Quotes And Tales by Okechukwu Okereke - HTML preview

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For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it to bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.Isaiah 55:10-11

This tale is about God and his people Israel. God speaks through the prophet Isaiah trying to call them closer to himself and he makes this profound promise that is meant also for every one of us, even today.

God decides to tell us how his word works and starts with a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds usually with the use of ‘like’ or ‘as’. [Advanced English Dictionary]

God uses a simile to draw comparison between his word and the rain and snow. That means the way you see God describe the rain and the snow is the same way that his word works.


When it rains, it comes from up to down. The rain does not stop half way in the atmosphere and not touch the ground, it comes down to the earth. The rain does not start and get stuck in the atmosphere, it comes down to water the earth.

God is trying to say to you that his word concerning your life will not be kept hanging in the atmosphere of expectation, it will come down (cometh down) to manifestation. The intention of the devil for you is that your expectation will linger for ever, to hold back the answer to your prayers; but God’s word for you today is that no matter what the devil does, his word for you ‘cometh down’ to manifestation. When Daniel prayed while under the Persian rule, God sent an answer, but the prince of Persia (a demon spirit) resisted his answer for 21 days. However, because every word of God ‘cometh down’ God sent reinforcements by the hand of Michael, the arch angel. Daniel got his answer delivered to him. I pray that any power resisting your answer, expectation, miracle, destiny, etc. will be overwhelmed by angelic reinforcements and assistance to your life, which will bring down your answer, in Jesus name.


The bible says that the snow comes from heaven, and of course down to the earth. The same way, every word of God comes from heaven.

First of all, you understand that heaven is above the earth and scripture says that he that is from above is above all.

“He that cometh from above is above all:  he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth:  he that cometh from heaven is above all.” John 3:31

That means every word of God is already above everything challenging your life. Every word of God comes from above to rule over any earthly circumstance in your life, which is contrary to the will of God. God’s word concerning your life is over and above any challenge, opposition, difficulties, etc. that you are going through. Magnify God’s over that situation and see the word come to manifestation.

You may be pondering at this moment, on a sickness that has ailed you for long; but there is word from God that is above that disease: it says,

“…and with his stripes we are healed.Isaiah 53:9.

Also 1Peter 2:24,

“…by whose stripes ye were healed.”

Magnify God’s word and it will create the world you expect. Hebrews 11:3 says,

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God

You may have gotten worried in your search for answers to a wall of opposition, a circumstance that has stalled or marred your business, career, family, joy, peace, academics, ministry, spiritual growth etc. but there is a word of God above that niggling circumstance: it says,

The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee… in all that thou settest thine hand unto;” Deuteronomy 28:8

Embrace God’s word and you’ll find grace to help in the areas of you are in need.

Again, heaven is God’s dwelling place, free from the earth’s corruption and with an environment full of the supernatural experiences. So, the word of God that comes from heaven does not come to patronize your earthly experiences, it comes to with the environment and experiences of heaven to prevail over the affairs of your life. So by the word of God you have angelic assistance because angels live in heaven from where the word comes from. By the word of God you have divine intervention, because divinity resides in heaven from where the word proceeds from. By the word of God you have miracles and supernatural occurences because those embody the atmosphere that the brings with it. I pray today that you will receive heavenly and supernatural experiences by the word of God you are hearing today, in Jesus name!


The word of God once it has gone out does not return to God at all. It remains in the domain of man to produce and to prosper in the area it is sent to. It remains so as to establish and sustain what it has started. It remains to ensure that whatever God has began by speaking a word, he completes until the very last day when Jesus comes to take us home. Paul told the church in Philippi,

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Philippians 1:6.

Every good work of God is began by the word of God, and it returneth not thither so that God can perform it until the day of Christ Jesus. This shows me that whatever good thing God brings to my life, he does not intend that it will happen for a season, he brings it so it can become my continuous experience. So the breakthrough, the favour, protection, the blessings etc that God has ever brought my way, they are to become my continuous experience. The word that created them returneth not thither. The Holy Spirit speaking through Solomon says,

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever:  nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it:  and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.” Ecclesiastes 3:14

Thus, the word of God does not give up on you when it has been sent to you. Even if the enemy has stolen the word meant for you, the day you become aware of the word and begin to appropriate it, the word will return and manifest in your life. By this, even when the word of God is not fulfilled in your time for whatever reason, the word is handed down to your children to benefit from it. It will not come to them as a promise to fight for, it will come to them as an inheritance to walk into. See the following scriptures:

Every place whereon the  soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours…” Deuteronomy 11:24.

Every place that the sole of your feet shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.” Joshua 1:3.

Notice that in the two scriptures above, God made the same promise to both Moses and Joshua. God had made that promise to Moses but it was not completely fulfilled because Moses did not lead the Israel into Canaan, nor did he embark on much land conquests with Israel. And because the word ‘returneth not thither’ the promise was made again to Joshua so that the word can prosper in the thing in which it was sent.

And if you look closer you will notice that the manner in which the second promise came is different from how the first came. In the first promise God said to Moses that any place that your feet treads on ‘shall be yours’. And to Joshua the promise is that anyplace that the soles of your feet shall tread on ‘that have I given unto you’. For Moses it was a promise waiting to be fulfilled, but for the Joshua it was reality already settled waiting for him to arrive. For the first generation it was expectation, but when it came to the later generation it came as an inheritance already given that they only need to walk into. Thus, the Word of God does not retire; when the fathers miss it, the children will receive it as an inevitable inritance.


The earth is the realm of man. The word of God comes from above with one mission, to refresh your environment – home, career, business etc.

Notice that when you water the earth it becomes soft making it easy for the land to be tilled. The word of God comes to make the difficult things of life easy for you. It gives you a miracle when you’ve lost hope, energy when you are weak, ideas when you lack strategy, connection when the doors are shut in your face, help when you are in need; and so much more. It makes life softer and not harder for you. The Lord Jesus, being the manifest word of God, says that he is not sent to condemn the word but to save it (John 3:17). In other words, he is not sent to make your matter worse but to give you a solution. The word is sent to refresh you and not to depress you.

Note also that when the earth is watered it becomes more productive. So the word of God comes to expand your productivity. It comes to you so you can profit in destiny. Every word from God that you hear, has the innate capacity to increase your output. I pray that the word you are reading now, will bring increase on every side to you, in Jesus name.


The word of God does not just water and soften the ground, it also acts as a reactor to trigger harvest. There are grounds (destinies) that are barren, may be by reason of natural circumstances (things that can be seen, understood and explained); or by supernatural circumstances (e.g. curses). However, when the word of God comes to water a life, it ‘maketh’ that life; it rearranges that life to begin to produce after the word. It forces down every other thing contrary to it in order to make that life produce fruit. Thus, the word brings down anything that will not allow your destiny produce the evidence that will bring glory to God and when that is done, it makes/creates the evidence/reality that you need.

The word of God is a maker and a creator:

John 1:1,3, “In the beginning was the word, and … All things were MADE by him…

The Word of God is a creator:

Hebrews 11:3, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were FRAMED (created) by the word of God…

So the assignment of the word of God is to make and create what is missing in your life, to bring your dream to reality and give results to your efforts.

I reckon that when the word MAKE is used the maker exerts authority over the made/product. He is at liberty to decide how to make the product. The maker has supreme authority over the made/product. When the word of God ‘maketh’ you it arrives with supreme authority to rule over everything and not to be subject to the circumstances around your life. It comes with authority to subdue everything contrary to the word sent into your life.

Also when we talk about making, the maker will readily remove or take out anything that will hinder his desired result. In the same way when the word is making, it arrives with power to remove and vanquish anything that hinders the glory that God wants to bring out from your life. When the word comes to make you it gives no room for the expression of any negative or satanic will. It imposes the will of God leaving no room for satanic expressions. I pray that the word you are reading today will trample every obstacle to the manifestation of the glory of God in your life.

Finally, when you are making, there is already a picture of the finished product in your mind. When you allow the word to make you, it takes you to a predestined future that the word brings with it. Every word God sends to you has a pre-planned destination it is packaged with to deliver you to.


This is a simple summation of what God wants to achieve with his word in your life.

First, you will notice that the seed is valuable to the sower while the bread is valuable to the eater. So, the ground that has been watered by the word of God gives to each person what is valuable to him. That is the intention of God concerning the ground of your destiny. God desires to make you through his word, a person who is constantly giving value to his generation; to each person what he needs per time. The word of God comes to make you a carrier and giver of value. I pray that every word of God you have heard will push out every value locked up inside you, in Jesus name.

Notice that the sower and the eater are two different persons with different kinds of needs, yet the same ground supplies both needs at the same time. The intention of the word of God is to make you a solution to varying needs at the same time. To make you competent at varying fronts at the same time, to make you succeed at the various points of life.

Finally, just as seed and bread are both products of the ground, the word of God comes to give the ground of your destiny results for your efforts.


The intention of God when giving Israel that scripture through the Prophet Isaiah, was to show them that the reason he sends his word often is so we can profit from it if we believe.

God wants you to see the enormous benefits that can come from his word if only we believe. Jesus says that if we only can believe what God has said then we will see the glory of God and nothing will be impossible for us [John 11:40 & Matthew 17:20].

God wants you to stretch your faith, believe every word from him, and doubt nothing that he has said. Solomon said, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” Proverbs 3:5-6.

Believing is the gateway to Receiving!



 The word of God is sent to refresh you and not to depress you.

 The word of God comes with the environment and experiences of heaven to prevail over the affairs of your life.



Every word from God that you hear, has the innate capacity to increase your output.