Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 2 Corinthians, ch. 4, vs. 6-7.

The LIGHT of the “knowledge” of the glory of Jesus Christ is the treasure which dwells within our hearts (earthen vessels). Light speaks of understanding. As Christians we understand that the glory of God dwells within us richly because we have become vessels of the “divine nature of Christ.”

We saw in Chapter 23 that many Christians are living far below the potential they have been given in Christ Jesus. This is because the “Spirit of Deception” has entered into the hearts of Christian leaders and shepherds who are more interested in making “sheeple,” than making “disciples.” Granted, there are many shepherds who do care about their congregations. However, there are many more shepherds who are totally unaware themselves of HOW to or desire to “make disciples” of their congregations.

Every congregation should be FILLED with people who are FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ.” As Christians, our “earthen vessels” are ordained to be “vessels of honor” which are sanctified, prepared, and “set apart” for the Master’s use. (2 Timothy 2:21). If we are not allowing the Master to use us we cannot be called “vessels of honor.”

There is a NEW GOLD RUSH coming. It will be a rush for the true treasures which are found in only the “divine nature of Christ.” When Christians come to the realization of how much more is available to them than what they have been led to believe, there will be a RUSH for the TRUE GOLD which is found only in the “divine nature.”



For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers; and turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Timothy, ch. 4, vs. 3-4.

The people who FLOCKED to the Gold Fields of California in the Nineteenth Century were known as the “Forty-Niners” because the greatest influx of people went there during the year 1849. These gold miners were also known as “Argonauts.” The term “Argonauts” was a term used in the Greek Fable about the “Golden Fleece.”

The fable of the Golden Fleece has many similarities to Bible references regarding Jesus, kingship and authority. Although similar to Bible teachings, the story is just a fable and not to be used in teaching Bible truths. It can, however, be used to warn Christians about “fables” which are being taught in many churches today.

In Greek Mythology the Golden Fleece was a story about the golden hair of a “winged ram.” The fleece was a symbol of authority and kingship. According to the fable, Jason, who is the rightful king and heir to the Throne of Greece, sets out on a quest with his “Argonauts” to find and capture the “Golden Fleece.” His men are named “Argonauts” after their ship “Argo” which was named after the Constellation “Argo.” The fable has many similarities to stores in the Bible, including a “serpent” which guards the “Golden Fleece.”

Today many Christians are being “fleeced” by Church leaders who preach cunning fables that deceive Christians and lead people into a false sense of morality and security. They teach that everything is lawful to Christians because Christ paid the penalty for their sins. They do not possess true kingship and authority, but rely on the cunning and craftiness of false teachers to tell them what they desire to hear. (2 Peter 1:16).

The Bible tells us we are “kings and priests” unto God which have been set aside for the “work of the ministry” as we rule and reign with Christ here on Earth. (Revelation 5:10). Kingship and authority have been given to the Church, but they come through a lifestyle of submission, humility, and holiness. The “divine nature” is received by using “divine diligence” in pursing the “fullness of Christ.”

Many people who “flocked” to California during the “Gold Rush” were fleeced by crooked entrepreneurs and salesmen who charged exorbitant prices for tools, food, pack mules and other supplies which they needed in their search for gold. Many of the supplies they bought were substandard which did not hold up well in the “fields” where they worked. Today many “entrepreneurial” Church Leaders continue to fleece their congregations (sheep) teaching them cunning fables which leave them with nothing more than a form of godliness void of power.



“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John, ch. 7, vs. 37-38.

Panning for gold in rivers and streams is one way which miners searched for gold. Many “gold nuggets” were found in streams and rivers in the gold fields of California. The best place to find gold in rivers and streams is to search in a place where gold has previously been found. Panning for gold, of course, is much easier than digging for gold or trying to extract it from a gold mine.

Gold nuggets are commonly found in streams and riverbeds near gold mines. These deposits of gold are called “placer gold.” When people are panning for gold, they are panning for “placer gold.” Placer gold is gold which has been removed from its original location and “placed” in an area by wind, water, gravity or some other natural force.

If we are going to search diligently for the true riches (the divine nature) we must look in the “only place” the gold (placer gold) can be found. The true riches are “placed” or found only in “Living Water (Christ).”

The “divine gold (nature of Christ)” is found in LIVING WATER. “Living Water” speaks of the Holy Spirit. When we are FILLED with the “divine nature,” we will be filled to overflowing with “Living Water.” “Living Water” will flow out of our inner most being to give a drink to those around us who are spiritually thirsty and dry.

Through Christ (the Word), the Church is sanctified and cleansed by the washing of the “Water of the Word.” The Church becomes a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle through the “washing of the water by the Word.” (Ephesians 5:25-27). The “divine nature of Christ” is found in the “River of God” which flows from the Throne of His Mercy and Grace.

Jesus said those who “hungered and thirsted for righteousness would be FILLED with His righteousness.” Not many Christians today are hungering and thirsting for righteousness. That is why so many Christians are not FILLED with His righteousness today. Every Christian should desire to be FILLED with the righteousness of God.

The Lord is always faithful to give “Living Water” to those who are spiritually thirsty. Not many people today have a thirst for “Living Water,” thus they will die in their sins. The scripture tells us that if we drink of the “Living Water,” we will never thirst again. In the believer “Living Water” becomes a fountain which springs up into eternal life. (John 4:14).



Several years ago I was attending a Ministers meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. There were approximately 50 Pastors, Evangelists and other Church Leaders from the Atlanta area who were in attendance at the meeting. The keynote speaker at the meeting was a Minister who was giving a report regarding a great Outpouring of Revival he was currently involved in which had recently broken out in Florida.

The Minister asked the ministers who were attending the meeting if they wanted the same anointing which was being poured out in Florida. Suddenly, every preacher in the building RUSHED to the Altar. I had never seen a hunger and thirst for more of Jesus among ministers in my life.

When people truly hunger and thirst for more of Jesus, they will do anything and everything they can to be FILLED with His Spirit. A “rush for the gold” is a rush for the “divine nature of Christ.”

Over the years I have preached in many churches. In some churches when I gave an altar call, many people would rush to the Altar and ask for prayer. In other churches not many, if any, would come forward to receive a touch from God. Only those who truly hunger and thirst for righteousness will become FILLED with Christ.



And they shall make an ark of acacia wood; two and a half cubits shall be its length, a cubit a half shall be its width, a cubit and s half its height. And you shall overlay it with gold, inside and out you shall overlay it, and shall make on it a molding of gold all around. Exodus, ch. 25, vs. 10-11.

The Ark of the Covenant was a type and shadow of man. The Ark was made of wood which is prophetic of man. The Ark was overlaid in gold which was prophetic of the “divine nature of Christ.” Everything which was made of wood in the Temple was overlaid with gold as a representation of man being FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ.” The Bible tells us we are the “Temple of the Holy Spirit.”

Gold dust is fine particles of gold which has been created naturally or by machinery. Gold dust in its natural form is usually found in rivers and streams in the same way gold nuggets are discovered. It is found by “panning for gold.” Searching for gold nuggets or gold dust is still done the same way today as it was during the “Gold Rush” days.

For many years “gold dust” has been appearing or falling on people in many church services and meetings where the Holy Spirit is being “poured out.” For some this is a controversial phenomenon, and the concept is rejected by many Christian leaders. I have found that over the years many Christians are critical of things they have never seen, experienced and/or do not understand. For some, ignorance can become a breeding ground for fear, contempt, lies, and accusation.

My wife and I have both seen the gold dust fall upon people in meetings and even in our home. A Pastor friend of mine gathered some “gold dust” from a Revival Meeting several years ago and continues to carry it in a small plastic pouch in his Bible today.

A couple of years ago I and some other ministers were praying on top of a mountain in North Carolina. As we came down off the mountain I looked down at my feet and saw “gold dust” covering my shoes and the bottom part of my pant legs. I showed the gold dust to the other ministers who had been praying with me on the mountain. One of the ministers with us told me that gold dust had occasionally fallen on others upon the mountain as they prayed.

One of the ministers in the group asked me what the gold dust meant. I told the ministers “gold” was prophetic of the “divine nature of Christ.” During our prayer time on the mountain we had been visited by the Holy Spirit, and He had left His “calling card.” Gold dust is one of the “calling cards” the Holy Spirit will leave at times in meetings.

All the “gold dust” I have seen fall from “heavenly places” fell upon people (wood) and not objects. As Christians we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and “ARKS or bearers of His Covenant.” “Gold dust” can be found many times where the River of God is allowed to flow freely in meetings where two or more are gathered together in the Name of Jesus.

Jesus said, “wherever two or more are gathered together in My Name I will be in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20). When Jesus is in our midst, many times He will leave a special “calling card.” His calling card may be a “word of prophecy,” a “divine healing,” “gold dust” or something else with His “NAME” upon it. (Matthew 18:20). The Lord takes pleasure in leaving His “calling card” when and where people are anxious to hear from Him.

The “New Gold Rush” is a rush to find the true riches which are hidden in Christ and can and will only be found in “His divine nature.” The “New Gold” is the righteousness of Christ which is available to “whosoever will come, let him come and drink of the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:17). The “New Gold” is found only in Christ Jesus and in the River which flows from the Throne of God. (Revelation 22:1).