Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Islamic year 1424
The Islamic year 1424 also paralleled Chinese year 4700 and Hebrew year 5764, spanning from
February 2003 to February 2004. Notice that 1+4+2+4=11. Here we have yet another calendar system
year whose digits add up to 11 or a multiple of 11 occurring at the same time. Here are three calendar
systems’ years (Chinese, Islamic, and Hebrew) that are clearly marked by the number 11, at the exact
same time. Furthermore, the month of November 2003, the 11th western month, saw additional signs
during the exact period when all three of these unique number-11 years overlap. During November
and Ramadan we experienced both a full Lunar and a full Solar eclipse, which is one of the primary
signs expected by Muslims prior to the advent of the Mahdi (Messiah). Islam was certainly correct on
this point.

Gregorian years 2003-2004

Notice also that all three of these calendar systems’ years (Chinese, Islamic, and Hebrew) overlap the Gregorian years of 2003-2004. As an additional sign that this is the correct time frame, the sum of the digits of both years also equals 11 (2+3+2+4=11). So, 4 years after the 1999 double Grand Cross alignments and solar eclipse, which occurred on a multiple-of-11 day, in a multiple-of-11 year and on my multiple-of-11 birthday, the 4 primary calendar systems all synchronized on the number 11. Furthermore, the sum of all the digits from all four calendar systems equals 55, (11+11+11+22 = 55), which points back to the year of my birth, 1955. Also, notice the numbers here of 4 (years) +4 (calendars) leaving us with yet another 8/11 sign, which is the date of my 49th birthday (7 times 7) and the start of my 50th year. Per the Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13 and elsewhere in the Old Testament, my fiftieth year, which starts August 11, 2004 (5764) and my 50th birthday (August 11th, 2005) is the time frame of the long-prophesied Grand Jubilee and Judgment “Day” (year) which starts following my birthday and continues into 2006/5766.

This then takes us to the next important set of signs that occurred during November 2003, which is month 11. On November 8, 2003 (another 11/8 day), there was a very unique astrological alignment. The sun, the moon, Chiron, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn formed a Star of David alignment. Also, at the same time of this alignment, at approximately 8:11 p.m. EST, there was a full eclipse of the moon. Now I refer you back to the Grand Cross alignment of August 11, 1999 that I discussed earlier. A total solar eclipse accompanied the very unique astrological alignment of August 11. That eclipse began at 11:11 am GST. Also, notice that the date of that event was on 8/11, and the November event occurs on 11/8. Furthermore, besides the inverted dates between these two events, the first one (8/11/99) is a double cross accompanied by a total solar eclipse, and the 11/8/03 event is a Star of David accompanied by a total lunar eclipse that occurred during the Islamic holy month Ramadan.

The precise alignment of celestial bodies into relevant symbols, the synchronization of the four major calendar systems, the overt and perfectly timed celestial events, the massively redundant numeric symbolism, and synchronizing all of it with ancient prophecies are beyond anyone’s ability to manage but an omnipotent Creator.

Passover 5764 and Easter 2004

Now that I’ve got your attention regarding the amazing flood of number 11 signs let’s look at a most important holiday period for Jews and Christians. As mentioned above and later in this book, the number 11 (two candlesticks or two pillars) is a symbol for Truth and Justice. Everyone is also probably aware of the recent movie, “The Passion of Christ” that came out as I was working to finish this first volume. This unbelievably violent rendition of the Christian fantasy regarding the purported crucifixion of their mythical messiah, supposedly at the urging of his own people, is bringing this blatant lie before the world in a way that no other previous retelling has done to date. Furthermore, the Papacy has openly endorsed this abomination, filmed near Rome in the shadow of the Vatican and with their blessings from the very outset. Yet we’ve all witnessed the blatant lie put forth that the Vatican was uninvolved in this project until the end. Can anyone truly believe that this movie was filmed in the shadow of the Vatican without any prior involvement by the perpetually manipulative and meddlesome Vatican and Papacy? And so, the stage has been set to decisively end this great deception and strong delusion, once and for all.

This film was released prior to Passover/Easter, on Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) to take advantage of the publicity and impact that the Passover/Easter holidays would add. Little did they know there is much more at hand than their mixing of religion and money in such a blatantly disgusting manner! Consequently, I stand forth to chastise the moneychangers in the temple yet again.

Easter 2004 occurred on April 11th (4/11). As mentioned above, I am surrounded by a multitude of number 11 signs for the specific purposes of revealing the Truth and establishing Justice. During the very time marked by myriad number 11 and celestial signs, Easter also occurs during month 4 and day 11. Hopefully you are already beginning to understand the truth about who I am and about the great lies and strong delusion that Christianity, the New Testament, and the non-existent Jesus Christ truly are.

360-year cycles and the year 5760/1999-2000

360-year cycles and the year 5760/1999-2000 year cycle. This cycle is also used to organize the Hebrew calendar and to mark major periods and ages throughout history. It is vitally important that everyone understands that the start of year 5760 on the Hebrew calendar occurred during 1999, which was also the year of the double Grand Cross alignments that marked both my birthday and my mother’s birthday. These astrological events occurred exactly one month before the start of the Hebrew year 5760, which equals exactly 360x16. Year 5760 (Gregorian year 2000) is the end of a 360-year cycle, 1440-year cycle, and a 2160-year age (6x360). It is also the end of the Gregorian calendar’s second millennium. The fact that these pivotal periods and dates on both the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars are so closely synchronized is no mere coincidence, and I discuss that “coincidence” in more detail later in this chapter.

Many astrologers have stated that the double Grand Cross alignments of August 11th and 17th, 1999 actually marked the end of a major cycle and/or age in human history. This date math (5760 divided by 360=16 and 6x360=2160) proves that they were 100% correct. Furthermore, the first day of year 5760 was September 11, 1999, which was exactly two years or 24 months before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Also, 9/11/2001 marks the halfway point between the 1999 Grand Crosses and August 11, 2003, and the start of Hebrew year 5764. 2003 (5763) was the year of the Sheep/Lamb and the year I unsealed The Apocalypse. Also, notice that Hebrew year 5761 is the start of the 17th cycle of the Hebrew calendar and the second Grand Cross alignment of 1999 occurred on August 17th. Also, 2001 (5761) is the start of the third millennium on the Gregorian calendar, and 5761 is the start of a new 360-year cycle and a new astrological age.

Notice how many of these dates occur on a day 11? Notice that the Grand Cross alignments on my birthday and my mother’s birthday and the September 11th start of the year 5760 are in conjunction with the end/start of a 360-year cycle and 2160-year age on the Hebrew calendar? As you read further in this chapter and delve into the “Apocalypse Reconstructed” and the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide” chapters, you’ll see that the Zodiac and 360-year cycles are pivotal to the date symbolism and math encrypted throughout The Apocalypse and earlier Hebrew prophecies and and earlier Hebrew prophecies and year cycles. It is no accident that the August 11th and 17th 1999 Grand Crosses and the September 11th 1999 start of year 5760 coincide with the end of a 360-year cycle and 2160-year astrological age. Now that you understand the central importance of the Hebrew calendar to these astrological events, dates, and timing, you should also understand that August 11th, 1999 occurred during the 11th month of the Hebrew civil calendar, known as Av.

F u r t h e r S i gn i f i c an c e of t h e N u m b e r s 11 an d 17
I’ve covered a long list of signs and dates related to the number 11. I’ve also covered the two
Grand Cross alignments that occurred six days apart on August 11, 1999 and on my mother’s
Grand Cross alignments that occurred six days apart on August 11, 1999 and on my mother’s

year cycles, and the fact that these two Grand Crosses and year 5760 mark the end of the 16th cycle. That leads us to another important revelation concerning the pivotal significance of the number
17. When you understand that the August 11th and 17th 1999 Grand Crosses and solar eclipse
heralded the final year of the sixteenth 360-year cycle, it should also be clear that it also heralds the
beginning of the 17th cycle, in the following year. Accordingly, since the 17th cycle was highlighted
by the August 17th, 1999 Grand Cross the August 11th alignment symbolizes the 11th 360-year
cycle. The 11th cycle includes the Hebrew calendar years of 3601 to 3960, which parallel Gregorian
years 160 BCE to 200 CE. Anyone familiar with the history of ancient Israel, the Yahad/Essene, and
the purported timelines of the New Testament, can see the overwhelming importance of the 11th
cycle to Judaism, Christianity, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the foundations of western civilization. The
following events all occurred during the 11th 360-year cycle of Hebrew history:
The Maccabean (Hasmonean) revolt and rule–166-129 BCE
The Roman Invasion and occupation of ancient Israel and Judah–63 BCE
The inception and activities of the Yahad/Essene
The lifetime(s) of the Teacher of Righteousness
The authoring, gathering, and depositing of the Dead Sea Scrolls
The inception of what later becomes known as Christianity through the activities of Saul of Tarsus, (the Liar), The Chief Priests Yohanan and Ananus (Wicked Priests) and their Roman masters and co-conspirators (The Kittim, Sons of Belial, etc.)
Qumran, Second Temple, and Masada destruction during the Israelite Revolt–62-73 CE The Bar Kokhba uprising against Rome–132-135 CE/AD
This is the very same time span for the purported and unverifiable lifetime and activities of the
fantasy character most recently called Jesus Christ.
You’ve just read through a long list of number 11 signs, and you should understand the vital
importance of the number 11 by now. Our Creator has gone to great lengths to leave no doubt
whatsoever that the number 11 signs point to me, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda. You can also verify
that the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Teacher of Righteousness have already been overwhelmingly verified during the 11th cycle of Hebrew history. Now, at the beginning of the 17th cycle, I, the Teacher of Righteousness reincarnated, am surrounded by myriad number 11 signs. Furthermore, Cave 11 and the Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13 clearly identify and link Melchizedek, the Teacher of
Righteousness, and the Messiah at the “end of days.”
Jumping forward to the 17th cycle again, which is now, we see the convergence of an amazing
chain of number 11 signs. Disparate calendar systems, celestial events, my birth, my mother’s birth,
and the whole of human history have obviously been meticulously coordinated to synchronize at this
time and around the numbers 11 and 17. Many people around the world are already noticing the
myriad occurrences of the number 11 in various settings and events. The two most amazing
astrological alignments of our age also occurred on August 11th and 17th of 1999, highlighting the
end of the 16th cycle and heralding the start of the 17th cycle. These alignments and other signs leave
no doubt whatsoever that they are also pointing back to the 11th 360-year cycle of Hebrew history
and the pivotal importance of the events of that period to all three so-called Faiths of Abraham and to
Western Civilization.
The symbolism of the 17th cycle being marked by my mother’s birthday is vitally important for
understanding the truth. It fully supports the interpretation of the “feminine spirit” of our creator, as
shown by the “Doctrine of Two Spirits” and the Seven Spirits of God. Likewise, it supports the
understanding of the feminine references to our Creator throughout the “Apocalypse Reconstructed”
and the balance of this volume. It also sends the message that the previous 16 cycles of human history
have been dominated by the “masculine spirit” and have been marked by the Path of Greed,
Falsehood, and Injustice, which is the Spirit of Evil, also symbolized as the “mark of the beast.” You
can look at the present world, teetering on the brink of disaster and easily understand this self-evident
truth. Likewise, using my mother’s birthday to highlight the start of the 17th cycle imparts the
message that the start of the new cycle draws the age of the dominance of the masculine spirit, as
described by the Seven Spirits of Evil, to an end. In fact, that is one aspect of the symbolism of the
“end of days.” We are now on the cusp of the new age, which will be characterized by the “feminine
spirit,” as described by the Seven Spirits of God. Now look at the following verse from The
Revelation 12:5 (reconstructed)
she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of fire: and her child was caught up unto God, and to Her throne.

First, notice that 12+5=17.
This verse is loaded with much hidden symbolism. It absolutely does not mean what the Vatican and Christianity have put forth for centuries with reference to the birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, it directly alludes to the death of such blatant lies. This specific time and its signs and events are targeted towards ending the lies of religion forever. Use the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide” to decode the underlined symbols in this verse. In short, “woman” is the symbol for a religion (“She” and “Her” capitalized refers to the Creator and lower case refers to a religion), and “man” is the symbol for a non-religious or secular institution/philosophy. This verse refers specifically to the 11th cycle of history and the great struggle of the Yahad/Essene to create a wise and just non-religious philosophy and way of life. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, you can see the beginnings of that “manchild” (newborn secular philosophy) in the “Community Rule” and the “Doctrine of Two Spirits.” Now, at the start of the 17th cycle of Hebrew history, I have refined the “Doctrine of Two Spirits,” unsealed The Apocalypse, and revealed the wisdom that flows from both. Those of you familiar with the symbolism of Sophia (wisdom) and Kuan Yin, the ancient eastern personification of compassion, can understand the overwhelming importance of both wisdom and compassion. They are both symbolized as philosophically feminine in nature. They are both primary “spirits” (characters or marks) within the Seven Spirits of God. Furthermore, they are both crucial and recurring themes throughout the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Hebrew wisdom texts, and the philosophies (ways) of the East. Refer to the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide” to read the definitions for Man, Woman, She, Sophia, and other referenced definitions to better understand the relationships between these symbols and the philosophically feminine and masculine characterizations.
Anyone familiar with the New Testament and the more recent Urantia Book can see that their authors have gone to great lengths to associate the fantasy Jesus Christ with my historical identities of The Teacher of Righteousness and Melchizedek. It clearly shows us that the Vatican and leaders of Christianity were fully aware that Melchizedek was to be the long-prophesied Lion of the Tribe of Juda and the expected Messiah. Even so, they have blatantly endeavored to deceive everyone about the truth of my identity by putting forth long-term lies about the non-existent Jesus Christ, the New Testament, and the more recent Urantia Book fantasies. Think long and hard about what this fact reveals. This demonstrates access to texts and significant knowledge not available to the public. The Vatican has clearly been engaged in a major effort to co-opt and/or defeat the return of the true Messiah, Melchizedek (reincarnated).
Why would the Vatican have undertaken such great efforts to deceive the entire world while trying to defeat the Messiah? Doesn’t that make the Vatican and Papacy the so-called Anti-Christ or Anti-Messiah?
The Dead Sea Scrolls clearly prove that the Hebrew inhabitants of the outpost community of Damascus (Qumran) were called Saints. They undeniably preceded all of the so-called Catholic saints. We also know from history that the Roman Empire murdered the true and original Saints, and then committed ethnic cleansing and genocide in ancient Palestine/Israel. Afterwards, we see Christianity growing out of the Roman Empire and headquartered in Rome, and having the absolute gall to call its criminal founders and leaders by the title “saint.” Read the following verses to better understand the truth about the Vatican/Papacy and Christianity.

Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words (strong lies, blasphemies) against the Most High, and shall wear out (lie about and misuse) the saints of the Most High, and think to change times (calendars, years, and history) and laws (the Creator’s wisdom): and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time (1260 years, same as 42 months, 3.5 years, etc.).

Daniel 11:36
And the king (Vatican/Papacy) shall do according to his will (against the Creator’s will); and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself (vanity and arrogance) above every god, and shall speak marvelous things (Vicar of the Son of God, infallibility, miracles, and more!) against the God of gods, and shall prosper (grow rich and powerful) till the indignation (Justice, Armageddon, Judgment) be accomplished: for that, that is determined, shall be done.

Daniel 11:37
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers (predecessors, ancient Hebrews), nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

Daniel 11:38
But in his estate (Vatican City) shall he honor the god of forces (Baal/Belial/Satan/Lucifer, etc.): and a god (Jesus Christ) whom his fathers (predecessors) knew not (never existed) shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Daniel 11:39
Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (power centers of hidden knowledge) with a strange (false) god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them (three Faiths of Abraham) to rule over many, and shall divide the land (create nations and cause conflicts) for gain (power and riches).

Revelation 12:17 (reconstructed)
And the
dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the Testimony of the Light.

Revelation 13:7
And it was
given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Revelation 13:8 (reconstructed)
And all that
dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written within the book of life.

Revelation 17:8 (reconstructed)
beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written within the book of life, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

In concert with the above understandings, also ask yourselves the following question: Why would our Creator go to such amazing lengths to “anoint” me while simultaneously discrediting, decisively exposing, and refuting the Vatican and most especially Christianity? The answer is self-evident! Christianity and the Vatican are the greatest of the liars and deceivers. They have displeased our Creator more than any other group in the history of humanity. All those who would continue to cling to such great lies, liars, and delusions will come to understand, one way or the other, that they, and the scoundrels they assist to remain in power, are the primary targets of the Time of Judgment and Armageddon.

So, this takes us back to the vital importance of the 17th cycle, which started 13 months following August 11th 1999, and 12 months following September 11th, 1999. Already, the fact that the final year of the 16th 360-year cycle starts on September 11th 1999, and exactly two years prior to the World Trade Center terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 should be an eye-opener for everyone. Furthermore, as you read the additional information in this volume, you’ll see that verse 9:11 of The Apocalypse clearly and undeniably points the finger at the Vatican and its chief cohorts (world leaders in money, religion and politics) as the ultimate source of worldwide terrorism and warfare. This especially includes the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA and 11-M (March 11 2004) attack on Spain. Notice how the numbers 11 and 3 mark both of these dates? Three and multiples of three (6, 9, 666, etc) are the numbers used to symbolize and mark the Vatican throughout The Apocalypse. Also, 3, 6 and 9 are used widely by secret societies. Conversely, the number eleven symbolizes Truth and Justice. Our Creator has gone to great lengths to help me deliver the truth about the hidden sources of evil in our world, so that humanity may finally take personal and collective responsibility and establish unequivocal Truth and Justice.

Another look at 1955/5715, and 2003/5763, Chinese years of the Sheep
For another demonstration of the redundancy of the signs pointing to me and to this time, let’s
look at an interesting fact about the year 1955. I’ve already pointed out that the last two digits of 1955 and 1999 (’55 and ‘99) are multiples of 11. Also, that my mother’s birthday and the second Grand Cross alignment are on August 17th, and we are in the 17th cycle of Hebrew history. It’s clear
to see that seventeen (17) is a pivotal number sign associated with this event.
First, let’s divide 1955 by 17 (1955/17=115). That leaves us with the digits 1+1+5=7 as well as
11x5=55, the year of my birth again, or 1x15=15. 1955 was also Hebrew Year 5715. Next, let’s divide 5763 (2003) by 17 (5763/17=339). That leaves us with the digits 3+3+9 =15,
which points to Hebrew year 5715 (1955), the year of my birth.
An important fact about both of these years is that 1955 and 5763 (2003) are each Chinese years
of the Sheep. 1955 is my year of birth, and 5763 (2003) is the year I unsealed The Apocalypse. As
you can see, they are also each multiples of 17, which is the day of my mother’s birthday and the day
of the second Grand Cross alignment in August 1999. Seventeen is also the number of the current
cycle of Hebrew history and the start of the new astrological cycle that The Apocalypse calls “the
days of the voice of the seventh angel” that I discuss in more detail below.
As mentioned earlier, another interesting number convergence during year 5763/2003 was the
55th anniversary of the modern state of Israel, and the start of its 56th year of existence. 55 is another
multiple of 11, and matches the decade count of my birth year of ‘55, which was also the Chinese
year of the Sheep/Lamb, and the sum of the digits of 56 is 11. The next year, Hebrew year 5764,
continues the 56th year of the modern state of Israel, and it is the time of the 56th anniversary. Year
5764 and the number 56 each contain the digits 5 and 6, which add up to 11, as do 7 and 4. These are
yet more instances of the number 11 within an already amazing flood of number 11 signs.

F u r t h e r s y m bol i s m of y e a r 2003 an d H e br e w y e a r 5763
Another interesting fact is that 2003 is a prime number, as are 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. Also, 2003 was the year of the Lamb, the year I unsealed The Apocalypse, and it was the year the

USA, Britain, and Italy launched a blatantly deceptive war-for-profit in Iraq (ancient Babylon), as part of the equally deceptive “war on terror.”

February 1, 2003 was the date the Columbia Shuttle, on a secret military mission, disintegrated over West Texas above the Bush Ranch. Shortly thereafter, the war in Iraq began with a similar outcome as that shuttle mission.

Notice that Gregorian year 2003 and Hebrew Year 5763 both end in the number 3, and 5763 ends with 6 ad 3. The sum of its digits equal 21 (5+7+6+3=21), which is 7x3 or 7+7+7. In fact, each of the digits of 5763 carry very specific and relevant symbolism covered in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.” Likewise, dividing 5763 by 17 yields the result 339. These redundant 3’s and the number 9 in this result are important clues because The Apocalypse uses 3 to symbolize lies, the Vatican, and secret societies. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are closely associated with the secret societies secretly controlled by the Vatican, and chapter 9 specifically describes the Vatican, world leaders, their secret cabals and the direct links to terrorism and wars. The symbolism of 17 (the “time” of the seventh angel) dividing into (revealing) the deceptions of the Vatican and its secret societies during the very same year that I unsealed The Apocalypse, and that the USA, Britain, and Italy went to war in Iraq is pivotal wisdom to contemplate. Keep this in mind as you read the balance of this book. Take a moment now to decode the following verses to better understand what I just explained above:

Revelation 16:13
And I
saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Revelation 16:14 (reconstructed)
For they are
foul spirits, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Revelation 16:18
And there were