Quotes And Tales by Okechukwu Okereke - HTML preview

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“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31


Before this verse of the scripture the prophet Isaiah had been declaring, by the inspiration of God’s Spirit, the greatness of God; the great and mighty things that God can make happen. Suddenly, the prophet turns towards men. The first set of men he spoke about are the category of men who rely entirely on their ability and will eventually fail; while the second group is the group we are interested in.

The group consists of those who are not controlled by their environment nor circumstances surrounding their lives. The environment is subject to their will and decision. The bible introduces this set of men with the word ‘But’. That means contrary to what happened to others in the previous verse, something different is about to be said about these people. They may be in the same bad economic state of a country yet they are financially buoyant; in the same location where nothing works for others, yet they are expanding output without limits; in the same business like others, but with extra-ordinary profit margins; the same environmental challenges with others, but having more outstanding results. The bible shows clearly that uncommon occurrences, supernatural surprises and extra-ordinary experiences are the attendant features of this set of people. Now, it is common knowledge that when people run they will naturally get weary; when someone has walked a very long distance, e.g. in a desert, he may eventually faint if he finds no water. And, it is not normal for birds to soar on strong winds to such heights as the eagle; only the eagle, king among birds, can do that. That is simply saying that these people transcend the ordinary to live in the extra-ordinary; they mock the natural by their supernatural results and their lives are positively beyond the norms of the time. That, I can really relate with, as true GREATNESS. I believe that Greatness is living above your limitations and generating output not common with your time. If what you are doing is common to every other person then there may be nothing really great about it. But great people do the ordinary, extra-ordinarily. However, the greatness that will truly last is that which is founded on the Great God; for it takes the Great God to forge a Great man:

“So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord.” 2Chron. 27:6

One thing is dominant in the attitude of these people that Isaiah the Prophet spoke about; they know how to absorb the greatness of God by learning how to WAIT in FAITH. When you consider the varying meanings of the word ‘wait’ and the differing renditions of that scripture by the various bible translations available, you would find the following implications:

Wait means:

1. To remain inactive or in a state of repose, until something expected happens – These kind of persons will do nothing without consulting God. God’s mind must be sought before they proceed on any venture. The mastery of this skill was the strong pillar of David’s greatness; and the lack of it was Saul’s demise. Little wonder Moses would say to God:

“If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence” Ex. 33:15.

Moses would prefer to be inactive or in a state of repose until the expected presence of God arrives. Today, Moses, who single-handedly broke the slave culture of Egypt and brought Israel out to be a great nation, is one of the greatest men that ever lived. Heaven, Israel, history and even Egypt will always salute his courage; but that came because he mastered how to wait on the Lord.

2. To be available or in readiness – These set of persons are constantly available when required by God. They are not only available, they are equally ready to follow God’s directive to the letter. They are not only available but also ready to be used of God. And a man used of God is a man useful to his generation.

3. To remain neglected for a time – This sounds hard! But these persons are ready to be neglected and to neglect their personal desires, passion, agenda, and goals just to see that God’s will is done. The words of Paul: “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” Phil. 3:7; is succinct, clear and captures the true passion of a man who waits on God.

4. To postpone or delay something – These men are ready to go through momentary delays with God for their time of full manifestation. Besides, waiting on God is not wasting in grudge. God will certainly show up for those who wait on him. The bible urges:

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Heb. 6:12.

Faith will become ineffective in the absence of patience. Patience is the sickle in the hand of Faith that reaps the promises of God. In other words, it is patient faith that reaps the promises of God. Those who hope on God are patient with God.

5. To look forward to eagerly – This is simply hope and trust. So many other versions of the bible render that scripture as

“...those that hope on the Lord...” or “...those that trust in God...”

That means these persons put their entire hope and trust in God. Their eyes are constantly on the Lord. Will God ever disappoint anyone who puts his or her trust on Him? No way. That kind of person by trusting God has signed in for great things; and will be established in greatness.

“They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed but abideth forever.”

What more can we say; the bible does not mince words about the uncommon that are possible with you when you wait on God. Always know that your wait is a way to receive greatness from a great God.



Patience is the sickle in the hand of Faith that reaps the promises of God.


It takes the Great God to forge a Great man.