Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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As mentioned earlier the act of meditation is nothing more

than to be conscious.

As such anyone can do in various positions in ways that feel more

relaxed, these positions are lying standing, sitting just adopt a way

of being that does not bring you physical exertion.

Just as the choice of location, each must be looking for the ideal

place for intuition in which you feel in union with the All. Usually

these sites are belonging more of Nature, as a field, beach or a place

of their habitation, a place where you feel at peace with the whole.

All beings are different from each other, and meditation techniques

that can be healthy for some, for others may not feel like the most

correct for you.

Hate is the time to discover for yourselves the techniques best suited

to each one of you, to serve as the intuitive power that has always

existed within you never force anything.

Many people identify a person who meditates or property is in a

position for some time as a lazy person.

José Cruz

Never mind because this trial comes from the mind of the same.

They are not lazy!

Just do not feel that the fact of being motionless for some time is

not easy for beginners. Stop the mind, feel the body, all that is

physical as well as all the energy that circulates within each one,

and keep serene, without connecting to anything, just be an

observer, has nothing to do with laziness.

These commentators half bowl, which will then have the experience

that is not quite as well (think).

After having already found the place and the most comfortable

position for each, which can be in many different ways,

accompanied or not, if accompanied by noise and should never be

with you body touches, with or without cushions, a chair or bed in

floor how do you feel better.

From here continue with your intuition to discover what the best

way or technique to relax the body and mind.

To do so will have to focus on something with your eyes closed

forever, that something is going to be your inner guide, can be heard

all the noise outside without identifying them or just listening to

focus on your breathing, the air entering and air leaves as well as

its retention is only an observer, or just watch your abdomen up

and down, if this is difficult to put your hands over the same

position or mudra feel better.

Another way if lying becomes more relaxed, feel the energy

circulating in the body.

This position may seem easy, and partly with regard to the physical

part, but in the beginning how the body is accustomed to going to

bed only for sleeping, is likely to fall asleep sometimes, but not be

alarmed by this that over time the body will accepted this new

position, or habit eventually get used to it losing the habit of going

to sleep.


Reunion Of Light

These forms of meditation as well as others that are staying with

the body still are described as passive meditations.

For people who are calmer, or who feel they want to develop this

aspect of calm inside.

José Cruz


Reunion Of Light