Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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As we reach the physical part, when the problems are not

resolved at the individual's psychic, the situation tends to spread

more and more, with an increasing manifestation of the Spirit in

the hope to reach the consciousness of being for what is going on in

the psyche. As in many case will be ignoring the states and other

organs are being affected.

When a person continues to tend to ignore the body language, i get

the pains, the body's warning sign for this organ that is


If you continue to ignore the negative energy is going to break the

weaker side of the organ.

Or the patient there will have to go the knife in many cases. But

that you will never solve the case nor with the drugs can do, are

only to remedy the situation.

Very well, healing matter who it hurts, patients can do so must be

used since the beginning of the situation does not depend on others,

whether they are of no medical value to drive them from their due.

And when people live unconscious of them, do have to resort to

such a science is that for this purpose was discovered.

Or other such mediums, healers of the same class, visionaries or

charlatans who in most cases have no scruples, if that are what I


José Cruz

Because none of them will be able to heal in some cases nothing

more than treat. Because as the problem began in the mind and the

same is linked to the consciousness, the latter in direct contact with

Spirit. It is from there so that any cure will have to start.

How do you do!

You'll have to return to his childhood.

The path is closer to go right to the child that does not exist in the

most secret of his being, and re-hear it and feel it coming back this

way to build close ties with it.

Because it may now have forgotten that led to the disease, as is

increasingly interacting with it, it then begins to recognize it, and

so back to soft and soft to give you confidence.

From this interface you can ask why the disease that hit and how

to solve.

She just listen to it sometimes takes a little time to respond, because

she understands that you are not yet ready to solve the problem. In

short it is the desire you to suffer a bit more not to return to the

same happen to you.

When it manifest in one form or another for the first time, you can

give thanks to Heaven, but because you began to hear your inner

voice, again as a kid. From that moment everything will be turning

in his life to take you to your desired self-healing for zero prices.

For this process strongly advise you to do meditation, passive or

active, that best fit each one.

Later on, I will explain how you can also make the trip.

Thank you.


Reunion Of Light