Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Clean/Cleanse –Free and/or purged and purified of error, defilement, hence purged of evil. See also: Keep, Unclean, Seven Spirits, White, Dark, Burn, Scorch, Wipe Away, Defiled, Dust, Mud, Clay, Oil
Clothed–Personified by, defined by, distinguished by, or characterized by. One clothes oneself by the character of one’s deeds and results; this is not something given but something earned and created through your own actions. See also: Mark, Spirit, Garment, Robe, Raiment, Vesture, Decked, Arrayed, Color, Cast, Works, Faith and Belief, Clothed with the sun

Clothed with the sun –Personified by, defined by, distinguished by, and characterized by righteousness and great enlightenment. This is symbolizing the Yahad/Essene during the 11th cycle of Hebrew history, also symbolized as the Lady of the Lake. See also: Clothed, Midst, Sun, Fire, Burn, Mark, Spirit, Garment, Robe, Raiment, Decked, Arrayed, Color, Cast, Works, Lady, Lady of the Lake, Righteousness, Brimstone, Lake of Burning Fire, 11, Lord Just and True

Cloud(s) –Symbolizes wisdom, wise inspirations and wise deeds. Notice the relationship to air (thought and consciousness), to see (understanding), and to smoke (false knowledge, evidence of evil). Also, since clouds are waters in the air this further symbolizes deeds associated with and focused upon thought, the collective consciousness, and wisdom. It also refers to deeds that are far removed from the Earth, which includes money, religion, politics, materialism, etc. It is similar to the symbolism of without hand, which means non-physical and conceptual deeds and results. This symbolism is related to fountains of water, which are the inspirations that precede and cause human activities and Living fountains of water, which are deeds flowing from the Seven Spirits of God, a.k.a. the Spirit of Life.
There is an interesting and informative relationship between clouds, water, and sun. We know the sun creates clouds by its actions up on water(s). Decode the relationship to the symbolism of “the sun walking upon water.” Since waters symbolize the flow of deeds through time, this symbolic relationship says something about how wisdom is created and what it really is. Wisdom is essentially the refined byproduct of knowledge gained through experience and affliction (pain and struggle), and the understandings that arise from that experience, observation and deduction. Notice that heat and light are involved in producing clouds, which symbolizes that wisdom is the refined product of experience in the presence of Truth and Justice, or the distillation of the two into refined understanding that results in wise inspirations that lead to wise deeds. Also, notice the relative positioning of clouds among the symbol zones in relationship to the Seven Spirits outline. Just like wings of the great eagle and the top of mountains, clouds are high above and away from the surface (physical impulses, materialism and the Seven Spirits of Evil, hence the earth). They reside just below Truth, which is symbolized by light and enlightenment from the stars and sun. See also: Air,

Heaven, Rain, Rainbow, Bow, Smoke, Heat, Dried up, Mt Zion, Mountain, Wisdom, Wings of the Great Eagle, Star, Sun, Light, Water, Earth, Fountains of Waters, Without Hand, Spirit of Life Clusters–Congregations, groups. See also: City, Tree, Fruit, Grape, Vine, Harvest, Reap, Gather

Cockatrice –A mythical winged serpent mentioned in the Book of Isaiah, sometimes known as a basilisk. It is fabled to have the ability to kill with its breath and eyes. Symbolically, this represents a creature of strong lies and foul spirits that causes death and destruction. This is another symbol referring to the Dragon, i.e. the Priesthood of Belial, a.k.a. the Vatican, and its lying, deceptive and murderous client nations (Eurasia, USA, New World Order) and their associated concepts. It’s also very important to understand that there are several flying serpent/dragons depicted in the Vatican. See also: Serpent, Dragon, Leviathan, Breath of my Lips, Eye, Creature, Wing, Fly, Lie, Abaddon

Color(ed) –Marked by, characterized, personified by. This symbol relates directly to the interaction of Light and Crystal and the resulting rainbow of colors. It refers to the “coloring” of inspirations, deeds and knowledge by their nature and quality or spirit (character). Also notice the continuums between light and dark, and white and black that symbolize the dualism described by the Doctrine of Two Spirits outline. Notice how shades of color also exist on the continuums between light and dark, white and black. Color literally describes the continuum of variations in light quality and frequency and so it is used to symbolize the continuum of variations of character that exist in the Good and Evil dualism. See also: Darken, Decked, Clothed, Vesture, Raiment, Dipped, Light, Crystal, Cast, Spirit, Mark, Rainbow, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Ways
Come–To appear on the scene from another point in time and space, to arrive at a new place in time, space, and circumstance. See also: Place, Came, Came Out, Stand up, Time, Space, Go, Brought Forth

Come as a Thief –Coming as a thief means to arrive in an unexpected manner to take away your gold idols, molten images, money, and riches. It further refers to the fact that due to most people foolishly supporting evil rulers and institutions, I was forced to remain stealthy, hidden, and poor to insure my eventual success at freeing humanity from its addiction and enslavement to greed, money, materialism, unjust institutions, and evil leaders. This also points to the false assertions of Christian prophecy about the coming of their fantasy messiah. See also: Idol, Money, Gold, Image, Molten, Riches, Strong Lie, Seven Spirits of Evil, Cloud, Sparks, Breath of My Lips

Come down (unto you) –The upper symbol coming down upon or on top of another symbol delivers the message that the upper symbol is imposing its will and ways on the lower symbol. The upper symbol thereby holds a higher status and power than the lower symbol. See also: Came, Came Out, Come, Fell Down, Stand Upon, Upon, Feet, Tread
Come to nought–Past deeds, accomplishments, and accumulated wealth made worthless. Sends the message that the earthly riches and power accumulated over the millennia by the Vatican, its predecessors, and its client nations prove vain, useless and valueless at the time of great decision and in the face of applied wisdom and God’s omnipotence. See also: Lake of Fire, Place, Come, Armageddon, Face, Costliness
Come up hither– This symbolism directly alludes to the Doctrine of Two Spirits and the fact that the Seven Spirits of God are above the Seven Spirits of Evil in the outline, which is the same as the two tables of stone. This purposeful structure is the basis for all of the ancient wisdom that portrays the path of truth, wisdom and justice as higher ideals than the path of greed, falsehood, and injustice. Symbolism such as clouds, stars, the sun, mountains, air, heaven, taking the high road, high flying birds, angels, and much more are all based on the portrayal of the Seven Spirits of Good being morally and intellectually above the deeds and characters of the Seven Spirits of Evil, a.k.a. the earth. This is also the basis for the original symbolism of heaven being high in the sky and hell being low in the depths (abyss, pit) of the earth. In Chapter 4 of The Apocalypse, a great inspiration from heaven is symbolized commanding me to come up (arise, ascend) to the wisdom that flows from the Seven Angels/Stars, hence to the Seven Spirits of God. In Chapter 11, another great inspiration from heaven is commanding the two candlesticks, which are symbols for Truth and Justice, to take their rightful places as higher wisdom than that of things associated with the earth. Both instances are referring to the Seven Spirits of God and saying to turn away from and leave the lowly focus on material things behind and walk the higher (perfect) path of truth, wisdom and justice. Notice that Chapter 11 minus Chapter 4 equals Chapter 7. Now read Chapter 7 and notice that it ends with verse 7:17, the chapter and verse numbers of which directly match the wisdom of the Seven Spirits and the redundant numeric pattern of the 17th cycle as the 7th angel/star and the time of long prophesied deeds. See also: Heaven, Clouds, Angel, Two Witnesses, Two Candlesticks, Come, Up, Arise, Ascend, Star, Sun, Mountain, Earth, Hell, Pit

Commanded –Given laws, hence wisdom. See also: Rule, Law, Wisdom, Two Tables, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, Commandments of God, Little Book
Commandments of God–The Covenant and the Law often referred to in the Old Testament and Dead Sea Scrolls. This refers directly to the wisdom enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits and the Seven Spirits of God, which is the same as originally given to Moses and symbolized as the Burning Bush and Two Tables of Stone. See also: Wisdom, Law, Statute, Rainbow, Covenant, Testament, Seven Thunders, Seven Trumpets, Two Tables, Stone, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Pillar, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, Seven Spirits of God, Burning Bush, Seven Spirits of Evil

Committed –A dual message from this symbol meaning that world leaders have long agreed to conspire with the Vatican. They have also personally engaged in specific deeds and great deception as part of those agreements and conspiracies. See also: Fornication, Sorceries, Given Unto, Buy, Craft, Den, Rock, Works

Community RuleSee: Appendix H, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Ways, Didache, Lady of the Lake, Yahad, Essene, 11Q13, Appendix G
Companion–Friend, partner, fellow servant, and kindred spirit. See also: Brother, Fellow servant, Servants of God, Spirit, Kindred
Company within Ships–Businesses, corporations and other money-driven entities that profit from monetary, economic and market structures whose purpose is to generate profit from plying the unruly and chaotic waters of the sea and certain rivers. A company is also a direct reference to militaries and it is used here to draw the connection between war and commerce. The message here is that many markets and economic segments purposely profit from man-made chaotic conditions and desperate situations. Three very good examples are war, police, and weapons-related industries whose profits and purpose for existence are derived from the crime, conflict and chaos that the existence of religion, money and politics directly cause. Also the huge medical and insurance industries that exist specifically because of the stress-related, pollution-related, and poor nutritionrelated conditions that directly flow from the rampant greed and materialism caused by the existence and requirement of money and its myriad negative side effects. See also: Ships, Water, River, Sea, Great River Euphrates, Sailor, Unclean Bird, Hateful Bird, Stork, Costliness, Buy, Abundance, Riches, Scarlet, Red, White Horse, Bow, Red Horse, Great Sword, Chariot, Sword, Iron, Gold, Silver, Black Horse, Oil, Wine, Pair of Balances, Pale Horse, Death and Hell

Conquering, and to Conquer –Killing the innocent and spreading injustice from that point in time forward and into the future. This speaks directly to the fact that Rome created new heroes in the characters of Jesus Christ and the Pope who condoned killing of the innocent in wars of conquest as long as one professed faith and belief. See also: War, Murder, Go forth, Seven Spirits of Evil, Faith and Belief, White Horse, Bow, Army, Chariot

Corner –A cornerstone, which is a foundational fact or circumstance, a fundamental truth about something. Notice that a cornerstone also infers other corners, which means it doesn’t stand alone, hence the four corners of the earth. See also: Four, Four Corners, Four Winds, Four Horses, Pillar, Stone, Rock, Earth
Corrupt–Evil, unclean, or to make evil or unclean. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Unclean, Defile, Foul, Dark, Dust, Mud, Oil
Costliness–Refers directly to the greatly increased difficulty, complexity and expense of modern life due to the forced requirement of submitting to the use of money to survive and to perform nearly every activity. Symbolizes the extreme added complexity, negative consequences, and difficulty of life when money is imposed, required and intermingled with everything we do or need to live. Life is so difficult in large part because of the extreme overhead of managing, protecting, creating, and insuring things like businesses, armies, police, politics, etc. When money is intermingled with life, it causes great inequity and injustice and greatly increases deception and greed. In a society without money where everyone cooperates to insure the well being of everyone else, without fail, there is little or no need for crime because everything is free. Furthermore, most of the conditions that cause great stress, despair, mental disorders, myriad physical ailments, and societal instability are directly caused by the existence of the profit motive (greed), money and their myriad negative side effects. The dynamics of money-based society and lifestyles actively prevent people from helping each other, from getting necessary education, and from being good. Our entire civilization wastes more than 90% of all of the effort, output, and resources that are generated because of the need to acquire, manage, and protect money and material items and to deal with the oppressive level of negative side effects spawned by the existence of money. Because of the great amount of wasted effort and resources, people go hungry, homeless, and insane, or die from poverty, stress caused illnesses, wars, violence, and more. Furthermore, money is the sole reason that politics is required to struggle over resources and the perpetually and purposely limited money supplies. Without money, life will be simple, free, unfettered, sane, less stressful, less harmful, and no longer ruled by evil scoundrels. Money is simply too costly a folly to continue. See also: Strong Lie, Money, Mystery Babylon, Mark of the Beast, Image of the Beast, Image to the Beast, Seven Spirits of Evil, Bottomless Pit, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Third Part, Truth
Counsel (true)–This term is used throughout the Dead Seas Scrolls and elsewhere. It merges the concept of enlightenment with the symbolism of Testimony of the Light, and is meant to convey the teaching of truth and wisdom that results in enlightenment. See also: Light, Testimony, Testimony of the light, Star, Wisdom, Teacher of Righteousness, Speak, Voice, Mouth, Ear, See, Sight, Air Count–To determine values, hence to measure and quantify in order to understand the truth. See also: Measure, Number, Weigh, Reed, Rod, Plummet, Rule, Mark
Countenance–Refers normally to visage, bearing, stance, outlook and mindset. This is a merging of the symbolism of head, face, image, and sight. See also: Face, Image, Sight, Hair, Head, Mind, Eyes, Sun, Token, Sign, Symbol, Sound, Count, Number, Weight

Court –The courtyard, walking area, or the path outside of the specified area. The path outside of the temple refers to deeds outside of God’s Seven Spirits. Therefore, the path outside of Truth and Justice refers to the Seven Spirits of Evil. This symbolizes the Vatican, its cohorts and nations that have tread (walked upon) the path of evil during Christianity’s deceptive and bloody 1260-year reign over Eurasia, and afterwards. See also: 1260 days, Seven Spirits of God, God’s Temple, Tread upon, Stand Upon, Walk, Run, Feet, Leg

Covenant –Same as a testament; an agreement or promise; a contract specifying inheritance, rewards, and judgments. See also: Ark, Ark of Her Testament, Testament, Judgment, Rainbow, Bow, Seven Seals
Craft–A specialized skill relying on a unique body of knowledge used for a specific activity and outcome. The process of taking something from its natural state and manufacturing it into a man made byproduct. In this context, it specifically means to fabricate, which infers deception and greed. More importantly, this is the symbol for secretive and hidden special knowledge as attributed to secret cabals such as the Freemasons, Illuminati, so-called mystery schools, and the upper echelons of religions. The Apocalypse makes special mention of sorcery and craft when talking about the Vatican, which is also symbolized as Mystery Babylon. Consider the fact that the leaders and founders of Christianity have always sought to use magic, craft, mystery, and other so-called occult knowledge while burning other people alive for doing the very same thing. This should make it abundantly clear that the purpose for centuries of inquisition and persecution was to prevent others from also understanding so-called secret knowledge. They were in fact trying to protect their own power base by enforcing a monopoly upon certain skills and knowledge. Contemplate that masons are focused on works of stone, which further symbolizes foundational cornerstone knowledge. It is widely understood that such secret societies are heavily focused on mystical symbolism and more specifically on ancient Hebrew, Egyptian, and Babylonian sources. Consequently, it is blatantly obvious that the founders and leaders of these cabals, who are often also the leadership of religions, understand the true meaning of certain symbols such as stone and craft. Just as always, religion is used as a smokescreen to hide the Vatican’s true nature, purposes, and activities while keeping low level followers and subjects as ignorant and deluded as possible about life, truth, and wisdom. See also: Craftsman, Carpenter, Wood, Works, Working, Wrought, Molten, Metal, Image, Idol, Symbol, Symbology, Philosophers’ Stone, Sorceries, Miracles, Smoke, Mystery Babylon, Pit, Den, Rock, Stone, Corner, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Dark Sayings

Craftsman –A worker with special knowledge and skills, in other words, a skillful fabricator. This also infers one who modifies the Creator's original works to create man made replacements, hence lies and false doctrine. This is also a direct reference to and a symbol for secret societies such as Freemasonry and the Illuminati, which are secretly controlled by the Vatican. It also refers to “craft,” such as witchcraft, mysticism, and religion. Unlike Christianity, which deceptively and hypocritically preaches that certain knowledge is inherently evil, the focus here is on actual results. All forms of knowledge can be used for good or evil. It’s the underlying intent, nature and character of deeds, and the outcomes and byproducts that determine good or evil. See also: Craft, Works, Stone, Wood, Carpenter, Reed, Wrought, Sorceries, Mystery Babylon, Bottomless Pit, Den, Rock, Shadow, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Symbology, Philosophers’ Stone, Dark Sayings, Good, Evil Created–Conceived through inspiration and thought and caused to come into existence and persist through some time-period. See also: Time, Space, Place, Soul, God, God’s Throne, Things, Satan, Bottomless Pit, Truth, Spirit of Life

Creature(s) –Organizations, alliances, partnerships, political parties, and all other animal symbols within The Apocalypse. Symbolic of all types of institutions represented as animal and human symbols. See also: Beast, Man, Woman, Ship, Sailor, Lamb, Lion
CriedSee: Cry
Cross–An ancient wisdom symbol, also called a cruciform. It predates the crucifix of Christianity by several millennia. All three faiths of Abraham blatantly used pre-existing ancient wisdom and mystical symbolism as primary symbols and organizing concepts. Christianity uses the cross and calls it a crucifix. Islam uses the pentagram (five-point star) and moon, as well as five pillars and five daily prayers to a meteorite (fallen star) in Mecca. Likewise, the Star of David is a hexagram (six-point star). Any assertion David or Solomon used it is a blatant lie. In fact, Proverbs 9.1 refers to wisdom’s seven pillars.

The ancient cross was displayed in three primary forms; an equal armed cross, the Tau cross, which looks like the capital “T,” and the revolving or swastika cross. It is the ancient symbol for the concept of the four elements and represents the four corners and four winds. The swastika, which is a specially stylized cross that infers cyclic rotation, long predates Nazi Germany’s use of it as a political symbol. Its true and original purpose was to illustrate the cyclical nature of reality by simulating the cyclic flow of time and the wheel of karma by the rotation of the four elements. The four points of the cross symbolize the four elements and four corners and the lines of the cross represent the flows or four winds which intersect to form the simplest basis of space-time reality. The point of intersection thereby represents a single point of reality. The variability of where the lines cross illustrates a range of potential outcomes, modeling the variable nature of reality. This symbolizes the same knowledge observed in string theory. Each string is a single point of reality that serves as a multi-dimensional “pixel” within a holographic system. Systems of these points of reality serve to create particles, waves, quanta, and more in much the same manner that visually associated stars form shapes and constellations. . See also: Cycle, Four, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, Four Corners, Four Winds, Four Elements, Time, Star, Moon, Venus, Fifth Element, Five, Pentacle, Pentagram, Five Pillars, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, Den, Hidden, 9, 72, 360, Triangle, Net, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1776, Two Pillars, Two Candlesticks, Seven Pillars, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Fish, Two Ways, Didache, Community Rule, Appendixes G&H, Solomon’s Seal, Solomon’s Temple

Crown –A symbol of dominion, which like horns are associated with the head, thereby alluding to dominion based on authoritative ideas and concepts, not necessarily or only by force. See also: Horn, Head, Throne, Seat, Sit, Rider, Given unto, Power, Power was given
Crowns like Gold–Dominion given that appears to be based in pure and life-supporting ideals but is in fact only a deception rooted in materialism. See also: Golden Crown, Golden, Locusts, Gold, Metal, Given unto, Power, Power was given, Moon, Venus, Bow, Ten Crowns, Ten Horns, Weight Crown of twelve stars–Dominion over the twelve stars and based upon twelve stars. It first points to the twelve tribes of Ancient Israel who are also each represented by a house of the Zodiac. This points only to the tribe of Juda, the royal tribe. The woman is the Yahad/Essene of the tribe of Juda who were clothed in truth, justice and wisdom (sun) and stood upon (prevailed over) folly and illusion (moon). The symbolism of twelve stars is important because it directly refers to the Zodiac and its twelve constellations. The standards and symbols of the twelve tribes were matched directly to different Zodiac signs, hence Juda’s emblem was the sign of the Lion (Leo). Likewise, stars symbolize servants of God. The twelve tribes of ancient Israel were chosen to serve as God’s message bearers through the symbolism of their history and struggles until the end of days.

An additional facet of the twelve-star symbolism refers to the number of specific angels in The Apocalypse that serve God (with the angel of the Bottomless Pit as the 13th angel). The 11th through 17th 360-year cycles are symbolized as seven stars/angels plus the four angels/stars, which symbolize the four 1440-year cycles ending at the year 5760 equal eleven stars. I make the 12th star. See also: Twelve Stars, Eleven Stars, Seven Stars, Tribe of Juda, Essene, Yahad, Lady of the Lake, Star, Sun, Angel, Archangels, Crown, Sun, Moon, Clothed
Cry–Proclaim loudly, as a town crier would have. To implore, beseech, plead, and persuade. See also: Voice, Sound, Ear, Hear, Mouth, Tongue, Harp, Loud, Roar, Strength, Strong, Strong Angel, Buy, Sell, Merchandise, Sharp Two-edged Sword, Breath of my lips, Wind, Mighty Wind, Spark, Fire, Brimstone, Wail, Weep

Crystal/crystalline –Models something of a spiritual nature. Whenever a gemstone, crystal, crystalline, or glass is mentioned, it symbolizes some spiritual and conceptual structure. In other words, when pure and clean it is almost physically undetectable, yet it is nonetheless very real. Also, it can take on a rainbow of different colors based on what is added to it and what light source is passed through it. Notice the link to the nature of holograms, white light, and prisms and how white light is divided into various frequencies and colors by crystalline structures. The holographic theme is closely tied to the spiritual theme in The Apocalypse by the crystalline, gem, stone, light, color, and perception related symbolism, which is matched with thought, spiritual, string theory, and multi-dimensional themes and modeling. See also: Glass, Rainbow, Emerald, Vesture Dipped in Blood, Jasper, Light, Color, Truth, Stone, Rock, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars
Cup–Accumulation, collection, sum, totality, as well as a vessel. Notice that the Vatican is symbolized with a cup full of abominations and God is symbolized with a corresponding cup of accumulated indignation that will spill forth as recompense for the Vatican’s accumulated evils. See also: Vessel, Ark, Grail, Vial, Full, Filled, Censer, Wine, Go Forth, Golden Cup, Curse, Karma Cup of Gold (in her hand)–This is the cup of abominations in the hand of the harlot (Vatican and Christianity), and directly corresponds to the cup of God’s wrath and indignation in response to millennia of accumulated evil. The cup of gold further symbolizes the accumulated abominations in the name of gold and riches that characterize the entire existence of the Vatican and Christianity. The matching cup in God’s hand symbolizes that She has remembered them and prepared a special judgment to match their great level of greed, deception and evil over the centuries. It purposely mirrors the gold chalices used by the Pope and various Christian sects. Furthermore, it matches the many lies about the Holy Grail that are used by the Vatican and their cohorts to support the Strong Lies and delusions of Christianity.

Jeremiah 51:7
Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand, making all the earth drunken; the nations drank of her wine, therefore the nations went mad.

2 Thessalonians 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe (have faith in) a lie:

2 Thessalonians