Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. Hebrews, ch. 12, vs. 2- 3.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the WORD which became flesh and dwelt among men. (John 1:4). He is the “alpha” and the “omega.” He is the “beginning” and the “end.” (Revelation 22:13). Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 5:17). Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is a well of Living Water which springs up into eternal life. Jesus is the Lamb of God who was sacrificed to redeem mankind from their sins. Without Christ men will remain dead in their trespasses and sins.

We could go on and on talking about who Jesus is and the things He accomplished. Above everything, Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of our lives. As Christians we were bought with a price, the Life and Blood of Jesus, and we belong to Him. Christ is our Lord. He is also our Savior and Redeemer. Without Christ we are nothing. Without Christ we have no real purpose in life. Without Christ we are left without godly understanding and wisdom. Without Christ our lives will be in vain.

For Christians Jesus is everything. He is our light, our rest, our peace, our friend, our hope, our advocate, our brother, and our wisdom. Jesus is the “Rock of our Salvation” and the Way, the Truth and Life.

Jesus is the reason for living when everything in life seems to fail. Without Christ life would not be worth living. Jesus has given us everything we need in order to live abundantly through faith in His Word. In Christ we have everything we need. In Christ we live and move and have our being.



As His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter, ch. 1, vs. 3-4

Through God’s “divine power” He has given us all things which pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Christ. God has given us many great and precious promises in His Word. We become partakers of the “divine nature of Christ” through these promises.

Peter went on to tell us to be diligent about adding to our faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. Peter said if these things abound in us we will never be barren nor unfruitful in the “knowledge of Christ. (2 Peter 1:5-8).

If we are clothed in the “divine nature” of Christ, we will possess all the things we need which pertain to “life and godliness.” Christ purged us from our sins and the lusts which pervade the carnal spirit of mankind when we accepted Him as Lord and Savior.

Many Christians have preconceived ideas concerning the “divine nature of Christ.” Many do not understand the value of all God has given to us in Christ. They fail to surrender their all to Christ in order that Christ can give His all to them. Many Christians fail to walk in the fullness of Christ because they lack understanding and the truth concerning the “divine nature” and its purpose and value for our lives.

When we are lacking the fullness of Christ, we will be lacking godly wisdom as well as the FULLNESS of His “divine power.” When we lack the fullness of Christ, we will lack spiritual understanding and discernment as well as good judgment. Therefore, we will be unable to stand in faith against the power of the enemy when he comes to attack. When we lack the fullness of Christ, our worship and reasonable service to God is hindered.

When we are filled with the “divine nature,” we will stand victorious over all the works of the enemy. When we have completely died to self, the plan and purpose of God will prevail in our lives and we will be able to defeat the enemy in every area of our lives. When our will has been completely merged with the will of Christ, we will be able to do the “works of Christ.” (John 14:12). When we are filled with the “divine nature,” we will be able to complete the task God has placed before us.



When I was a young Associate Pastor at a church in Maryville, Tennessee, a visiting minister preached a message entitled “Living Below our Potential.” I never forgot that message and the impact which it had on me. Many Christians do not realize how much potential they possess through the power of Christ residing within them.

ALL Christians have the potential to do the “works of Christ.” We have been given the “power” to tread upon serpents and scorpions. We ALL have the potential to set captives free from the grasp of demonic depression and oppression. What we do with the power and ability God has given us is what defines us as powerful Christians or as Christians who lack faith and spiritual understanding.

Christians today have the same potential to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and perform all the works which Christ did here on Earth. By faith we are given the power to “tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the works of the enemy.” (Luke 10:19).

We HAVE been given the authority to “rule and reign” with Christ in this life. Christians who walk in the Spirit have more power than the devil, however, many of them DO NOT KNOW THAT. Many Christians have been taught a watered down gospel full of devilish fables as the devil himself absconds the truth and turns it into lies. (Read Romans 1:18-32). Satan is constantly and continually trying to destroy the souls of men and women through manipulation and control.

Deception is one of our greatest enemies. Deception can and will impede and hinder our God given potential if we do not possess godly wisdom and understanding. The enemy convinces Christians they cannot perform the works of Christ because they DO NOT have the faith to do them. They do not believe Christ who said “The works I do you will also do.” Many choose to believe the enemy who comes to steal their spiritual focus and faith through the power of deception. Deception keeps Christians from realizing their full potential in Christ. We MUST believe we are able do what Jesus said we can do.

It was the power of deception which kept the Children of Israel from entering into the PROMISED LAND. God GAVE them a promise, but they BELIEVED the report of the fearful, faithless spies who came back with a negative report instead of the “good,” faith-filled report of Joshua and Caleb. Many of their carcasses fell in Wilderness because of their unbelief.

Deception keeps God’s people from reaching their full potential in Christ. Deception keeps people from being FILLED with the fullness of the “divine nature.” Deception rules and reigns in the hearts and minds of men and women who are afraid to step out in faith and proclaim victory over “all the works of the enemy.”



So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. Isaiah, ch. 59, vs. 19.

A “standard” is a flag or emblem which is lifted up on a pole representing certain principles or ideals such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Standards are symbols of unity and dignity. A standard can also be a rallying point during chaos in battle. A standard is also a rallying point for citizens of a country who are unified together in their quest for solidarity and freedom.

Christ is our STANDARD. His “divine nature” represents the standards by which we are to live as Christians. We should lift up Christ daily as we rally around the “standards” found in the “divine nature.” We will become Christ--like in nature when we are FILLED with His FULLNESS.

Jesus said “If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me.” (John 12:32). We must conform to the standards of the Christ-like nature if we are going to be like Christ. Jesus said, “We cannot be His disciples unless we deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow after Him.” (Luke 9:23). We are not worthy to be called His if we are not willing to lay down our life for Christ.

Like a standard in battle, the cross became a rallying place for people lost in their sins. The cross of Christ is a place where people who find themselves engulfed in turmoil and chaos can find hope. The cross of Christ is a place where men and women rally together and become unified in their quest for spiritual freedom; a place where all can see Christ lifted up as their Savior and Deliverer. The cross is a place where pain, suffering, and godly sorrow meet the love, grace and mercy of God.

If we are not seeking the “divine nature,” and the “divine nature” is not the desire of our hearts, we are missing out on the greatest treasures which exist. If a person is interested in finding gold, he must take the initiative to seek and dig for it “where” it can be found. Gold will never jump out of a gold mine and say, “Here I am take me!”

There is a “gold mine” in every believer’s heart where the “divine nature” is hidden. God is looking for people who will devote themselves to diligently seek for the treasures He has planted within their hearts. If we desire to be FILLED with the “divine nature,” we must pursue the doctrines, principles and concepts which will help us attain that which most Christians believe is unattainable.

There were many who travelled to the gold fields in California who did not have the staying power it took to “find the gold they were seeking.” Many became discouraged and went home penniless. Many sought gold in “all the wrong places.” If we are going to find the true riches found only in the “divine nature of Christ,” we must be determined and fervent in our search.

If we desire to be filled with the “divine nature,” we must seek to be FILLED with the “person of Christ” who dwells richly in our hearts. When our heart overflows with the riches of the “divine nature,” we will have found the “hope of glory” all men should be seeking. When we seek Him with our whole heart, we SHALL find Him. (Jeremiah 29:13).