Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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The Centuries, Quatrain 3.34
When the Sun’s eclipsing brings darkness
The nighttime monster (astrological omen) [is] visible in the daytime They interpret it totally wrong
Costliness ignored, none will have foreseen it.

The Centuries, Quatrain 5.53
Law (wisdom) from the Sun (Truth, Justice, etc.), and Venus (Religion) contending Claiming the spirit of prophecy (Truth, Life):
Neither one nor the other will have been understood;
The law of the great messiah is grasped (understood) through the Sun (Truth and Justice).

The Centuries, Quatrain 5.79
The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings
At the arrival of the Great Lawgiver (Melchizedek/Moses/Messiah):
He raises the humble (meek, poor, wise) and vexes the rebels (arrogant, rich, powerful) None of his like again born on the earth.
The Centuries, Quatrain 8.14
Great credit, gold, money, and abundance
Cause the nobles (rich & powerful) to be blinded by greed:
Concealed abuses of the adulterers (Vatican and religious, monetary, political leaders) Are exposed to their great disgrace

The Centuries, Quatrain 8.28
The imitations of gold and money so inflated (excess and costliness) That they are cast into the lake of fire following the captivity (subjection) After learning that all is corruption and deception
All securities, money, debts, and obligations are eliminated (The prophesied Jubilee)

The Centuries, Quatrain 10.72
The Year 1999 month seven
Sees the celestial appearance of a Great King of Terror (Ultimate Solar/Astrological Omen) Reawaken the Great King ANGOLMOIS (Sang Lion, Solomon, Lion of the Tribe of Juda) Before and after, Mars (the planet and war) reigns happily.

The Centuries, Quatrain 10.74
During the great seventh (17th) cycle (2001/5761 and afterwards)
Arising at the time of blood sport (wars and terrorism as spectacle)
Not far from the great millennial age (years following 2000/5760)
That the dead (ignorant and fearful) come out of their graves (ignorance and delusions)

The Centuries, Quatrain 10.75
Fervently expected, never to return [as] European
Ascending from the East: (Chinese Zodiac, path of wisdom, way of the rising sun) One of the league (brotherhood) descended from great Hermes (North African Sage) Rises above all the Kings (lawgivers) of the East (ways of truth, justice, wisdom).

The Centuries, Quatrain 10.78
Sudden joy transformed into sudden sadness
Engulfing Rome for the vanities embraced
Grief, cries, tears, weeping, blood, excellent jubilation
Diverse groups shocked when cast together

These are merely a representative sample. Many of the coded symbols used require an understanding of ancient Hebrew symbology and wisdom literature. See also: Fifth Angel, Cycle, Fifth Element, Prophet, Prophecy, Prophesy again, Reincarnation, Strong Angel, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Melchizedek, Moses, Reed, Reed Sea, Mountain, Solomon’s Temple, Solomon’s Seal, Elijah, Zerubbabel, Teacher of Righteousness, Mohammed, St. Malachy, Albert Einstein, Branch, Stump of Jesse, Rod, Rod of Fire, Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Lamb, Messiah, Sun, East, Sun of Righteousness, Lord, Lord Just and True, Stone, Philosophers’ Stone, Two, Two Tables of Stone, Two Pillars, Two Candlesticks, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Ways, Two Witnesses, Two Prophets, Two Olive Trees, Three, Three Pillars, Four, Four Angels, Fifth Angel, Four Elements, Five, Pentacle, Pentagram, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, Seven, Seven Pillars, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Seven Stars, Seven Angels, Seventh Angel, Seven Eyes, Seven Horns, Seven Trumpets, Shofar, Armageddon, Jubilee, 8, 8-11, 11, 11:11, El, Eleven Stars, 13, 11Q13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 36, 66, 72, 153, 666, 1440, 1260, 1776, 2160, 5760, Wisdom, Wisdom of the Ages, End of Days, God’s Throne, Chapter One, Book, Scroll, Book of Life, Little Book, Bread, Loaves and Fishes Not yet come–Will come to be in the future. See also: Come, New, New Earth, New Heaven, Place Nourished–To strengthen with knowledge and wisdom. To feed the soul and mind and grow strong in spiritual terms, which is done through truth, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. See also: Feed, Eat, Ate it up, Strength, Swallow, Bread, Devour, Fish, Wisdom, Soul, Mind, Spiritually

Number –To enumerate and quantify the character of something by reasoning, calculation, and comparison to proven values. This can include the use of numbers and numeric symbolism as well as other methods of measurement and analysis. See also: Count, Mark, Measure, Weight, Cast, Reed, Rod, Plummet, Mettle, Color, Two, Three, Four, Cross, Five, Pentacle, Pentagram, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, 9, 11, 13, 11Q13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 72, 153, 360, 666, 1440, 1776, Number of the Beast, Name, Name of the Beast, Name of God

Number of the Beast –This symbolic phrase has multiple facets. Most Christian interpreters have focused only on a purely literal expectation of Revelation13:18, which is obviously completely wrong. Some, such as members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, have sought to understand its symbolic significance and have at least identified the fact that 666 is the numeric value of several names associated with the Vatican and Papacy. This has at least permitted them to correctly I.D. the Vatican as the target of much of the prophecy and symbolism of The Apocalypse, Book of Daniel, and elsewhere. Unfortunately, failing to understand the symbolism of count, number, man, measure, three parts, third part, and the numbers three and six along with other symbolism has resulted in misinterpretation leading to false prophecy and false doctrine. To count and number symbolizes determining the truth by comparison to known values, which can include the use of numbers and numeric symbolism as well as other methods of measurement and analysis. Thereby, the number of the beast is very similar to the symbolism of the name of the beast, only on this instance the number 666 and related values are used to demonstrate and determine the truth about the Vatican, its nations, religions, and their character and values. This verse also states that it is the number of a man, which means a secular organization or institution. This refers to the Vatican, which is a citystate and a government separate from Christianity and the Papacy. In other words, the Vatican is a monetary and political entity that only uses the Papacy and Christianity to hide its true nature. This is further symbolized in verse 18:7, where the Papacy is symbolized saying “I sit a queen, and am no widow.” See also: Number, Count, Name, Beast, Measure, Plummet, Weigh, Weight, Three, Triangle, Third Part, Three Pillars, Divided into Three Parts, Four, Cross, Four Elements, Five, Five Pillars, Pentagram, Pentacle, Six, Hexagon, Star of David, 9, Ten Horns, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1260, 1776, 5760, Dragon, Serpent, Great Red Dragon, Lie, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, White Horse, Bow, Black Horse, Pair of Balances, Red Horse, Great Sword, Pale Horse, Death and Hell, Man, I sit a Queen, Decked within Gold

Occult –Refers to hidden and mysterious knowledge. The Vatican inspired Christian assertion that areas of so-called hidden knowledge are evil has the specific and sole purpose of preventing people from seeking to understand ancient wisdom and knowledge that is counter to religious dogma because that path of exploration proves that all three Faiths of Abraham are purposeful deceptions. Other bodies of mumbo-jumbo and hocus-pocus such as magic and various forms of mysticism are various ratios of misinterpreted ancient wisdom symbology and purposeful efforts at misdirection to obscure the truth about ancient wisdom and the symbolism used to encode and encapsulate it. See also: Truth, Lie, Symbol, Symbology, Stone, Philosophers’ Stone, Strong, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Satan, Given unto, Mystery, Babel, Mystery Babylon, Hidden, Den, Rock, Dens and Rocks of the Mountains, Mason, Stone, Carpenter, Shadow, Dark, Light, Star, Moon, Venus, Way, Path, Pillar, Candle, Candlestick, Simon Magus, Zerubbabel, Two, Two Pillars, Two Ways, Spirit, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Foul, Three, Triangle, Triangular Number, Foul Spirits, Three unclean spirits like frogs, Frogs, Third Part, Three Parts, Four, Cross, Four Elements, Metal, Four Metals, Four Corners, Four Winds, Five, Five Pillars, Pentacle, Pentagram, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, Solomon’s Seal, Seven, Seven Spirits, Seven Pillars, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Solomon’s Temple, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 66, 72, 153, 360, 666, 1260, 1440, 1776, 2160, 5760, God’s Throne, Wisdom, Wisdom of the Ages
Odors–Scented oils used as incense to deodorize corpses during funerals and/or to hide the stench of fouled air or foul spirits. This is also translated as incense in some versions, which like scented oils is symbolic of religious ritual. It signifies that certain things are about to die and that they are highly offensive to the Creator and Her servants. Likewise, their stench (unclean, foul, and polluted air) is like that of dead bodies. Also notice that the golden vials full of odors are mentioned in verse 5:8 and 5+8=13. Conversely, incense is mentioned later in verses 8:3 to 8:5. Notice that 8+3=11 and 8+5=13. These repeated associations with 11 and 13 are purposefully symbolic and redundantly reinforced to leave no doubt about their purpose. Furthermore, like the use of incense, scented oils are also burned, directly alluding to fire and righteousness directed at the false doctrine of religion and ritual. See also: Incense, Golden vials full of Odors, Flesh, Unclean, Foul, Dead Bodies, Grave, Spirit, Golden, Foul Spirits, Abomination, Religion, Blasphemy, Vial, Golden Vial, Cup of Gold, Hide, Grave, Air, Oil, Wine, Oil and Wine, Her, She, Fire, 11, 13, 11Q13
Offer–To give (unto); but this is specifically and unequivocally referring to religious offerings such as incense and sacrifices as well as the mixing of money and religion that gives power to deceptive leaders. That is why it is in the same verse as the gold censer and incense. See also: Given, Given unto, Censer, Incense, Gold Censer, Abomination that makes desolate, Golden Altar, Money, Sell, Buy, Religion, Bow, White Horse
Oil–Symbolizes anointing oil and the selection and anointing of leaders. In most contexts, it refers to the actions of deceptive priests, popes, and religion in general and delivers the message that anointing, crowning or otherwise selecting leaders based on religion is folly and therefore not sanctioned by the Creator. This is reinforced by the fact that oil is a manufactured product that has been made unclean by the presence of money, religion, and politics. Consequently, it alludes to unclean unions between religious and political leaders.
In other contexts olive trees are said to represent anointed ones because the olive, the oil, and the tree are still in their natural state and unsullied by ambition and the hands of man or woman. In the Book of Zechariah verse 4:12, golden oil is emptied from the two olive trees to provide fuel for the fire of the seven candlesticks/pipes of a menorah. In this context, the anointing oil is colored golden to signify its association with life-supporting and valued ideals and character (metal/mettle). The oil is thereby supporting the continued burning of the candlesticks’ fires and is without impurities and thereby produces no smoke, unlike incense. See also: Anoint, Wine, Oil and Wine, Odors, Incense, Two Olive Trees, Olive, Clay, Black Horse, Golden, Works, Karma, Blessing, Curse, Wax, Candle, Fire, Smoke, Incense, Air, Pure, Golden

Oil and Wine –These two presented together gives a very clear and specific message about two great false doctrines, religious practices and expectations of both Christianity and Judaism. Both are linked, clearly and undeniably, with lies told by priests and rabbis about leaders, the messiah and religious leaders' own roles and relationships to the Creator. The oil is the anointing oil of Jewish tradition, and the expectation that some human priest could approve and anoint the messiah, instead of the Creator doing so directly. The wine symbol is for the so-called blood of Christ foolishness, put forth by the Catholic Church and other such “harlots.” Furthermore, the wine alludes to intoxication (delusion) that results from ingesting a fabricated human product designed to blur one’s eyes and sight.
These are both linked to the black horse because they are both lies that are used to defraud and extract money and power from the deluded followers of religions and others. The assertion that deceptive priests would somehow maintain power over the Creator’s chosen Messiah is a blatant attempt by these liars to deceive both you and me and continue to subvert God’s expectations of humanity. See also: Olive Tree, Olive, Oil, Anoint, Odor, Incense, Messiah, Reincarnation, King, Wine, Craft, Black Horse, Satan, Strong Lie, Truth, 11, Harlot, Riches, Mystery Babylon, Eye, Sight, Seven Eyes, Cross, Triangle, Three, Six, Star of David, 9, 11, 13, 11Q13, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1440, 1776
Old serpent–An ancient deceiver and thereby an ancient source of strong lies. Signifies the creators and heralds of false gods, religions, money, politics, and lies about our Creator and the true nature of life in this universe. See also: Truth, Lie, Strong Lie, Mystery Babylon, Satan, Given unto Him, Dragon, Serpent, Cockatrice, Aaron's Rod, Ten Horns, Money, Religion, Politics, 21, 153, 666 Olive–A bitter, oil bearing fruit that symbolizes the harvest (results) of permitting religions to control knowledge and leaders. Olives are a very bitter fruit though, and this symbolizes learning hard and difficult to swallow lessons from past deeds. It likewise represents the source of anointing oil and the results of anointing, which can be either good or bad depending on who does the anointing and why. Though the fruit is bitter, the outcomes are pleasing to the Creator because truth, wisdom and justice eventually results from many seasons of human folly See also: Olive Tree, Oil, Anoint, Wine, Fruit, Tree, Grape, Vine, Cluster, Gather, Harvest, Reap, Wormwood, Bitter, Works, Swallow, Two Olive Trees
Olive Trees– Symbolizes multiple things. First, it’s a tree and represents a grouping of people similar to a family tree, but based on character and deeds instead of physical relationships. Also, it’s a fruit tree and therefore symbolizes the results and outcomes of certain deeds. Olives are a very bitter fruit though, and this symbolizes learning hard and difficult to swallow lessons from past deeds. Since olives are also the source of anointing oil, the olive tree symbolizes the grouping of outcomes that are pleasing to the Creator. Also, since olives are both bitter and result in the pure oil used for anointing it demonstrates that good can eventually result from many seasons of folly. See also: Olive, Two Olive Trees, Oil, Wax, Pure, Anoint, Wine, Fruit, Tree, Grape, Vine, Cluster, Gather, Harvest, Reap, Wormwood, Bitter, Belly, Works, Wood, Reed, Carpenter

Omnipotent –Clearly states that the Creator is all-powerful and without peer because She created everything, which includes truth and wisdom. This universe is holographic in nature and is conceived within and formed by the thoughts of our Creator. Consequently, everything in this universe is less than and subject to control through Her inspirations. Everything is ultimately created by and controlled by Her thoughts. You are permitted to operate within this creation and to use it to learn, grow wiser, help others, etc. But anyone who somehow thinks they can defeat their Creator through secrecy and deception is a fool whose recompense will match such great folly. See also: God, She, God's Throne, Almighty, Strong, Wisdom, Mighty Wisdom, 11, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil, Armageddon, Judgment, Den, Rock, Seven Eyes
One like unto a son of manSee: Son of Man, Like unto a son of man, Like unto the son of man

One Mind –Symbolizes both that the Ten Commandments are viewed as a single body of rules and that they have a singular focus or mindset, which is religion. See also: Mind, One Sat, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Great Red Dragon
One Sat–One only and no one else. This is an important point to emphasize because of the lies that there are other gods in this universe. This reiterates the point that there is only one God and Creator of this universe and that they are one and the same. Christianity’s assertions of false doctrines such as the trinity, and Mary the mother of God are idiotic in the extreme.

It is also used to state that there is only one Messiah, and no other, hence that Melchizedek, Moses, the Teacher of Righteousness and the Lion of the Tribe of Juda are one and the same soul. See also: God, Lord, Dragon, Omnipotent, First and the Last, For your pleasure they are and were created, Teacher of Righteousness, Melchizedek, Lord of Wisdom, Lion of the Tribe of Juda Open–Exposed to the light (Truth); to reveal for all to see; to unlock and reveal a mystery; to unlock a secret or mystery; unsealed or to unseal. See also: Loose, Key, Door, See, Eye, Sight, Divided, Mystery, Lie, Truth, Symbol, Symbology, Seal, Seven Seals, Unseal, Little Book, Shadow, Behind, Backside, Rolled together, Hidden, Shut, Den, Rock, Scorpion, 21, 153, 666 Ordinances–Rules and Laws. See also: Law, Statute, Rod, Reed, Wisdom, King, Two Tables of Stone, Rule, Pillar, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars
Out–To go forth; to issue forth or to come from a specific place in space and time; to proceed forward to cause a specified effect on the future timeline. It also implies that when something issues forth from another symbol (the source), that source symbol is either a cause for it or a characterization that colors the deeds that flow from it. See also: Come, Go, Up, Down, Into, Place, Color, Cast, Mouth, Gold Censer, Smoke
Out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged swordSharp, cutting words of power. Since it cuts two ways, the two edges symbolize the Path(s) of Truth and Justice. The inner body of the blade of the sword is the remaining five of the Spirits of God. Also symbolizes the Doctrine of Two Spirits that exposes, reveals and judges in both directions. It says that Truth and Justice will go forth into the future timeline as the direct result of words which are the Creator’s will to cut off the spirits of evil and those who cling to them. See also: Sharp, Sharp Two-edged Sword, Two, Truth, Sword, Mouth, Way, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Words, Cut Off, Harper, Power, Breath of my lips OvenSee: Furnace, Burn, Fire, Heat, Bread, Millstone, Molten, Wrought, Smoke

OverAbove serves as a statement of relative status, hence a demonstration higher status or power than a lower symbol. This is also the direction of the Air and Heaven and models the dualism of Up and Down, Good and Evil, and the Doctrine of Two Spirits. See also: Up, Above, Upon, Stand Upon, Under, Down, Good, Evil, Air, Heaven, Power, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Cross, Two Ways

Overcome –To defeat; to increase one’s status at the expense of the status of an opponent; to go forth in a greater position of power. It is the same as prevailing and succeeding over great struggle. See also: Over, Come, Above, Stand Upon, Walk Upon, Go Forth, Prevailed,

Pair of balances –The rider on the black horse is carrying two sets of balances. Most people have mistakenly interpreted this as referring to a single scale. Instead, it means two separate sets of scales. This symbolizes economic fraud. It points to one set of balances or weights used to measure goods and another set used to calculate cost, which is an ancient form of fraud. When applied to the institution of money itself, as in Zechariah 4, it clearly tells you that your leaders are lying to you about the very nature, structure and purpose of money. The truth behind money, banking, and economics is that they a purposeful and well-sculpted deception that rises to the level of a great abomination. Also, two is used to remind you of the wisdom of the Doctrine of Two Spirits and two ways. See also: Reason, Balance, Ephah, Lead Talent, Strong Lie, Dragon, Image to the Beast, Image of the Beast, Money, Usury, Mystery Babylon, Abomination that makes desolate, Black Horse, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Pillars, Two Olive Trees, 18, 21, 153, 666, 1776 Pain(s)–Refers to great difficulties, torment, distress, and afflictions. See also: Torment, Foul, Tribulation, Heat, Hurt, Labor, Plague, Curse, Noisome, Wound, Sore

Pained to be delivered –The great difficulties experienced while striving for wisdom on the path of truth and justice that leads away from money, politics, and religion. Directly symbolizes the great struggles of the Yahad/Essene in striving to overcome Roman oppression and religious deceptions to forge a secular understanding of the Creator and universe through truth, justice, and wisdom. See also: Pain, Woman, Lady, Lady of the Lake, Man child, Birth, Travailing, Delivered, Torment, Overcome, Tribulation, Seven Stars, 11, 17, 18, 21, 153, 666, 1776

Pale horse –The image of these two riders (Hell and Death) on the same pale horse symbolizes fear of the unknown and ignorance as primary driving forces in human history. The horse is pale from fear because he carries both Hell and Death on his back and the blood has drained from his flesh as it does from your face when you’re beset by fear. It’s just like you’d expect him to look when carrying the two ultimate specters, Hell and Death, on his back. However, his fear stems from complete ignorance because these two riders are not what they appear to be. Humanity, for the most part, is completely fearful and ignorant of both of these specters. Consequently, they let heroes, leaders, and religions delude and mislead them. Most people are afraid of death and afraid of what happens after death. Thanks to the influence of the three Faiths of Abraham and other religions, but mostly by Christianity and Islam, people have been fed a long list of hellish images while never fully understanding the reasons why one might end up in “hell.” Consequently, fear, doubt, and ignorance are constantly used to force you to do things you might otherwise refuse to do if you knew the Truth. Fear is a primary tool of those who have controlled this world at the behest of the evil souls in the Vatican. It works because most people are too ignorant to realize that fear and ignorance are greater enemies than the things you’re afraid of! See also: Fear, Fear not, Red Horse, White Horse, Black Horse, Rider, Four Horses of the Apocalypse, Death, Flesh, Face, Blood Palms (in their hands)–Symbolic of being released from captivity as described in the Books of Leviticus and Nehemiah shown below:

Nehemiah 8:15
And that they should publish and proclaim in all their cities, and in Jerusalem, saying, Go forth unto the mount, and fetch olive branches, and pine branches, and myrtle branches, and palm branches, and branches of thick trees, to make booths, as it is written.

Nehemiah 8:16
So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.

Leviticus 23:42
Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths:

Leviticus 23:43
That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

This is an obscure reference specifically inferring the making of booths for shelter after being released from captivity. Booths were also made to house livestock and are called mangers in the New Testament and are similar to stalls in Malachi 4:2. This serves as a sign that the coming of the Messiah is the long awaited Jubilee and release from the captivity known as perdition and purgatory. This further demonstrates that stolen Hebrew texts were recast to form the stories of Jesus. See also: Song, Tabernacles, Cast, Jubilee, Shofar, Paradise, Perdition, Purgatory, Jesus, 21, 153, Seventh Angel, First and the Last
Paps–Breast, chest area, where the Priests of old wore their breastplates. The breastplate covers the heart, so this is referring to the location of desires and emotions. See also: Girt, Girdle, Breastplate, Heart, Belly, Blood, Fire of the Altar, Golden Altar

Paradise–Life in the exclusive presence of the Seven Spirits of God and with the absence of all the struggles and despair caused by the Seven Spirits of Evil. See also: Heaven, Palms, Seven Eyes

Partake –Support, participate or profit from. See also: Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Sin, Suffer, Mark, Mark of the Beast, Eat, Drink, Swallow, Tongue, Sight, Merchandise, Given unto, Buy, Receive, Sell, Army, Army of the Horsemen, Karma
Passed away–Gone with time and now a thing of the past. No longer existing on the current or future timelines and fading into the memory of the past. See also: Time, Space, Past, Death, Die

Past –Already happened, gone away down the timeline. See also: Time, Space, Passed away Path–A way; philosophy; the manner of or direction of ones life and deeds. Path symbolizes the manner and the direction (the way) that you live your life. For example, whether you are on the path of Truth and Justice, or the path of greed, falsehood, and injustice. As you read other topics in this book and related texts about the holographic nature of this universe and the flow of time as a waveform, keep the analogy of the path in mind. Ponder how it accurately describes a basic understanding of living your life in the time lines of this universe. Path was the term used by the Yahad/Essene and many other philosophical ways to symbolize one’s transit through the timeline of Planet Earth and the characterization of your deeds and results. It also infers that there are many paths through life and we choose the way and the directions we live by, which are the paths we walk. See also: Way, Two Ways, Walk, Legs, Feet, Works, Truth, Lie, Perfect Path, Triangle, 11, El, Time, Space, Street, Run, Didache, Community Rule, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Appendix H Patience of the saintsSee: Here is the patience and the faith of the saints