate and direct our lives. If we do not change the way we think we will remain carnally minded. If we are going to walk in the “freedom of Christ, we must “cast down all thoughts, desires and images which exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.” When we have cast down all thoughts which exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, we must replace them. They must be replaced with thoughts, desires, motives, and attitudes which govern the “divine nature” which has been imparted to us by Christ.

When we become born again, it is our responsibility to pursue the “things of God.” We need the “things of God” in order for us to become faithful and productive citizens of the Kingdom of God. We are not called to become socially active, but spiritually proactive members of the Kingdom. Many churches today are filled with so called Christians who are socially active but have failed to put on the “divine nature of Christ.” The only thing which they will succeed at is becoming social activists in a world which is in need of “spiritual deliverance and direction.”

People with socialistic tendencies “tend” to be more socially and politically focused than spiritually and heavenly focused. There is nothing wrong with being “political activists” if God has called us to be “politically active.” However, politics should not be our main focus. True Christian politicians will confess their main focus is Christ and His plan and purpose for their lives. Whatever we are called to accomplish on this Earth, we must never lose our focus on Christ and His heavenly purpose in what we do.

As Christians OUR opinions are irrelevant. The Word of God is not up for a vote. God says what He means and means what He says. Our political affiliations should always be bipartisan. ALL Christians should be voting the same way using scripture and not reason as their conscience.

God is not the “author of confusion.” He will not have one person vote one way and someone else another way. When political and social ideologies clash in the Church it is because someone is not listening to God, but are being led by their own selfish desires, motives, and attitudes. “How can two walk together in unity if they are not in agreement?” Division among His people is never acceptable in the eyes of God.



The “renewed mind” will take us to places in Christ which we never dreamed or imagined were possible. The renewed mind will set us free from the carnal mindsets which once ruled our hearts and minds. It will take us on a journey of faith which says “with God all things are possible.”

When the carnal mind has been replaced with the “divine nature of Christ,” we will see the world and people differently. We will be able to see through the eyes of Christ rather than the eyes of the carnal minded. We will be transformed into the “express image of Christ” which will enable us to serve God without hesitation and fulfill His plan and purpose for each of our lives.

If our minds have not been transformed and established in truth and righteousness, the plan and purpose of God for our lives will be elusive. We will be unable to understand how the Kingdom of God is suppose to affect and change our lives in order to become “vessels of honor.” When we understand how the Kingdom of God in us influences those around us and those we come in contact with, we will desire to be FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ.”