Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Third Part –The lies, liars, and the alternate(s) to the truth. Two symbolizes God and Truth and three symbolizes the lies, the liars and the Vatican. When you remove the third part of three, you are left with two, which symbolizes God, the Truth, a straight line and a straight answer. Since three points form a triangle, when you remove the third part (point) you are left with a straight line which symbolizes straight answers and the perfect path.

A pivotal aspect of the symbolism of “three” when associated with the Vatican are the three great deceptions and delusions of money, religion, and politics, which are the three primary sources of their power over nations and people. They are also the “three parts” of the city. See also: 9, Truth, City, God, Lie, Strong Lie, Two, Three, Triangle, Six, Hexagram, Divided in Three Parts, Three Angels, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Money, Religion, Politics Perfect Path, Serpent, Dragon, First Heaven, First Earth, 18, 21, 36, 72, 153, 360, 666, 1440, 1776, Simon Magus
Thirst–To suffer from lack of life-supporting inspirations and deeds. See also: Water, Cloud, Eat, Drink, Swallow, Hunger, Fountain, Fountains of living waters, Rain, Sea, River, Life, The Dead

Thousand yearsSee: 1000 years
Thousand two hundred and threescore days–Equals 1260 days and thus 1260 literal years. This is the period of time that the Vatican openly ruled Europe and caused massive evil, wars and genocide. See also: 1260 days, Three Years and a Half, Forty Two Months, Day, Year, Time, Cycle

Three –Symbolizes the lie, because the third point or part is the alternate to the truth and is therefore, false. Also symbolizes money, politics and religion and other three-pronged deceptions. What the Vatican and its secret society cohorts can’t control directly is manipulated using the other two. Money and politics can influence religion; religion can influence money and politics, and so on. Also the number 3 is used to symbolize and mark the Vatican and its institutions and doctrines, such as the Trinity, three spirits, three Faiths of Abraham, tri-color national flags, etc.

Three also symbolizes falsehoods and false knowledge. Two symbolizes the Truth (the question and the truth, straight answer). Three represents the false answer, lies and illusions because it represents the alternate to the truth. This is one reason that triangles and three are pivotal numeric symbols for the primary secret cabals to which many religious, political, and monetary leaders belong. In addition to their many symbols and emblems based on three or multiples of three, leading politicians and others (money, religion, and politics) are regularly photographed giving three fingered hand symbols. These secret cabal hand signals are placing three fingers above two, symbolizing lies and deception dominating the truth. See also: Number, Symbol, Symbology, Two, Three unclean spirits like frogs, Third Part, Lie, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Truth, Triangle, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, 9, 18, 21 36, 153, 666, 1776, Money, Politics, Religion, Vatican, Abaddon, Pit, Bottomless Pit, Three Parts, Divided into three parts, Den, Rock, Three Pillars Three Angels–The three “angels” that are tasked with revealing and destroying the three parts into which the Vatican is divided and the “third part” of knowledge or the lies associated with them. The three angels symbolize the final three of seven cycles of the Hebrew calendar (15th, 16th and 17th) and the pivotal events that occur, or will occur, during those specific 360-year cycles. It also alludes to the importance of the number three in marking the Vatican and exposing their deceptions. See also: Angel, Three, Seven Angels, Seven Stars, Third Part, Divided into three parts, Triangle, Three Kings, Three Pillars, Money, Religion, Politics, Three unclean spirits like frogs
Three Kings–From the Book of Daniel, verse 7:24, these are the Three Faiths of Abraham, which are the three lawgivers that are subservient to the Vatican. Many have misinterpreted this as referring to three out of ten nations, but there are far too many flaws with that line of reasoning. This verse clearly links ten horns and ten kings as one and the same concept. Likewise, The Apocalypse clearly tells us that the Seven Horns of the Lamb are the Seven Spirits of God. That leads to the understanding that the Ten Kings and Ten Horns are both referring to the Ten Commandments, as authoritative doctrines, and as both laws and lawgivers. Thereby, keeping to the same context, the three closely associated authoritative doctrines, which are also laws and lawgivers closely associated with the Ten Commandments and subservient to the Vatican are the three Faiths of Abraham. Because if the nature of this symbology, this must also refer to money, religion, and politics. They too have been subdued and are subservient to Rome and the Vatican. See also: King, Law, Horns, Ten Horns, Ten Kings, Ten Horns, Three, Three Angels, Third Part, Three Parts, Divided into three parts, Three unclean spirits like frogs, Six, 9, 18, 21, 153, 666, 1776, Triangle, Net, Triangular number

Three Parts –The three component parts that the Vatican is divided into symbolizes multiple things. First is the symbol third part, which means lies and false answer(s) and this directly refers to three false answers or three strong lies. Secondly, it speaks of revealing the true nature and activities of the Vatican and all such lies and liars. That it secretly (in mystery) controls the entire world through three primary deceptions and delusions: money, politics and religion. By its worldwide control of all three, it controls the world’s governments and by extension, the world’s populations. It also refers directly to its secret control and Machiavellian manipulation of all three Faiths of Abraham. See also: Mystery Babylon, Strong Lie, Money, Politics, Religion, Dragon, Three, Three unclean spirits like frogs, Lie, Third Part, Six, 9, 21, 153, 666, 1776, Triangle, Net
Three Pillars–Muslims symbolically stone three pillars that represent the devil or evil with seven rocks (stones) each, during the Hajj. Notice that 3x7=21 and 21 is a triangular number that is the sum of 1 through 6, The resulting triangle has three six point sides, which proves that 21 is a purposeful symbol for 666. Considering that the Five Pillars of Islam are also based on the mysticism of the pentagram and pentacle and the Rock at Mecca is a meteorite (fallen star), this is no mere coincidence. Islam was purposely constructed using mystic symbolism and its followers have been deceived into acting out mass magic rituals on a daily basis. See also: Three, Pillars, Three Kings, Three Parts, Third Part, Divided in three parts, Three unclean Spirits like Frogs, Three Angels, “Woe, Woe, Woe”, Two Pillars, Five, Five Pillars, Pentagram, Pentacle, 72, Seven, Seven Pillars, Stone, Rock, Money, Religion, Politics, Islam, Six, Triangle, Triangular Number, 9, 13, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1776, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Stork, Wings of a Stork, Wind, Simon Magus, Mystery Babylon, Symbol, Symbology, Philosophers’ Stone
Three unclean spirits like frogs–Three evil spirits like plagues or scourges, which are money, politics, and religion. Also, infers other threes associated with the Vatican such as the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and the three so-called three Faiths of Abraham. The number 3 marks the Vatican and its institutions and it also points to all the secret societies that are based on the doctrine or symbol of 3, which are secret institutions of the Vatican. (Illuminati, Masons, KKK, TrilateralCommission, the triangle above the pyramid on the Illuminati symbol and Seal of the USA (same thing), all of the tri-color flags of the countries subservient to the Vatican, etc.) Notice the 3 letters or words of the USA, New World Order, Holy Roman Empire, KKK, Skull and Bones, etc. Notice how many nations are based on flags of three primary colors and/or bands and those of a special group whose colors are red, white and blue. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Three, Third Part, Six, 9, 8, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1776, Triangle, Net, Money, Religion, Politics, Unclean Birds, Stork Three Years and a Half–Refers to 1260 days (360 x 3.5), which symbolizes 1260 literal years. This is the period of time that the Vatican openly ruled its European Empire and caused massive evil, wars and genocide. See also: 1260 days, Days, Years, Time, “Time, and Times, and Half a Time”, Three, 9, 18, 21, 153, 666, 1776
Throne–A seat of power and symbol of dominion. Symbolizes the place from where a realm is managed and/or ruled. In this narrative it is referring to the seven unseen dimension symbolized as God’s Throne. See also: God’s Throne, Seat, Sit, Reign, Power, Crown, Place, Rule, Dominion, Symbol, Power
Throne of GodSee: God’s Throne, God, Throne, Sit, Power, Crown, Seven Spirits, 8-11, 8, 11 Thrown down–Defeated and removed from power with suddenness. See also: Smite, Violence, Down, Cut Off, Wrath, Power, Force, Millstone, Sea

Thrust–To project power; to send forth; in this case to send forth wisdom, knowledge and the truth. See also: Smite, Reap, Cloud, Wisdom, Sickle, Power, Sharp, Harp

Thunder(ings) –Judgment(s). See also: Judgment, Wisdom, Lightning, Trumpet, Hail, Shofar, Brimstone, Cloud, Sun, Moon, Air, Seven Thunders, Seven Trumpets
Time–Symbolizes a cycle of time, most often referring to 360 symbolic days or one symbolic year and therefore 360 actual years. This is one 360-year cycle, the same period also symbolized as a year, stars, and angels. 1440-year cycles are also called angels in The Apocalypse. These cycles mark periods throughout Hebrew history as well as serving as a symbolic demonstration of the difference in time flow between the physical universe and The Apocalypse’s symbolic universe. This symbolism purposely models cyclic time to deliver purposeful and very specific wisdom about the nature of our reality. Those of you familiar with astrology and other time-keeping systems will recognize the 360-year cycle. Also, notice that a circle is 360 degrees and the 360-year cycle is a representation of the circular or cyclic flow of time and human events measured by the earth’s daily rotation, yearly orbits, and the rotation of the Zodiac through the 360-degree circle or wheel.

360 ties into and thereby alludes to the precession of the equinoxes. It is measured using the position of the rising sun on the horizon and the background stars and Zodiac constellations during each spring equinox. Due to the offset between the earth’s rotation, solar orbit and the position of stars and the constellations of the Zodiac, the position slides backward each year. Consequently, it takes 25920 years to inscribe a full backward precession through the 360-degree Zodiac wheel or cycle. Also, one 360-year cycle is 1/72nd of a full 25920 years of precession or five degrees of precession. Accordingly, each degree of solar precession takes 72 years to complete and is 1/5th of a 360-year cycle. The redundant associations between the numbers 5, 72, and 360 and astronomy and the Zodiac is a primary reason they are pivotal to ancient wisdom symbology and the Hebrew calendar. These relationships are likewise symbolized in the pentacle and pentagram, thereby demonstrating that their use in mysticism and the occult are gross misinterpretations and/or purposeful misrepresentations of ancient wisdom and the symbology used to encode it. This very same situation is seen with the four elements and the cross.
The 360-year cycle is used to organize the Hebrew calendar and astrology and to mark major events throughout Hebrew history. A very important fact for everyone to understand is that 1999 was the year of the double Grand Cross alignments that marked both my birthday and my mother’s birthday. This was also exactly one month before the start of the Hebrew year 5760, which is exactly 360 x 16. Many astrologers have stated that the Grand Crosses of August 1999 actually marked the end of a pivotal cycle and age in human history, and this date-math proves them correct. Furthermore, the first day of year 5760 was September 11, 1999, exactly two years before the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks of September 11, 2001, which was the halfway mark between the 1999 Grand Crosses and 2003, which was the year of the Lamb.
Furthermore, there were 731 days from September 11th, 1999 to September 11th, 2001. Notice that 7+3+1=11. 731 is also a multiple of 17 and 43 (17x43=731), both of which are prime numbers. This serves as another signal in the noise because of the many number 11 signs and events that accompany this time, which is the 17th cycle and symbolized as the seventh angel. Also, these dates span the pivotal transition form the 16th to the 17th cycles. September 11th 1999 is the first day of the last year of the 16th cycle, while September 11th 2001 was the date of the terrorist attack on the USA that served as the pretext for the deceptive "war on terror." Six days later, the first year of the 17th cycle of the Hebrew calendar ended on September 17th, 2001. There were also 7 days spanning the September 11-17th, 2001 period. Notice also that the sum of the digits of 43 equal 7, perfectly matching the pattern of numeric symbolism associated with these dates and with the many other related signs I’ve described. This is further evidence that these are not coincidences and our Creator is speaking loudly to us through massively redundant symbolism associated with pivotal events and foundational wisdom symbology.

Time also symbolizes the circular (cyclic) flow of deeds and events and humanity’s history as driven by the four horses, four winds, and the wheel of karma during the period called perdition and purgatory. Time is a flow, just as the holographic model and "wholeness and the implicate order" represent a flow of never-ending change. However, that flow is cyclic and leads to the observation that history seems to repeat, though not exactly. This has lead to descriptions such as the wheel of karma to explain this observable pattern. The wheel of karma, the cyclic flow of time, the 360-year cycle and shorter and longer cycles within cycles are all referring to this long-observed structure within the flow of time and human events. This is also symbolized in The Apocalypse and Ezekiel. “There should be time no longer” also refers directly to the end of days, as a specific allusion to the fact that the requirement to use symbolic codes such as days and years to encrypt wisdom and prophecies will end when the period called perdition and purgatory ends. The greedy, arrogant, and evil religious, monetary and political leaders that made it necessary to seal prophecies will have been defeated, and coded symbolism such as using days instead of saying years, and using time in place of “360-year cycles” will have become unnecessary. This alludes to prophecies and expectations that the wheel of karma, or cyclic time and events as driven by humanity’s evil deeds and errors, which result in bad karma, will cease to operate as it has throughout known history. Humanity will finally gain the wisdom to escape from this cycle of sorrows that has held us captive for so many, many ages. See also: Sun, Perdition, Purgatory, Second Death, Reincarnation, Cycle, Cross, Four Elements, Tribulation, Space, End of Days, Day, There should be time no longer, Wisdom of the Ages, Age, Seven Angels, Seven Stars, Seventh Angel, Star, 11, Eleven Stars, Five, Pentacle, Pentagram, 17, 72, 360, 1440, 1776, Seal, Four Winds, Four Horses, Wheel, Wheel of Karma, Karma
Time, and Times, and Half a Time–Three and one-half symbolic years or 1260 symbolic days, which is 1260 actual years, which equals three and one-half turns of the 360-year-wheel of time. Forty-two months. See also: “Time, Times and the dividing of time”, Time, Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Cycle, Forty and two months, 360, 1440

Time, Times and the dividing of time –3 1/2 years or cycles or 1260 days, i.e., 1260 actual years. Forty-two months. See also: “Time, and Times, and Half a Time”, Time, Year, Month, Week, Day, Cycle, Hour, 360, 1440
Together–Refers to a like-minded group and their cooperation. Those of the same or similar motivations, character, deeds, and results, hence those who walk the same path in a same or similar way. See also: Gathered, Cluster, Host, House, Brethren, Brother, Kindred, Follow, Tail, Water, River, After, Tail, Works, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Way, Path
Token–A sign or symbol. See also: Rainbow, Sign, Image, Words of God, Word, Idol, Symbol, Symbology
Tongue–Refers both to the manner and character of speech, just as eyes, ears, and sight infer the character of knowledge and understanding. Since our literal tongues are multi-function, this symbolism is as well. We use our tongue to determine the quality and character of what we eat and drink, therefore this symbolizes both the nature and character of outgoing knowledge and determining the nature (taste) of ingested knowledge. See also: Mouth, Voice, Sound, Loud, Roar, Teeth, Gnaw, Bitter, Sweet as Honey, Kindred, Eye, Ear, Sight, Eat, Drink, Swallow, Smell, Foul

Took (up) –Accepted as a challenge and a responsibility. See also: Came, Stand, Take, Swallow Tone/Tune–The mood, attitude, character, and nature of ones voice or song. Just as “to tune out” means to close one’s ears and thereby ignore truth, compassion, and wisdom, this alludes to the nature and character of one’s sound and voice and the wisdom it delivers. See also: Song, Voice, Sound, Thunder, Harp, Harper, Harping, Spirit, Ear, Hear, Eye, Sight, Tongue, Teeth Torment–Hardship; tribulation; suffering; afflictions. Also alludes to gaining knowledge and wisdom through difficult experiences. See also: Pain, Heat, Tribulation, Affliction, Karma, Curse Trade–Seek to earn profit. See also: Trade by Sea, Riches, Sailor, Company within ships, Buy, Receive, Sell, Means, Merchandise, Costliness, Gold, Head of Gold, Cup of Gold, Decked within Gold, Silver, Breast and Arms of Silver, Money, Freeman, Bondman
Trade by Sea–Profit from wickedness, iniquity, chaos, and/or the misfortune of others. Those activities and institutions that profit from the injustice and chaos caused by the Seven Spirits of Evil and life in the sea. See also: Trade, Ship, Shipmaster, Sailor, Water, Sea, River, Riches, Fish, Fisherman, Net, 18, 21, 153, 666, 1776, Company within ships, Unclean Bird, Hateful Bird, Stork Travailing–Struggling mightily. See also: Pain, Tribulation, Might, Delivered, Works, Pained to be delivered, Karma, Curse, Slave, Servant of God, Golden Altar, Fire of the Altar, Lady of the Lake Tread–To walk or walk upon, hence to dominate; trample. Performing deeds that change the ways and circumstances of the symbol that is tread or walked upon. See also: Feet, Legs, Upon, Walk Upon, Stand Upon, Fall Upon, Under, Walk, Come down, Will, Power
Tread under foot–To subdue; suppress. See also: Under, Feet, Stand Upon, Walk Upon, Upon, Fall Upon, Run, Street, Will, Power
Tread under foot forty and two months–Defeat and subdue for 1260 literal years (42 months x 30 days = 1260 days). See also: Month, Day, Year, Tread, Under foot, Under, 1260 days, Will, Power Trodden–To have been tread underfoot. See also: Tread, Under, Tread Underfoot, Feet, Will, Power, Walk upon, Stand upon, Street, Run
Tree(s)–Primary branches or groupings of humanity, just like a family tree, though more extensive. Similar to rivers and fountains of water, just a slightly different viewpoint and usage. Where waters symbolize a flow of impulses, emotions and deeds (through time), a tree symbolizes groupings by related branches of similar characters. Trees are vertical records of deeds and character, as opposed to vines, which represent linear records. Also notice that this refers to wood and thereby to paper, books, scrolls, and recorded knowledge. Thereby a tree’s grouping is based on character and knowledge. See also: Root, Stump, Branch, Rod, Seed, Wood, Wormwood, Olive Tree, Carpenter, Reed, Vine, Burning Bush, Fruit, Gather, Cluster, Tail, Water, River, Fountain, Fountain of Waters Tree of LifeSee: Tree, Life, Book of Life, Little Book, Wood, Reed, Branch, Stump, Root, Seed Triangle–Geometric symbol equivalent for the number three, which is used to symbolize lies, liars, and false doctrine. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are also used to symbolize the Vatican and it’s deceptions, religions (three faiths of Abraham, the trinity, money, religion and politics, etc.), and various secret societies. These numbers, triangles, three-word names/labels, three-letter acronyms, three-sided pyramids, and three finger hand signals are widely used by the Vatican and its secret cabals and cohorts as symbols for their organizations and associated false doctrines. Notice that the simplest form of a pyramid is created using three triangles. Two symbolizes the Creator and the truth, while three symbolizes an alternative to the truth. The shortest path between two points (a question and the true answer, a.k.a. straight answer) is a straight line, hence a perfect path. When you add an alternate or third point (third part), you have a triangle, which is the simplest form of an endless loop and is directly related to the understanding of spin, lies, and the bottomless pit. Also, notice that money, religion and politics form a triangle and each can be symbolized as a triangle because they are strong lies, hence endless loops. When put them together, these three triangles form a three-sided pyramid, as seen on the one-dollar bill, the Seal of the USA, and the Illuminati pyramid and shining eye in a triangle. See also: Triangular Number, Truth, Perfect Path, Lie, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Three, Four, Six, Hexagram, Star of David, 9, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1776, Pit, Bottomless Pit, Third Part, Three Parts, Divided into three parts, “Woe, Woe, Woe”, Net, Money, Religion, Politics, Three unclean spirits like frogs, Serpent, Sphinx
Triangular Number–A number that is the sum of an unbroken string of integers, most commonly starting with the number 1. Triangular numbers can be represented graphically as a triangle of dots (points or digits) with each descending line having one more dot/point than the line above it. The resulting triangle has three sides of equal lengths or equal unit counts (equilateral). The most famous of all triangular numbers is 666, which is the sum of all the whole numbers from 1 through 36. Triangular numbers were very important to ancient Greek mathematicians and philosophers because of their unique features and the symbolic significance attributed to them. They were especially important to those interested in Pythagorean principles and related concepts, as well to most schools of mysticism. Triangular numbers are also used in Hebrew wisdom symbology because of their unique multi-dimensional structure and symbolic significance. See also: Three, Six, 18, 21, 36, 66, 153, Net, 666, Triangle, Star of David, Nostradamus, Mysticism
Tribe–An aboriginal grouping which in this context can only mean an African tribe. See also: Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Root of David, Tree, Stump of Jesse, Twelve Stars Tribe of Dan–One of the original 12 tribes of ancient Israel that is supposedly one of the 10 lost tribes. The problem with this assertion is that the Tribe of Juda is actually the lost (cut-off) tribe, and Dan is actually the so-called Jewish Diaspora. The Old Testament clearly symbolizes that Juda has been cut-off by the symbolism of the Stump of Jesse, who was King David’s father. Also, that I am the branch and the shoot that grows from that long barren stump. Furthermore, Dan is given the symbol of the snake, denoting deception and lies. The biggest of these is that the mostly European Diaspora has been passed of as the lost African tribe of Juda, as a (third) part of the Vatican’s attempt to hide and steal the identity of the Messiah. The other pivotal message about the Tribe of Dan symbolism is the statement in Genesis shown below.

Genesis 49:17
Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a viper by the path that bites the horse’s heels so that his rider falls backward.

Though some symbolized as members of the Tribe of Dan assisted the Vatican over the years, many more have opposed them vigorously. The Tribe of Dan is pivotal in the downfall of the Vatican, its cohorts, and their many deceptions, which are described by the four horses of The Apocalypse and the serpent. Most of the Jewish Diaspora truly seek to serve the Creator, and though deceived on many points, just like the members of all other religions, they are also God’s servants in many ways. Many were also valued allies to the lost Tribe of Juda in the USA during the civil rights movement and at other times. Furthermore, Jewish scholars and their efforts, research, and books were pivotal to my success. Without their efforts and those of others, the Dead Sea Scrolls might never have seen the light of day, or at least not been properly and truthfully translated. See also: Serpent, Dragon, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Jacinth, Zionism, Judaism, Smoke, Crystalline, Fire, Horse, Four Horses, Stump, Stump of Jesse, Aaron’s Rod, Star of David, Thefts, Hide

Tribe of Juda –The tribe of Juda refers to a very specific people, not to any religion. That’s why The Apocalypse specifically refers to the root of David and not the fruit of David’s tree, nor to a branch of David’s tree, nor to David’s house, nor any other such category. It specifically uses the description of tribe of Juda instead of the house of Juda to narrow the identity to a tribe member only (which means African aboriginal) and to specifically exclude any latter day claimant to the house of Judah or any other European-controlled derivative or deception. The use of house would refer to members of a religion or its community, not a tribe. Modern, Euro-centric and Vaticaninfluenced history struggles to hide the fact that the Old Testament (ancient north-African texts) and ancient Israel are a tale of dark-skinned Africans and Asians. They were later invaded by and mingled with Greeks and Romans from Europe before being ethnically cleansed and banned from their homeland. Therefore, the