Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Lawrence W. Page II

He who stands up for the Poor, the Just, the Wise and
The “Seven Spirits” “before” “God’s Throne”

iii Copyright 2003-2006 by Lawrence W. Page II (a.k.a. Seven Star Hand)


All rights reserved. This book may be freely copied and redistributed without seeking permission as long as no changes are made and you do so for free.


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Second Edition – Update 2.2 (Lulu Press) Published 5/17/2006


Distributed by Lulu Press and Lightning Source in the United States of America




Table of Contents

Chapter Summary...........................................................................................................................1
Preface It's Symbology, Stupid! ....................................................................................................5
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................12
A message from the Author ..........................................................................................................13
Chapter 1 Lion of the Tribe of Juda–Proofs of Identity.............................................................17
Chapter 2 Money: The Greatest Lie Ever Told ..........................................................................84
Chapter 3 Revelations from the Apocalypse .............................................................................103
Chapter 4 Doctrine of Two Spirits ............................................................................................189
Chapter 5 Understanding the Apocalypse ................................................................................201
Chapter 6 The Apocalypse Reconstructed ................................................................................241
Chapter 7 Apocalypse Symbol Guide........................................................................................267
Chapter 8 Revelation Exposed...................................................................................................506
Appendices ..................................................................................................................................566
Appendix A Book of Revelation, King James Version .............................................................567
Appendix B The Parable Bel and the Dragon...........................................................................593
Appendix C Lawrence W. Page II–Birth Certificate................................................................595
Appendix D Photo of the Author...............................................................................................596
Appendix E Natal Chart ............................................................................................................597
Appendix F Doctrine of Two Spirits (a.k.a. The Two Ways & Two Tables of Stone)............598
Appendix G 11Q13.....................................................................................................................599
Appendix H 1QS ........................................................................................................................602
Appendix I Recommended Reading List...................................................................................605
Appendix J Imagine: Lyrics by John Lennon...........................................................................609
Addenda ......................................................................................................................................610
Addendum 1 Verifiable proof that Armageddon has begun… ................................................611
Addendum 2 Hello again class
(Posted on, on 8/4/05) ........................................621
Addendum 3 This civilization is rotten to the core... ................................................................624
Addendum 4 Holiday Messages
(Posted on sites worldwide)............................626
Addendum 5 Understanding the End Game of Armageddon ..................................................630
Addendum 6 International Cease and Desist Order
(Posted on Indymedia sites worldwide) ...644



C h apt e r S u m m a r y

Preface – It’s Symbology, Stupid!
All ancient religious, mystical and wisdom texts have been shrouded in mystery for millennia for one primary reason: The ability to understand their widely evidenced symbology was lost in antiquity. How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries? To recast an often-used political adage: It’s [the] symbology, stupid!



This is a concise commentary on the book and author by a friend. A message from the Author


This is a personal message and backgrounder from the author to the reader.

Chapter 1 – Lion of the Tribe of Juda–Proofs of Identity
This first chapter provides extensive proof that the author of this book is the prophesied Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Lamb, and Melchizedek. It details verifiable proof that 2005/5765 through 2006/5766 is the year-long period symbolized as the “end of days” and judgment “day.” This first chapter alone decisively disproves Christianity’s spin on The Apocalypse, thereby exposing the prophecies of Jesus Christ as blatant lies. This first chapter further delivers intellectually verifiable proof of the existence of an omnipotent Creator while simultaneously proving that the images and characterizations of “God” and “angels” by all three Faiths of Abraham are verifiably false and purposely fraudulent.

Chapter 2 – Money: The Greatest Lie Ever Told
Humanity has long been deceived and deluded into thinking that money is a positive means to manage life, societies and civilizations. This chapter thoroughly exposes the foundational deceptions associated with the concept of money and how it is actually a severe hardship on every aspect of life and every endeavor that must bear the burden of its unnecessary overhead and resulting stifling complexity. Money severely impedes the quality of life, society, and civilization by spawning myriad horrendous side effects, (poverty, crime, wars, pollution, waste, greed, stress, despair, sickness, etc.), which are all traced directly to its presence, purposeful shortage, and imposed requirement. Money was conceived millennia ago by the priesthood of ancient Babylon to subvert the resources and energies of entire populations for the benefit of a rich and powerful few. This chapter further pierces the ages-old smoke and mirrors surrounding the scourge of money, banking and credit (usury) by exposing their core logic and common denominator math. It exposes the purposeful and well-sculpted math and logic trap imposed upon humanity by the Vatican, its ancient predecessors, and their secretsociety cohorts.

Chapter 3 – Revelations from the Apocalypse
The Book of Revelation is also called The Apocalypse, which means a revealing, an exposé, or a bombshell. This chapter lives up to that definition by demonstrating a series of specific and undeniable proofs of verifiable fraud in the Christianized Book of Revelation, which also appear throughout the New Testament. The balance of this chapter includes interpretations of several pivotal verses and topics that have been debated and unsolved for centuries.

Chapter 4 – Doctrine of Two Spirits
The “Doctrine of Two Spirits” is the refinement of Old Testament wisdom texts and underlies all ancient wisdom about morality, dualism, and karma. The only publicly available ancient source where the foundation for the symbolism of the “Doctrine of Two Spirits” is clearly described is the Dead Sea Scrolls’ “Community Rule.” An early Christian document called the Didache was also clearly derived from the earlier “Community Rule,” and includes a narrative on the “two ways” which is strikingly similar to the earlier Doctrine of Two Spirits and directly matches the title of another Dead Sea Scroll. Unlike the New Testament’s deceptive and supernatural spin, the symbolism of “spirit” was used to denote the essence of moral character (marks), qualities and behaviors and to define a “path” or “way” through life, hence the “two ways” of the Didache and Dead Sea Scrolls. Furthermore, qualities such as truth, falsehood, justice, injustice, humility, patience, charity, goodness, understanding, intelligence and others are unequivocally described as spirits, in stark and utter contrast to its deceptive use throughout the New Testament.

Chapter 5 – Understanding T h e A poc al y p s e
The ancient symbolism used in The Apocalypse and other Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts predates Christianity, modern secret societies, and mystery schools by thousands of years. While in the hands of Christianity, The Apocalypse has been completely misinterpreted, recast, and purposely misrepresented. The original Hebrew document was a multi-purpose narrative constructed using layered and synchronized ancient wisdom symbolism. Its true purposes, features, and functionality are detailed in this chapter, further demonstrating that it was a symbolically encrypted Hebrew wisdom text encoding prophecy, philosophy, and scientific wisdom that was stolen and fraudulently modified by the founders of Christianity.

Chapter 6 – T h e A poc al y p s e Reconstructed
This chapter is an English reconstruction of The Apocalypse (a.k.a. Book of Revelation), to more closely match the narrative authored by the Teacher of Righteousness of the Yahad/Essene community headquartered at Damascus (Qumran). It has been cleansed of Christian fraud and its symbolism, which is thoroughly translated in the Apocalypse Symbol Guide, is underlined to assist decoding and interpretation.

Chapter 7 – Apocalypse Symbol Guide
This is a comprehensive, alphabetical listing of every symbol found in The Apocalypse with definitions and cross-references for each. Pivotal symbols and topics from other Hebrew texts are included as well. This chapter is the key to decoding, understanding and interpreting ancient Hebrew wisdom texts and prophecies, as well as a wide range of other ancient wisdom and mysticism. Consequently, the contents of this chapter serve as stark proof that Christianity is a blatant lie based on stolen and recast Yahad/Essene texts and reused ancient mystery school traditions.

Chapter 8 – Revelation Exposed
This is an exposé of the Book of Revelation as presented in the New Testament. It clearly identifies and explains the many fraudulent changes made to the original narrative by the founders of Christianity. This chapter is included to demonstrate how I uncovered the lies and reconstructed the version in Chapter 6.

A ppe n d ic e s

Appendix A – Book of Revelation, King James Version
This is included for the reader's convenience when comparing the modifications made in Chapters 6 and 8 to the King James Version.

Appendix B – The Parable Bel and the Dragon
This is included to demonstrate that its true purpose was symbolic and allegorical. It was always intended as a historically inspired parable, not accurate history. It is directly relevant to Old Testament and Dead Sea Scroll references to Belial. It provides additional background to prove that the symbolism of the Great (Red) Dragon in the Book of Daniel and The Apocalypse are purposeful allusions to the false gods, false doctrine, and religious hierarchies emanating from ancient Babylon and resulting in all three Faiths of Abraham.

Appendix C – Author’s Birth Certificate


My birth certificate is included as proof of identity and verification of the dates used in Chapter 1.


Appendix D – Photo of the Author
Appendix E – Natal Chart


My astrological birth chart is included for those interested in interpreting such things.


Appendix F – Doctrine of Two Spirits Outline


This is a standalone copy of the Doctrine of Two Spirits for those wanting a printable copy.

Appendix G – Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13
This Dead Sea Scroll is pivotal to understanding the truth about Melchizedek and the prophesied Jubilee. It clearly demonstrates that there was much more information about me available during this period that was later suppressed by the Vatican to support its lies about the non-existent fantasy messiah most recently called Jesus Christ.

Appendix H – Dead Sea Scroll 1QS
This scroll translation unequivocally demonstrates the proper meaning for the symbolism of “spirit” that was fraudulently recast throughout the New Testament by Christianity. It is an excerpt from the “Community Rule”, referred to as the Doctrine of Two Spirits. It clearly demonstrates the nowproven fact that the Dead Sea Scrolls are awash with the exact same symbolism that permeates The Apocalypse and other sealed Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts. It serves as another unequivocal proof text for pivotal Hebrew symbolism and as further verification of the true source and authorship of The Apocalypse.

Appendix I – Recommended Reading List
This is a list of books and web sites related to topics discussed in this book. They won’t all agree with everything I write. I’ve listed them to provide ready access to independent sources of related knowledge with similar conclusions. This is by no means a comprehensive or authoritative listing; it simply serves as a good starting point for the reader’s own research.

Appendix J – Imagine: Lyrics by John Lennon
The vision presented by these lyrics is a crystal clear and concise statement of what this entire book and my many lifetimes of struggle seek to accomplish. John Lennon presented a simple vision that crystallized the wisdom of the ages. It thereby serves as the best possible conclusion to this book.

Addenda – Various articles and web postings
These are articles and analyses covering primary topics of this book and several directly related and pivotal newsworthy events and situations.

Prefa ce
I t ' s S y m bol ogy , S t u p i d !



he topic of symbolism is pivotal to every endeavor related to uncovering the truth about the foundations of ancient Near Eastern and North African religious texts. These texts, which are most often associated with the traditions of all three Faiths of Abraham, are heavily steeped in

similar symbolism that is clearly apparent in the very earliest mystical and religious traditions. Similar symbolism is found in archeological, astronomical and astrological settings, as well as in the mystical and wisdom traditions of the earliest civilizations.

It is undeniable that early humanity thought and communicated with a more symbolic mindset than we do today. This is redundantly and consistently proven by the nature of all early alphabets, hieroglyphs, and the consistently symbolic manner that early architecture, art and knowledge were structured. Likewise, the narratives of most ancient wisdom traditions use strikingly similar symbolism within consistent contexts and themes. Furthermore, the use of numeric symbolism was pivotal to every ancient wisdom tradition. It is likewise a central aspect of Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts and is widely evidenced in ancient archeological sites worldwide. This symbolic mindset is still readily apparent in all non-European societies and was prevalent in most pre-Christian European traditions. This observation leads to the conclusion that the imposition of Christianity is closely associated with the reduction of symbolic thought and its replacement by materialistic literalism.

All ancient religious, mystical and wisdom texts have been shrouded in mystery for millennia. They remain enigmatic for one reason: The ability to understand ancient symbology was lost in antiquity. Consequently, the earliest known texts and traditions treat it as mystery and religion because the ancient cultures at the dawn of our current cycle of civilization were unable to decode them. All of the available evidence demonstrates that the ancient wisdom, mysticism, and religion of Africa and Asia arose using closely related symbolism about similar topics and concepts. This and other evidence clearly alludes to a common source originating in an epoch prior to what we label as recorded history.

It is also blatantly obvious, though regularly obfuscated by many religious leaders, that their canons are not very well understood. This situation exists because the key to the ancient symbolism that permeates them was lost long before their religions were created. What is known is usually kept hidden by the upper echelons of religions and secret societies and obfuscated so low-level adherents don’t understand the more esoteric interpretations. None of the Faiths of Abraham can (or will) truly establish the foundations of the ancient texts they evangelize. Consequently, when they represent clearly symbolic texts as literal narrative while insisting they are preaching the “word of God,” they are undeniably committing blatant fraud and exploitation. There is no other truthful way to describe the actions of people who claim to “speak for God,” when they can’t understand the ancient texts they base such claims upon and can’t (or won’t) prove the origins or reliability of their canons. While religious leaders and proselytizers shrewdly equivocate about the true nature and veracity of their canons, mountains of independently established facts don’t lie to us.

Great effort has gone into textual, historical and archeological analysis in the quest to solve these persistent mysteries. Documentary analysis has revealed much about the construction of these texts. Archeology clarifies historical details and challenges certain assertions, but can only solve primary mysteries by uncovering a Rosetta Stone equivalent for ancient symbolism. Discoveries such as the Nag Hammadi Codexes and Dead Sea Scrolls, though spectacularly insightful, have failed to solve the primary mysteries. Nonetheless, they have provided pivotal evidence about the allegory, parable, and symbolism of ancient Near East and North African philosophical narratives and traditions. Even so, the primary mysteries remain unsolved. In large part, this is due to stubborn resistance and active obfuscation by religious leaders and adherents who value blind faith and dogma over truth and justice.

This leads us directly to the crux question: How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries when ignorance and deception are the obvious goals of religious leaders? To recast an often-used political adage: It’s [the] symbology, stupid! The only truly reliable way to prove or disprove the claims of all three Faiths of Abraham is to solve the great riddles that persist because the keys to interpreting ancient symbology were lost in antiquity.

That is precisely what I have accomplished and documented in this book. I have verifiably solved many ages-old mysteries by fully reverse-engineering and decrypting the ancient symbology that permeates the canons of all three Faiths of Abraham and other ancient texts. After realizing that I was actually observing an ancient philosophical technology, I treated it like any undocumented computer program and succeeded at reverse engineering, reconstructing, and documenting it. The structure, foundations, rules, purposes, and functionality of ancient North African and Near East wisdom symbology and the long-lost Philosophers’ Stone are verifiably reconstituted and documented throughout this book.

As you can see on the cover, my intentions go beyond simply presenting yet another scholarly discussion on ancient texts or biblical criticism. A primary product of decoding the symbology of the ancients is the ability to verifiably establish the origins, purposes, and messages of pivotal ancient texts, before they were recast as religious canons at the dawn of this epoch of civilization. With this understanding comes the undeniable conclusion that a series of originally symbolic wisdom narratives were systematically encoded over the millennia. They were all based on a very specific and ultimately verifiable symbology of such sophistication that it had to originate from an as-yetunverified source during what we call prehistory. Those wisdom narratives were later modified to become the religious canons of all three Faiths of Abraham.

Contrary to the repeated assertions of Christianity, the pervasive and highly structured symbolism of these ancient texts is not merely casual, cultural, or poetic metaphor. When redundant symbolism is repeatedly used for millennia and is pervasive throughout multiple canons that belong to an agesold genre of symbolic literature, we are undeniably observing a purposeful and well-developed ancient symbology.

When religious proselytizers go to great lengths misdirecting our focus towards literalism or mere metaphor and away from such obvious facts, they are actively committing fraud. If the purpose of such well-orchestrated obfuscation was merely a scholarly or theatrical exercise, it could be overlooked. But these religions collect vast sums of money based on verifiably false assertions that negatively impact the intellectual and psychological well being of billions. Because religious leaders are purposely using deception and delusion for financial and geopolitical gain, they are clearly committing fraud for the specific purpose of mass exploitation. The same is true of all politicians who use religion to manipulate populations. No religion has ever arisen as the spontaneous expression of a population; they are all created, organized, popularized and imposed by people seeking personal gain. Consequently, when governments give honored status to religion, they are blatantly supporting massive criminal enterprises, which are destructive to the collective well-being of their citizens.

Likewise, contrary to the assertions of all three Faiths of Abraham, much of what has been sold as literal history, miracles, and religious content has now been verified as recast and misinterpreted symbolism, allegory, and philosophical narrative. The very same symbolism that permeates ancient Hebrew texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and The Apocalypse was purposely recast and methodically misrepresented throughout the New Testament. Furthermore, the purported miracles and prophecies associated with Jesus Christ are blatant lies based on recast Hebrew symbolism, misrepresented Greek style allegory, and reused mystery school traditions. Even more enlightening, most of the narratives containing recast symbolism are rife with historical and geographical error. These observations are not mere opinions but are verified by irrefutable and redundant proof from many sources.

The original purpose for using ancient symbology to construct wisdom texts and prophecies was to transmit philosophical and scientific wisdom into our time by using a methodology that would survive millennia of ignorance, language changes, greedy leaders, and their religions. It also serves to prove that there was an earlier period of civilization during and after the last ice age. This civilization emanated from Africa and had a relatively small population. It was eventually overwhelmed due to the effects of rapid climate change and the population explosions of primitive societies following the ice age. This ancient epoch of civilization is alluded to by the stories of Atlantis, Melchizedek, Enoch, and Noah, among others. Such stories were modified and passed down by subsequent and more primitive societies that lacked the ability to understand ancient wisdom. They instead treated it as literal history, religion, and mysticism. By the time these stories reached the Greeks, they were rife with error due to millennia of misinterpretation.

The texts associated with the Faiths of Abraham are similarly derived from ancient narratives that were wholly symbolic in their original form. The skeletons of ancient symbology are readily observed throughout these canons. Accordingly, such religious texts are likewise rife with false doctrine resulting from millennia of misinterpretation that was further compounded by purposeful embellishment. The same is true of the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery schools that were precursors to modern secret societies and mysticism. These cabals have always sought to gather and hoard secret knowledge for use by ruling classes, which have always included religious leaders. They purposely obfuscated and confounded the true meaning of much ancient symbolism while keeping what they perceived as truth hidden from the masses. That tradition has culminated in our time as the Vatican, its religions, secret societies, and the world leaders that belong to them. This occult and mystery oriented ruling class has controlled empires since ancient Egypt and Babylon. That situation is symbolized in the Book of Daniel as the four-metal image/beast and as Mystery Babylon in The Apocalypse.

This book contains the keys to proving that the texts of all three Faiths of Abraham purposely and knowingly incorporate elements of Egyptian and Babylonian religion and mysticism. The true purpose of religion is to impose ignorance and to obscure so-called hidden knowledge from the masses. This is further reinforced by evidence presented by a long list of other authors and researchers.

This first volume focuses most directly on The Apocalypse, because it was purposely and specifically designed to serve as the eventual code-key and proof-text for understanding ancient wisdom symbology. Once you understand the symbology of The Apocalypse, you can easily discern the foundations of all sealed Hebrew texts and readily decode and interpret them.

The symbology displayed in these ancient texts purposely models the long-lost Philosophers’ Stone of Melchizedek, which was never a method of creating gold from base metals. That explanation results from misinterpreted symbolism and purposeful misdirection. It is instead a body of encoded ancient wisdom based on several related and synchronized symbologies. It is also symbolized as the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail and alluded to by the symbolism of the Grail Stone and Two Tables of Stone. The gem and stone symbolism throughout Hebrew texts and their derivatives allude to this ancient wisdom framework. The “two tables of stone” carried (conveyed) within the “ark” is also misinterpreted symbolism. It is in fact the same wisdom as the Doctrine of Two Spirits and the Two Ways mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls and later misrepresented in the Didache. The literal text of