Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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ElohimSee: “El and Elohim”, Seven, 11, 11Q13, Appendixes G&H
Emerald–A precious green jewel or crystalline stone used here to symbolize the Spirit of Life from God and the wisdom and truth inherent in understanding that the Creator and the Seven Spirits of God are the source of all life. Furthermore, the rainbow (symbol of the covenant) displays all the spirits and characters (colors) from God. The emerald is used here because it is a high-quality gemstone, and crystal symbolizes the spiritual. The color green symbolizes life, hence the Spirit of Life. See also: Crystalline, Green, Glass, Jasper, Stone, Precious Stone, Color, Rainbow, Spirit of Life from God, Green Grass
End of Days–The completion of the ages of perdition and purgatory. The end of days is a very clear allusion to the end of the prophecies because all of the prophecies used days to denote years as part of the process of sealing (encoding) them until the ending of the times when this activity was necessary. Therefore, the end of days means the end of the period of history when it is necessary to encode God’s messages from those who control the world and from the religious founders and leaders that took control of and modified the messages delivered by prophets and sages. Sealing was required because religious leaders simply could not be trusted to deliver them unchanged, especially if they fully understood the messages. Therefore, certain messages were hidden in plain sight in a form that arrogant and greedy leaders would perceive differently and fail to understand until the end of days. They were given the chance to prove their character. See also: Perdition, Place, Day, Year, Mystery of God, Finished, Armageddon, Valley
Enemies–Those of opposing spirit(s) that do deeds in opposition to those of conflicting inspirations. See also: Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Candlesticks, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil, Brethren
Enter–To pass through the boundaries, to become a part of. In this context, the boundaries refer to Truth and Justice, which are the unequivocal boundaries to God’s temple and spirit(s). See also: Into, 11, 11:11, Brimstone, Two Candlesticks, Two Pillars, Two Olive Trees, Two Prophets, Two Witnesses, God’s Temple, Swallow, Eat
Enter into the Temple–To change one’s state of being by becoming unwaveringly and unequivocally truthful and just. While human institutions are founded on money, religion, politics, or any of the Seven Spirits of Evil, they cannot be truthful or just. Because of the existence of money, politics, and religion they are forced to resort to lies and injustice to operate and succeed in a world founded upon and ruled by evil concepts. See also: God’s Temple, Money, Politics, Religion, Mystery Babylon, True and Just, Seven Spirits of Evil, Seven Spirits of God, Truth Ephah–A Hebrew measurement of weight and volume spoken of in the Old Testament. Used in the context of the Book of Zechariah, verses 5:6-11, it symbolizes using false measurement, which means fraudulent dealings for profit, including usury, which is an abomination. Having an ephah and an ephah means two measures of differing weights, one for measuring the goods and one for measuring cost (a.k.a. fraud). Also applies to cooking the books or having double books, especially when investment and making money from money (usury) is involved. To better understand the Old Testament context for the ephah read the following passages from Amos Chapter 8:5-7 and Ezekiel 45:9-11

Amos 8: 5
Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn, and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit?

Amos 8: 6
That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat?

Amos 8: 7
The Lord hath sworn by the excellency of Jacob, Surely I will never forget any of their works.

Ezekiel 45:9
Thus said the Lord GOD; Let it suffice you, O princes of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute judgment and justice, take away your exactions (usury, extortion) from my people, said the Lord GOD.

Ezekiel 45:10
You shall have just balances, and a just ephah, and a just bath.

Ezekiel 45:11
The ephah and the bath shall be of one measure, that the bath may contain the tenth part of an homer, and the ephah the tenth part of an homer: the measure thereof shall be after the homer.

When the lead (false) talent and ephah are discussed in the Book of Zechariah, it symbolizes that money itself is the object and the source of the fraud. Since a talent is usually used as a gold weight, a lead talent (painted gold?) symbolizes fraudulent money and monetary fraud in general. This points to deceptive monetary systems, banking, financial systems and usury (banking, credit, speculation, etc). Also, to the glaring fact that money itself is a great human folly and a false path through life that has been purposely, though secretly, structured to enrich a few, while most are forced to struggle and suffer unnecessarily. The great complexity and resulting difficulty caused by the very existence, requirement, side effects, and use of money is in fact the root cause of most of the difficulties that bedevil human civilization, even though money has long been presented as a benefit and as a thing to desire. It is also very important to understand that Zechariah directly links all three Faiths of Abraham to financial fraud and deception. See also: Money, Usury, Talent, Lead, Lead Talent, Metal, Gold, Head of Gold, Cup of Gold, Decked within Gold, Weigh, Weight, Strong Lie, Dragon, Image to the Beast, Mystery Babylon, Abomination that makes desolate, Hateful Bird, Unclean Bird, Stork, Wing, Black Horse, Pair of Balances
Essene–A Greek name given to the Yahad, the companions of the Teacher of Righteousness that hid the Dead Sea Scrolls, were eventually killed and scattered by the Roman empire, and later obscured by the lies and efforts of the Vatican. It is a mispronunciation of Osim (pronounced “oseem”), and meant “Doers of the Law.” Other titles associated with this widespread movement in second-temple Israel and Judah (11th cycle on the Hebrew calendar) were all variations on a theme, such as “followers of the way,” “sons of light,” “keepers of the covenant,” and so on. See also: Yahad, Lady of the Lake, Tribe of Juda, Teacher of Righteousness, Law, The Way of the Kings of the East, They that keep the commandments of God, They loved not their lives unto the second death, They that follow the Lamb wherever he goes, Community Rule, Appendix G, Appendix H, Clothed in the Sun, Crown of Twelve Stars, El, Eleven Stars, 11, 11Q13, Second Temple Euphrates RiverSee: Great River Euphrates
Every foul spirit–All of the Seven Spirits of Evil and related ways on the path of greed, falsehood, and injustice. See also: Foul Spirit, Spirit, Seven Spirits of Evil, Devil, Ways, Path, Smell, Unclean

Evil –Symbolizes anti-life motivations and deeds that are harmful to life and counter to the Spirit of Life. This is the negative end of the good to evil dualism. See also: Two Ways, Dead, The Dead, Good, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Seven Spirits of Evil, Seven Spirits of Good, Foul, Foul Spirits, Devil, Spirit of Life, Life, Heaven, Hell
Exceedingly Great–Overwhelming and unmatched. See also: Great, Hail, Mighty, Almighty Exercises–Refers to deeds and works performed by wielding power over others by causing them to follow your commands and ways. See also: Power, Will, Way, Great Authority, Given unto, Slave, Works, Servant, Free man, Bondman, Bound, Black Horse, White Horse, Bow, Pair of Balances, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Three, Triangle, Mason, Craft, Craftsman, Carpenter, Four, Four Elements, Cross, Five, Five Pillars, Pentacle, Pentagram, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, Seven, 11, 11Q13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 72, 153, 666, 1260, 1440, 1776, 2160, 5760, Seven Trumpets, Jubilee, Shofar Eye(s)–Perception, viewpoint, discernment, understanding, and perspective. This specifically refers to your spiritual and moral point of view, outlook, and perspective. Hence, the sight of your inner eyes (of the soul and mind) is colored by one’s spirit(s) (nature and character). Therefore, to see is to discern spiritually, morally, and conceptually and thereby symbolizes one’s ability to understand the true and full essence of reality. This symbolizes the nature, bias, and character of your perceptions of things and the resulting viewpoint and quality of your knowledge and wisdom. Notice the relationship to the air, which symbolizes the realm of thought and the collective consciousness. Bodies see through the medium of the air with their eyes to discern and understand the world around them. Souls have no physical eyes. They gain knowledge of what is around them by directing their thoughts to perceive, know, understand, and otherwise interact with the universe. A soul’s perception and interface with the universe is the mind. One’s perception of reality is further colored by character, which determines the nature and quality of your “inner” sight, or spiritual perceptions. Like the symbolism of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, it refers to the fact that a soul’s perception is colored by character (spirit), which affects, casts, or taints your perceptions, which are your windows or lenses onto reality.

Another important aspect of this understanding comes from the symbolism of seven eyes. As described elsewhere, this is an eleven-dimension reality. For the most part, humanity only perceives the last four dimensions of space-time. Nonetheless, there are seven dimensions that precede and define all reality in space-time. These dimension are widely alluded to in various religious and wisdom texts by groupings of seven symbols meant to model various aspects of wisdom about what has long been referred to as the spiritual realm, seven levels of heaven, etc. These are in fact seven dimensions of thought and inspiration that are the conceptual underpinnings of this eleven dimension holographic reality. The seven eyes symbolism, which are also matched with the seven spirits, seven pillars, seven golden candlesticks, and more are referring to spiritual perceptions within the seven spiritual and conceptual dimensions. It also alludes to the fact that most people, being unaware of this aspect of reality, are spiritually ignorant, thereby their seven eyes are symbolized as blind.

To better understand this, simply contemplate the differences between how a saint and a capitalist perceive the value(s) of life. The cast of their eyes is different, and therefore they see life differently and are consequently inspired to act differently. Likewise, when the air has been fouled (smoke or dust) your sight is darkened. Contemplate the meaning of the symbolism inherent in the phrase, “to see eye to eye,” especially in reference to the seven spiritual or inner eyes. See also: Seven Eyes, Spirit, Sight, Hear, Ear, See, Air, Color, Dark, Blind, Smoke, Dust, Foul, Defile, Unclean, Tongue

Face –Purpose, direction, and focus of one's inspirations, thoughts, and deeds. To focus or refocus, to purpose or re-purpose one’s thoughts, perceptions, mindset, and deeds; to turn or direct one’s thoughts, inspirations, and motivations towards something or towards a new direction, way, or path. Your face is also your most recognizable image. Likewise, one’s focus in life and the image presented to others are inseparable from one’s path and the direction (way) of one’s feet while walking. See also: Image, Head, Hair, Hear, Ear, See, Eye, Before, Behind, Turn, Way, Path, Way, Walk, Feet

Face as a man –Astrological sign and constellation of Aquarius. In addition to the image of this constellation having a literal face like a man, it also symbolizes a focus and purpose of a nonreligious activity. A common function within all societies is the delivery of water, hence the water carrier, which is Aquarius. Since there are only four fixed or primary Zodiac signs, Aquarius is the only one that fits this description. Furthermore, the symbolism of face, image, eyes and related symbols are focused on the character of deeds, which are also closely related to the symbolism of water. This infers both the deeds of a man and the symbol water, which means that it should have been classified as a water sign and not as an air sign. This points to some key errors in the modern Zodiac that probably arose at the same time the flying eagle sign was changed to a scorpion in ancient Babylon. See also: Man, Woman, Four Creatures…, Like a Lion, Like a Calf, Like a Flying Eagle, Water, Face, Image, Eyes, Babel, Scorpion

Faith and Belief – The refuge of fools. Without truth, wisdom and understanding you are lost and doomed forever to enslavement by greedy, arrogant, evil people who have no scruples about lying to you. Faith and belief are the opposite of seeking to understand wisdom by discerning the truth. When you rely on blind faith and belief you are foolishly making yourself susceptible to every scoundrel out there seeking to gain riches and power and willing to trick you into giving it to them. Look at the history of the types of people that are drawn to the Vatican, secret societies, crime and the like. It is utterly foolhardy to think that someone who could readily and willingly kill other people or make them suffer and despair would somehow not lie to you also. That is exactly why such people insist that you to have faith and belief. All they are saying to you is to trust them unequivocally, though what they are saying to you is fantastic on its face and in any other setting would be unbelievable. When smirking politicians go out of their way to cause wars and injustice and then have the gall to talk religion and morality, it should be blatantly obvious that they are lying to your face. Look at the actions of the so-called St. Paul, who was an admitted liar and murderer, who is also called a saint by Christianity. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Belial, Lie, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Rapture, Wisdom, Soul, Given unto Him, Satan, Truth, Triangle, Pit, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Third Part, Divided into three parts, Ten Horns, Aaron’s Rod, Simon Magus Faithful–True, dependable, courageous, and virtuous. Being faithful and having faith are not the same things. This is speaking to the reliable character of someone or something, not that one is supposed to be unquestioningly loyal to anything or blindly trustful of anyone. Distinctions such as this show why truth, wisdom and discernment are so crucially important and how ignorance and equivocation lead to utter folly. See also: Faith and Belief, Seven Spirits of God, Truth, Works Faithful Witness–One who watches, remembers, and testifies truthfully and dependably. Someone or something that is a truthful observer and who honestly delivers reliable evidence. Testimony from a completely dependable source that in this case is the same soul as the long-suffering servant of the Creator, a.k.a. Melchizedek. See also: Faithful, Teacher of Righteousness, Strong Angel, Melchizedek, Testimony, Testimony of the Light

Fall/Fell –To lose status and power. See also: Down, Up, Upon, Under
Fall down (before)–Lowered themselves, demonstrating deference and respect and affirm who or what is superior to them and whom they truly serve. See also: Worship, Fear, Down, Before Fallen–Removed from power or recast to a position lower than previously occupied. See also: Smite, Blow, Down, Under, Cut Off
Fall on us–To pretend to punish, to conceal, obfuscate, and divert attention towards the rocks and dens and away from the Vatican and its many cohorts. Notice that hiding in the dens and rocks of the mountains conceals them from the light. This occurs after the fall of the Vatican and most aristocrats and royalty. It directly refers to the use of secret societies (dens) and religion (the rocks) to obscure the truth about the aristocrats, plutocrats, and royalty who go underground to hide their activities from the citizens of the nations they now rule through great deception and cruelty. See also: Den, Rock, Hide, Mystery, Shadow, Scorpion
False Prophet–Symbolizes religion, therefore it includes all religions that have prophesied that the Creator and/or a messiah would validate their adherents over all others. Consequently, this refers to false prophets plural. On the other hand, the primary false prophet of The Apocalypse is Christianity itself, since its founders collaborated with the Roman Empire to kill the Saints and steal their texts and then methodically rewrite them to support blatant lies about a non-existent Jesus Christ. This symbol secondarily includes all three Faiths of Abraham for falsely prophesying that their religions would triumph over others and that the Creator would reward people based on which religion they followed. The truth is that religion is a primary cause of ignorance and resulting evil and all religion transgress the Creator’s wisdom and unequivocal expectations of humanity. See also: Christianity, Blasphemy, Jesus Christ, Simon Magus, Teacher of Righteousness, Two Witnesses, Satan, Given unto Him, Religion, Worship, Fear, Fear Not, God, Karma, East, Sun, Truth, Frog, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Cross, Antichrist, Mystery Babylon, Lady of the Lake, St. Malachy, Vatican Famine–Since eating and strength refer to ingesting knowledge and wisdom, this would infer those that they have lost former power gained through false knowledge and/or the loss of knowledge and wisdom. Also, others had finally understood the truth and deserted them, thereby leaving them desolate of their former status. See also: Abomination, Riches, Abomination that makes desolate, Eat, Strong, Strength, Mighty, Feed
Father–Symbolizes a precursor or original secular philosophy or institution that spawns one or more other sons or daughters. See also: Man, Son, Daughter, House, Child, Man Child, Mother Fault–Error; imperfection; unclean activities; walking the path of greed, falsehood and injustice. See also: Lie, Perfect Path, Truth, Without Fault, Mark, Drunk
FeatherSee: Wing, Weigh, Weight, Light, Air
Fear–To show deference or respect to something or someone perceived as greater than you are. To honor and/or pay homage to; to be in awe of; worship; venerate; work for, to serve. To lower one’s self before something or someone else. When you fear and/or worship anything you give it power over you and your future, and by your own free will. The ancients said to only fear God and nothing else, because if you must fear something, i.e., fail to truly understand it, your power would at least go to the Creator who would reward you with Her blessings, which includes knowledge and wisdom which are the true solutions to fear. When you fear or worship evil concepts, ways, people, (money, religion, politics or any of the Seven Spirits of Evil), then trouble, evil, and bad karma will always repay you. Fear is directly equated with, and is clearly the by-product of ignorance, which results from a lack of truth, wisdom, and understanding.
A primary purpose for creating fear in you is to create doubt and hesitation. This reduces your individual and collective power because courage and certainty are a necessary component to making your visualizations (goals, purposes, wishes, and expectations) persist and succeed. When your thoughts are scattered, divided, fearful, and therefore uncertain, it has the same effect on your personal power as believing a lie does. It causes a deviation in the direction, persistence, effect, and results of your thoughts.
On the other hand, the rich, arrogant and powerful are more sure of themselves, and are using hidden knowledge against you to strengthen their chances of success while creating unfair advantages for themselves and disadvantages (oppression, enslavement and other injustices) for you. Understand clearly that the evil scoundrels who control the world actually require and thrive on your fear, despair, death, and destruction. Even worse, it’s all supported, driven, and continued through the evil institutions of money, politics and religion. Without your fear, doubts, greed, and ignorance, they have little or no power. On the other hand, when collective fear and doubts are dispelled and transformed into righteousness and indignation against evil, they will suffer fear and doubt because of unavoidable justice for their abominable deeds. Here is wisdom! See also: Worship, Power, Fear Not, Wisdom, Cloud, Seven Spirits of God, Given unto Him Fear not–Be courageous, seek to understand, and gain wisdom. Fear flows from ignorance. Once you truly understand something full, you’ll be in control and no longer feel the need to fear it. This thereby means to grow wise, which prevents and defeats fear. See also: Fear, Satan, Given unto Him, Wisdom, Truth, Fire of the Altar, Four horns of the golden altar
FeedStrengthen and fortify through wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment. Symbolizes strengthening mentally and spiritually through the ingestion, digestion, and incorporation of wisdom and knowledge. See also: Eat, Swallow, Devour, Drink, Flesh, Body, Wisdom, Bird, Fowl, Wing, Raven, Wheat, Bread
Feet–Symbolizes the path taken through life, and the direction (way) and results of deeds and activities. Signifies dominance over something when standing upon it, walking upon it or treading it under foot, such as the woman clothed in the sun standing on the moon, the Messiah walking on the waters, and the Angel standing upon the earth and the sea. An important aspect of this symbolism is that the outline of the Seven Spirits of God can be matched to the human body. Truth, wisdom and knowledge reside at the head, and freewill and justice match up to the legs and feet. Using this framework, notice how the feet reside at the surface, which symbolizes the Earth. Consequently, feet represent the justice of one’s path and walk through life just as hands represent ones deeds. See also: Stand upon, Under, Fall Upon, Walk, Walk upon, Run, Path, Earth, Above, Below, Under, Tread, Life, Legs, Arm, Water, Clothed, Seven Spirits of God
Feet of Clay–The Book of Daniel symbolizes western civilization as the synthesis of four preceding empires (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome) and says that the justice of its path is partially clay and partially iron. Clay is a mixture of Earth and Oil and symbolizes religion as a key element of these empires, western civilization, and the so-called New World Order at the End of Days. See also:

Feet, Clay, Earth, Oil, Oil and Wine, Iron, Four Metals, Lead, Lead Talent, Feet of Iron, Feet were as the feet of a bear, Dust, End of Days, West, East, Triangle, 18, 21, 36, 153, 1776 Feet of Iron–Symbolizes the callous, unjust and ruthless nature of the Roman Empire, the resulting character of western civilization, and now that of the so-called New World Order led by the USA. Besides being a hard and unbending metal, iron is dark and alludes to evil deeds and character. See also: Feet of Clay, Feet, Iron, Clay, Four Metals, Feet were as the feet of a bear, Lead, Lead Talent, Dust, Dark, Earth, West, East, Black Horse, Red Horse
Feet were as the feet of a bear–Feet symbolize the nature, direction and relative justice of one’s path (walk) through life. Therefore, “feet as a bear” symbolizes the application of power and justice in the manner of a great ravenous predator (beast). A bear is used to specifically pinpoint Russia. In addition to pinpointing Russia by its national symbol, “feet of a bear” refers both to the great size of the Russian landmass and its effects on its citizens and neighbors. As a huge predator, it refers to the great evil and injustice wrought throughout Russia’s bloodstained and horrible history. It highlights Christianity’s direct involvement in that evil, excess, and abuse of power, both in that region of the world and elsewhere. It also clearly states that Russia has always been a major player in the Vatican’s Empire.

Also points to Russia and the Soviet Union as primary powers within the Vatican-led Eurasian Empire. It symbolizes the actual map of the European empire with Russia’s huge land mass, population, wealth, and military as a major power in Eurasia and the Eastern foothold expanse. Russia anchored the bulk of the Eurasian Empire’s landmass while Spain and the British Empire served as the most successful heralds and deliverers (expanders and colonizers) of the Vatican’s control upon the rest of the world.

Ruthless despots have ruled Russia since the czars forced Christianity upon their subjects in partnership with Rome. The same evil excesses continued through the life of the Soviet Union, yet on a much greater scale. Just as the Church of England deceived its people about its true relationship to Rome and the Vatican, the Soviet Union and Eastern Orthodox churches deceived their populations into believing they were independent of the Vatican.
Russia’s influence and power were greatly expanded through Communism and Marxism, which were also created and propagated by the Vatican’s secret cabals. They served as a new method of instigating wars; further militarizing, dividing, and polarizing the entire world, thereby generating great profits and Machiavellian manipulations through both hot and cold wars, conflicts, terrorism, and genocide. After the Soviet Union fell, Christianity, Judaism and Islam saw a dramatic resurgence among the peoples of the former Soviet Union, which helped to lay the groundwork for the so-called war on terror at the End of Days. See also: Mouth as the Mouth of a Lion, Feet, Mouth, Teeth, Beast, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Den, Rock, Shadow, Scorpion, End of Days, Feet of Iron

Fell down –Lowered one’s self to show deference and respect and the offering of one’s service and loyalty. Symbolizes that one symbol is demonstrating its lower status and power and thereby sending the message of the true relationship between it and the upper symbol. See also: Worship, Fear, Fear not, Power, God

Fell down and worshipped–Lowered themselves and showed deference and respect and to clearly display who or what is superior to them. See also: Worship, Fear, Fear not, Power, God

Fellow servant –Refers to also being a servant of the Creator, hence a kindred spirit who also walks the Path of Truth and Justice. See also: Brethren, Companion, Kindred, Spirit, Enemy, Way, Walk Fell upon–When one symbol falls upon another, the bottom symbol has been symbolically put into a lower status by the upper symbol and it means to smite, correct, or subdue. See also: Upon, Fall upon, Stand Upon, Feet, Under, Above, Smite

Fifth Angel –The fifth cycle of Hebrew history which included the Renaissance, the Inquisition, the –The fifth cycle of Hebrew