Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Great –All-powerful and unmatched. See also: Almighty, Strong
Great Admiration–Refers to unmatched adoration and awe. See also: Worship, Fear, Fear Not, Wonder, Bow, White Horse, Decked, Arrayed, Fine Linen
Great Authority–Unmatched power and prestige bestowed and/or permitted by those who follow or support those who have been given power based on conceptual frameworks such as laws, religion, or philosophy. Specifically refers to the authority passed down from the Roman Empire and the Priesthood of Belial to the Vatican, which is the Priesthood of Belial with new clothing to hide the truth about what truly they are. That authority includes money, religion and politics. It also includes the great lie that they represent God, when in fact they are causing people to worship false images of the Creator, fantasy messiahs, false doctrine, and to fear fantasy demons. See also: Great City, Authority, Great, Power, Force, Mystery Babylon, Satan, Great Red Dragon, Fear, Given unto him, Buy, Sell, Ten Commandments, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Great Red Dragon, Beast, Roar, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, God’s Throne, Seven Horns, Seven Trumpets, Seven Thunders, Philosophers’ Stone, Jubilee, 11, 11Q13
Great Babylon–Worldwide control and influence of Money, Politics, Religion, and Mystery, a.k.a. the Vatican. See also: Babylon, Mystery, Mystery Babylon, Great River Euphrates, Shinar, Great City, Money, Politics, Religion, Three, Six, 9, 13, 11Q13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1260, 1440, 1776

Great Chain –An all-powerful and unmatched restraint. In this instance, we are referring to the truth, knowledge, and wisdom that flow from the unsealed Apocalypse and the Seven Spirits of God. This is a chain that even a serpent can’t wriggle out of when properly applied. A primary aspect of the chain symbolism refers to the many synchronized and redundant links of the ancient symbology and interpretations you see throughout this book. This wisdom and the interlocking and tightly synchronized structure of the symbolism of the Philosophers’ Stone serve to verify the truth and decisively disprove the lies of the Vatican and its cohorts. This “chain” of knowledge and wisdom is unmatched and undeniable. See also: Great, Truth, Lie, Strong Lie, Pit, Bottomless Pit, Seven Spirits of God, Wisdom, Philosophers’ Stone, Strong, Triangle, Serpent, Three, Third Part, Three Parts, Six, 9, 11, 13, 11Q13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 72, 153, 666, 1260, 1440, 1776, Net, Bound, Bond, Den, Rock, Stone, Seven Mountains

Great City –This symbolizes that a greater number of philosophical frameworks (houses, temples, birds, men, women, children, etc.) are organized around money, religion, politics, mystery, and the Seven Spirits of Evil, than any other conceptual gathering place of the Earth. This is the allpowerful political, financial, and religious power center, hence this is referring to the ancient citystate we call the Vatican, but most importantly to the concepts and ideals it espouses and controls about which most of the works of the Earth are clustered within the midst of and round about. See also: City, Great, Great Authority, Vatican, Mystery, Mystery Babylon, Den, Mason, Bondman, Free man, Earth, Given Unto, Money, Religion, Politics, Net, Fish, Bird, Man, Woman, Children, Gather, Place, Cluster, Together, Under, Within, About, Round About, Midst, Street, Way, Path, Power, House, Temple, Works, Nation, Armies, Army of the Horsemen, Kindred, Brethren, Enemy, Follow, Tail, Number, Beast, Number of the Beast, Image of the Beast, Eagle, Three, Three Parts, Third Part, Triangle, Four, Four Elements, Four Metals, Cross, Five, Five Pillars, Pentacle, Pentagram, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, Seven, Seven Spirits, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1440, 1776, God of Forces, God of the Earth, Simon Magus, Strong Lie, Zerubbabel, Holy City

Great Day –Symbolizes an all-powerful and unmatched year, a.k.a. the day (year) of judgment and great decision, hence Armageddon. Judgment day symbolizes a yearlong period, which is now in progress (2005/5765 through 2006/5766) and is the year of God’s favor and of Melchizedek’s favor described in the Old Testament and Dead Sea Scrolls. See also: Day, Year, Armageddon, Judgment, Judgment Day, 1000, Appendix G, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, Seventh Angel, God, Melchizedek, 11Q13, Lord, Lord Just and True, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1776, 5760, Four Angels Great Eagle–The highest flying of birds, which symbolizes a philosophy that is closer to truth and wisdom than all others. As a bird, the eagle is an air symbol, which directly associates it with the Seven Spirits of God, hence truth and wisdom. The eagle also flies in the vicinity of clouds and the tops of mountains. This also places the Great Eagle above all other eagles and bird symbols. See also: Bird, Fowl, Raven, Stork, Eagle, Wing, Wings of a Great Eagle, Two Wings, Like a flying eagle, Air, 8, 8-11, Eighth, Scorpion, Heaven, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Mountain, Cloud, Fly

Great God –Same as God almighty and with no peers whatsoever, hence the Creator of everything. See also: Almighty, God, God almighty, Soul, Truth, Wisdom, Might, Strength, Arm, Seven Eyes, She, Seven Pillars, God’s Throne, Without Hand, Forever and Ever

Great Men –These are the most powerful governments, institutions and organizations. See also: Great, Man, Woman, Power, God of the Earth, God of Forces
Great Mountain–All-powerful pillar of strength, which symbolizes a foundational and unmatched body of knowledge and wisdom. See also: Great, Mountain, Wisdom, Cloud, Pillar, Strength, Body, Might, Flesh, Mount Zion, Zion, Might, Almighty, Wisdom, Mighty Wisdom

Great Multitude –Symbolizes an unmatched and dominant multitude, which alludes to an unstoppable and irresistible majority of the world’s population turning away from money, religion, politics and the Seven Spirits of Evil. See also: Multitude, Great, Lake of Fire
Great Red Dragon–Refers to Marduk, Satan, Belial, Bel, Baal, Lucifer, Ahriman, the god of forces, chaos, war, etc. The chief deity of ancient Babylon was called Marduk and Bel/Belial and his symbol was a Great Red Dragon. It’s important that the Dragon is red, just like the red horse, which signifies both self-sacrifice and war. Since the dragon is a false god and a deceptive concept, as well as a reptile, it symbolizes that self-sacrifice (blood) associated with it is both deceptive and hypocritical. Just like all of the gods and deities put forth by the Priesthood of Belial, they are lies and illusions leading to fear, doubt and great delusion. With this in mind, it’s simple to see that the modern day Babylonian Priesthood, which is the Vatican and the fabricator of Christianity, has simply created another false god, false opponent, and false doctrine to manipulate populations to do their evil for them. They simply created another false deity in a long line of false gods. This one is now named Jesus Christ and was created in the hopes of defeating the reincarnated Melchizedek and to gain great power and riches in the intervening years.
Read Bel and the Dragon in Appendix B to better understand some background for this symbolism. This apocryphal story is a parable that tells us that Bel(ial) and the Great Red Dragon of Babylon are closely related and verifies that this symbol is referring to a long series of false gods and the religions and empires built around them. Knowing that the Vatican is the ancient Babylonian priesthood, you can see the long history of false gods that stretch back through all four of the empires symbolized in the Book of Daniel (Rome, Greece, Persia, Assyria/Babylon). To think that Christianity is somehow any different from all of the purposeful deceptions that preceded it, and by the very same priesthood, is complete and utter folly and delusion. See also: Dragon, Mystery Babylon, Marduk, Belial, Serpent, Cockatrice, Satan, Triangle, Red, Red Horse, Scarlet, Great Authority, 17, 21, Net, 153, 666, 1776, Beast with two horns,
Great Riches–This means unmatched greed, arrogance and injustice and refers to the Vatican, its cohorts, and the great excesses of western civilization. See also: Riches, Great, Abundance, Dainty and Goodly, Gold, Silver, Seven Spirits of Evil, Mystery Babylon, West, East

Great River Euphrates–Life, people and their deeds flowing from the materialistic impulses and motivations of ancient Babylon and now as part of Mystery Babylon the Great, which is the Vatican’s empire and its institutions of money, religion and politics. Ancient Babylon sat on the Euphrates River, which is accordingly used in The Apocalypse to symbolize the waters (inertial flow of motivations and deeds through time) of modern Mystery Babylon (money, religion, politics, Vatican, empires, etc.). See also: Great, Water, River, Fountain, Babylon, Shinar, Mystery Babylon, Great Red Dragon

Great sword –Symbolizes the most powerful instrument of war. This refers to money, commerce, and industrialization, which are the foundations and driving force of the war machine that is western civilization. The red horse’s rider carries the Great Sword to purposely link it to scarlet. See also: Great, Sword, Army, Battle, Black Horse, Red Horse, White Horse, Pale Horse, Rider, Bow, Chariot, Scarlet

Great voice–An all-powerful inspiration that delivers an inescapable message. See also: Great, Voice, Mouth, Harp, Sharp Two-Edged Sword

Great whore –All-powerful, least virtuous and richest of all religions, which is the Vatican/Papacy and Roman Catholic Church and Christianity by extension. See also: Woman, Queen, Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots, Riches, Harlot, Lady, Lady of the Lake
Great wonders–Miracles, amazing deeds, and great mysteries. See also: Wonder, Mystery, Sorceries, Miracle, Craft, Molten, Triangle, Third Part, Den, Three, Six, 9

Green –Symbolizes living or alive, hence with or of the Spirit of life, a.k.a. the Seven Spirits of God. See also: Emerald, Spirit of Life, Alive, Little Book, Book of Life, Death, Two Ways, Rainbow Green Grass– Symbolizes living or alive people, hence those with some portion of the Spirit of life, a.k.a. the Seven Spirits of God. In other words, these are those who are not evil. See also: Grass, Reed, Tree, Water, Green, Multitude, Gather, Harvest, Cluster, Wheat, Sickle, Stubble Green Thing–A living thing, hence with some portion of the Spirit of life, a.k.a. the Seven Spirits of God. See also: Green, Green Grass, Reed, Emerald, Thing, Spirit of Life, Book of Life, Two Ways

Grievous –Great difficulties and sorrows associated with a great affliction. This is specifically referring to the great despair, difficulties, and suffering in the presence of money, politics, religion, and the Spirits of Evil. See also: Noisome, Sore, Pain, Affliction, Torment, Tears, Plague, Costliness, Sea, Pit

Guile–Deception; lies; equivocation; spin. See also: Truth, Lie, Third Part, Den, Rock, Craft, Scorpion, Shadow, Triangle, Three, Six, 9, 18, 21, 36, 666, Ten Horns, Great Red Dragon

Hail –Chastisement, affliction, or a curse flowing from bad karma. Hail, like snow, is crystalline water and therefore relates to the results of deeds. Falling from the clouds symbolizes that the source and purpose of the chastisement flows from wise spiritual inspirations and wisdom, which those being chastised and cursed have transgressed. Rain and Hail are symbols relating to the results of karma. The position above the earth denotes truth, wisdom, and their comparative moral status in relationship to the earth and the things upon and within the earth. Consequently, hail refers directly to the effects of bad karma. For example, contemplate the effects of hail falling on the green grass or the heads of men, women, and other creatures. See also: Air, Cloud, Rain, Water, Snow, Stone, Brimstone, Crystal, Earth, Smite, Torment, Pain, Curse, Talent, Green Grass, Men, Women, Creatures
Hair–Bearing; attitude; style; temperament; persuasion. Symbolizes the nature and style of one’s mindset and thoughts as displayed by ones chosen mode of outward presentation and expression. Just as the symbols garment and robe symbolize the nature and character of one’s deeds and results, hair symbolizes apparent character, based on outward presentation and the style of thoughts, mindset, and inspirations. Notice that both horns and hair come from the head, therefore both are associated with thoughts and mindset. Another clue to this definition comes from the story of Samson who gained strength from his hair, which he had braided into seven locks. Notice how this matches the seven horns of the lamb. See also: Head, Horn, Eye, Ear, See, Hear, Garment, Robe, Wool, Seven Horns, Strength, Lamb, Seven Locks of his Head
Half a day–Half of a literal year, hence 6 literal months. See also: Hour, Day, Space, Time, 360 Hand–Symbolizes actions, deeds, or actions with; deeds with whatever is symbolically placed in the hand. For example, the seven stars in my right hand in The Apocalypse are the wisdom of the seven cycles of the Hebrew calendar that are used to (and during which I) accomplish the prophesied deeds. The book in God’s right hand symbolizes that She uses the Apocalypse and the Seven Spirits of God (and me) to fulfill long prophesied deeds and promises. See also: Foot, Right Hand, Arm, Leg, Right Foot, Left Hand, Left Foot, Works, Seven Stars, Seven Angels, She, Wisdom Harlot– Refers to a religion (woman) that has chosen money, wealth and power instead of truth, justice and virtue. It also infers shamelessness, greed, excess, untrustworthiness, and vanity. The references in The Apocalypse are directed to Christianity as a whole, but most especially to the Vatican/Papacy and Roman Catholicism as the Mother of Harlots. Both Judaism and Islam are likewise considered harlots. See also: Woman, Lady, Sophia, Queen, Mother of Harlots, Mystery Babylon, Strong Lie, Great Whore, Religion, Fornication, Christianity, Islam, Judaism Harp–Symbolizes pleasant deeds and sounds. A harp involves hands and denotes deeds, while songs, sounds and voices refer to inspirations, thoughts, and their results. This symbol points to people praising God and the Lamb by performing pleasant deeds and causing pleasant effects and results. Specifically it refers to “changing their tunes,” hence voices and ways, and thereafter living their lives by the Seven Spirits of God, exclusively and forever.

To harp also refers to being sharp-tongued, which refers to righteousness, the rod of my mouth, and the sharp two-edged sword issuing from my mouth. Also, notice that a harp is a multi-stringed bow, further symbolizing man-made covenants whose results are pleasing to the Creator. See also: Harping, Harper, Song, Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Hear, Ear, Sound, Bow, Rainbow, Way, Rod, Brass, Rod of Fire, Fire, Brimstone, Breath of my lips

Harper –Symbolizes one who performs deeds pleasing (sweet) to the ears by walking the path of Truth and Justice, which revolves around righteousness. Therefore, this infers pleasing sounds, which are righteous (true and just) words and works. See also: Harp, Harping, Song, Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Bow, Rainbow, Sharp two-edged Sword, Rod, Rod of Fire, Fire, Brimstone, Breath of my lips, Ear, Hear, Sweet as honey, Word, Works, Sound
Harping–Notice that harping refers to being sharp-tongued, which relates directly to the sharp twoedged sword symbolized issuing from my mouth, as well as to the "rod of my mouth" from the Book of Isaiah. See also: Harp, Harper, Bow, Rainbow, Sharp two-edged Sword, Rod, Rod of Fire, Fire, Brimstone, Breath of my lips
Harps of God–Specifically refers to being righteous, sharp-tongued, and having the courage and integrity to stand up against the Seven Spirits of Evil and for the Seven Spirits of God. See also: Harp, Harper, Harping, Song, Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Bow, Rainbow, Sharp two-edged Sword, Rod, Rod of Fire, Fire, Brimstone, Breath of my lips, Seven Spirits of Evil, Seven Spirits of God
Harvest–The fruits of labor, to gather the results of past deeds. Read Joel 3 verses 11-14 that specifically defines the valley of Jehoshaphat as the valley of decision. This chapter directly mirrors multiple themes and symbols used in The Apocalypse, including gathering, harvest, sickle, and Armageddon. See also: Fruit, Gather, Cluster, Sickle, Works, Karma, Bread, Wheat, Flour, Fish, Armageddon

Hate –Desire to cause harm to. See also: Hurt, War, Fear, Nations, Satan, Truth, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil
Hateful Bird–A predatory philosophy, but more importantly one that purposely causes harm so as to profit from the misfortune of others (money, religion, politics, war, wealth, etc.). See also: Hate, Bird, Fowl, Fowls of Heaven, Great Eagle, Fly, Wing, Unclean Bird, Stork

He that kills with the sword must be killed with the swordSee: Karma, Curse, Blessing, Sword He that leads into captivity shall go into captivitySee: Karma, Curse, Blessing, Captivity, Slave

Head –Mindset, governing impulses and inclinations, mind, will, or seat of intelligence and control. Symbolizes the focal point of control for the body of one of the symbolic creatures. The locale of the brain and the seat of thoughts, will, inspirations, and ideals. For beasts (realms), institutions, and organizations (men), this would represent primary motivation(s), leadership, governing principles, and ideals. For individuals, it is the mind and mindset. It also alludes to the wisdom that deeds are controlled and preceded by the mindset, which are inspirations, inclinations and the resulting cast of one’s thoughts. See also: Forehead, Eye, Ear, See, Hear, Horn, Face, Hair, Soul, Cast, Color Head of Gold–Symbolizes one aspect of the mindset and character of ancient Babylon and all of the subsequent empires that eventually result in western civilization. The most important message here is the mindset of riches and greed. See: Head, Gold, Golden, Four Metals, Cup of Gold, Riches, Decked within Gold, I sit a Queen, Babylon, Mystery Babylon, Euphrates River, Babel, Zerubbabel, Money, Breast and Arms of Silver, Silver, Money
Heal(ed)–Remedied and restored to health and activity; regained power lost through a previous wound or affliction. See also: Wound, Wound by a sword and did live, As it were wounded to death, Flesh, Body, Strength

Hear –To be both conceptually and morally aware of the nature of knowledge about things observed. To have a conscience and thereby to heed, consider, and respond to the conceptual, moral, and spiritual ramifications of existence and activities. See also: Ear, Mouth, Sound, Song, Harp, Cry, Breath of my lips, Voice, Word, Words of God, Sharp Two-Edged Sword, Loud, Roar, Teeth, Eye, See, Sight, Face, Turn
Heard–Heeded and understood, but especially the moral and spiritual aspect. See also: Hear, Ear, Mouth, Sound, Loud, Cry, Eye, See, Face, Turn

Heart –Desires; inspirations; inclinations; motivations. See also: Blood, Head, Eye, Ear, Spirit, Belly, Forehead, Hand, Her Altar, Golden Altar, Fire of the Altar
Heat–Justice; correction through affliction, scorn, intense scrutiny, indignation, and/or chastisement. See also: Fire, Flame, Furnace, Brimstone, Ashes, Sun, Burn, Smoke, Smite, Cut Off

Heaven –Heaven and paradise both describe aspects of life in the exclusive presence of the Seven Spirits of God and the absence of the Seven Spirits of Evil. The heavens and the air are closely associated literally and thereby closely related symbolically. Consequently, life based on truth, enlightenment, and wisdom would be characterized by the blessings of good karma and the absence of the curses of bad karma. Furthermore, life based on unequivocal truth, justice, and wisdom and the complete absence of the struggles associated with money, religion, and politics would result in a true paradise where most of the negative things that now characterize Planet Earth could not exist.

Heaven is not a physical place but a state of mind and set of circumstances that lead to a desired state of great enlightenment for all who have passed the test that is the Seven Spirits of God and gained the wisdom that is the key to the door and resulting in a true paradise for all. Heaven is also symbolic of that state of mind and existence that permits access to the place where the thoughts of God and the collective minds of those who exist in this universe may coexist and intermingle, without conflict. The understanding of that place is clearly described by the Seven Spirits of God and by the absence of the Seven Spirits of Evil. Both heaven and air are symbolizing different aspects of existence characterized by the Seven Spirits of God.

The idea that heaven is above the earth comes from the use of heaven to refer to the stars and the universe matched with the symbolism of the Seven Spirits of God (light, air) residing above the seven spirits of evil (earth, dark) as displayed by the Doctrine of Two Spirits. As described elsewhere, when the cross, which symbolizes the four elements, is placed atop the Doctrine of Two Spirits, the upper vertical arm (air) matches the Seven Spirits of God and the lower vertical arm (earth) matches the Seven Spirits of Evil. Likewise, the left horizontal arm is water (deeds) and the right horizontal arm is fire (inspirations). When the balance of the symbolism is placed into this framework, we see that truth and enlightenment matches the position of stars and the sun (the heavens) and mountaintops and clouds match the position of wisdom. Hence, heaven is symbolically and literally associated with truth and wisdom.
The seven spirits further model the seven unseen dimensions that precede and define space-time and are now verified by string theory. These seven dimensions are also alluded to by ancient wisdom symbology and subsequent religious and mystical narratives by discussions about seven heavens and spiritual realms described by the number seven. Each of the seven spirits models gradations of the potentials of life in that state of being, which results in a true paradise for all. These gradations are further mirrored in the seven unseen dimensions described by string theory. The first and second dimensions correspond to the spirits of truth and wisdom and represent the collective mind of the universe, hence a place that represents the pure knowledge and laws (wisdom) of the universe. It is also referred to as the “Akashic records” and the Implicate Order of the “wholeness and the implicate order” theory. The seventh unseen dimension matches the spirit of justice, representing cause and effect, hence the consequences of karma that precede and affect the four physical dimensions.
It also symbolizes the repository and source of all truths, and the wisdom, and understanding that flow from the discernment of foundational truths and enlightenment. It thereby serves as the mind and memory of the universe, including the thoughts and inspirations of the Creator and souls. Read Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohm, The Essential David Bohm edited by Lee Nichol, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, and The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, and related books for various other aspects of this knowledge. The article “River of Truth” listed in Appendix I under the science web links summarizes the primary concepts of these books. Bohm’s theorized “implicate order” is an enlightening and mostly accurate discussion on the nature of the underlying structure and innate intelligence of the universe, which is symbolized as both air and heaven in The Apocalypse. It is similar to the concept of the Akashic records, but with more intelligence and functionality. It specifically refers to the seven unseen dimensions, which are the quantum potential that defines all that transpires in all dimensions, aspects, and perceptions of this universe. See also: Set in Heaven, Air, Cloud, Mountain, Law, Wisdom, Fifth Element, Wings of the Great Eagle, God’s Throne, God’s Temple, First Heaven, “Heaven, the”, The Heaven Departed, Seven Heavens, Seven Spirits of God, Pure, Blessing, Curse, Cross, Four Elements, “Earth, Water, Air, and Fire”, Earth, Fire, Light, Seven Eyes
Heaven, the–There are over 70 instances of the use of the term the heaven where it should have said the heavens (the sky, air, or firmament) in the Bible with 65 or more in the Old Testament or the Tanakh. This is blatant and very old evidence of both fraud and misinterpretation by priests, scribes, and translators who changed a large number of verses to state that there was a physical placed called Heaven. By inference, this also meant a special place called Hell or Sheol. This symbolizes all the lies told about heaven, the Creator, and the true nature of reality by priests and their ilk to increase their status and wealth by deceiving and deluding whole populations. See also: Blasphemy, Abomination that makes desolate, The Heaven Departed, Satan, Bottomless Pit, Truth, Heaven, Seven Stars, Seven Heavens, God’s Throne, Seven Eyes

Heavens –The stars and the universe, thereby symbolizing the upper reaches of the air, hence truth and wisdom. See also: Air, Heaven, God’s Throne, Star, Sun, Cloud, Heaven, The Heaven Departed, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Stars, Seven Heavens, Seven Eyes

Held –Refuse to relinquish or renoun