These techniques are called so because they belong to the
physical, whether passive or active end is always the same, out of
mind, the physical.
The active meditations can be certain of the most developed forms
or ordinances, as I said earlier is only necessary for its perfect
execution be wary of everything that makes up the smallest detail
in your life, just feeling like an observer and nothing more, I say no
more, Felt.
These meditations can be practiced, for example when walking.
The person must be the most aware of the way he walks, at every
step feel every movement that your body does to do, when you put
your foot on the ground feel the pressure that makes it against the
ground, feel the lifting of the foot behind us and the whole
movement of the knees and the entire leg, with the starting time
will unconsciously give attention to how you breathe, later
consciously evolving to give that part too.
Feel all synchronization in every movement you do, develop this
practice, always consciously, either when you are walking, driving,
eating, bathing, talking, listening, work, etc.
Do everything done as well but make a good professional. Feel this
way so that it is the Consciousness rises higher and higher.
José Cruz
When a person has a certain profession and determined to keep
have to be responsible for as much as possible going to increasingly
perfected in their execution, so that will not lose to another that
performs better than him.
For this she always equips the most out of your consciousness in
every detail, is awake.
Assuming that this was the profession that you chose this person
feel happy to play, reaching the end of the day without showing
This is where the good people leave the area in which it is, for older
people physically and to walk you looking for feel better about
Do the meditation of the dance the same way, Conscious of every
movement of your body during the dance, is one of the strongest
ways to meditate there, because you need to dance music, the music
and not the courts the verses of a song, because is captured by the
Only music that your vibration in the physical body does move more
the person we just have to go with the vibe and taste of music
without fear, but always keeping aware, and increasingly his every
move body does.
Just by watching, never judging or whatever it is changing the
rhythm created by the body, just let go by the power of vibration
that exists in the music that plays on the body.
You notice that when people begin to enter middle age begin to look
more and more dances.
Because at that time people just what they want is to feel this
vibration in them and nothing more, although most did not know
what leads to these places, many people like them as meeting places
for those people who feel more in solitude it are mistaken.
Reunion Of Light
That although these people feel impelled by his intuition to attend
such recreational places, in an unconscious way to do it, but do it,
and then feel happy inside often was not the company. What many
of them when they do not pair up to dance alone.
This is the invitation energy. Do it alone and dance wherever and
never repress any desire to be, because it is your inner child to come
forward who wants attention from his mother.
Thank you all for listening to me what is in his heart.
José Cruz
Reunion Of Light