Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Zechariah 5:8
And he said, “This is Wickedness.” And he thrust her back into the ephah, and thrust down the leaden weight upon its mouth.

Zechariah 5:9
Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women coming forward! The wind was in their wings; they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah between earth and heaven.

Zechariah 10


Then I said to the angel who talked with me, “Where are they taking the ephah?”

Zechariah 5:11
He said to me, “To the land of Shinar, to build a house for it; and when this is prepared, they will set the ephah down there on its base.”

There are doubts in multiple quarters about the identity and deeds of an individual mistakenly identified as Zerubbabel. The overt symbolic significance of this name alludes directly to the lies and error of religion and its mixture with money and politics, which flow from the knowledge and inspirations associated with ancient Babylon. The above verses from Zechariah 5 redundantly reinforce this theme. They specifically symbolize three religions (women) linked with ancient Babylon (Shinar) who go forth together, with the “wind in their wings.” It is obvious that those seeking to re-establish a Judean nation after their release from exile merged religion, with money and politics because of their great desire for wealth and power. In fact, the Book of Zechariah is closely linked with all the themes within The Apocalypse, including and especially Mystery Babylon. Consequently, a big problem with most interpretations of the Zerubbabel story is that the Book of Haggai, like others, contains verifiable evidence of priestly fraud.
These topics and statements and the symbology from Zechariah and The Apocalypse directly synchronize, as they do on many other topics. This makes it clear that the true author of Zechariah is another of my previous identities. This presents a real problem since Haggai and Zechariah are both presented as prophets and there has only ever been one true prophet at a time. Consequently, someone has seen fit to pen some skillful deceptions in some of these post-exile texts. A prime example is calling Haggai a prophet. Though a passable attempt at feigning prophecy, the symbolism is used poorly and is too well focused at asserting that rebuilding a physical temple was God’s will, in direct contradiction to Zechariah and other wisdom texts. The following passage reinforces this conclusion. Reading and translating the symbolism of both the entire Book of Zechariah and the very short Book of Haggai leaves little doubt.

Haggai 2:20
And again the word of the Lord came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,

Haggai 2:21
Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;

Haggai 2:22
And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.

Haggai 2:23
In that day, says the Lord of hosts, I will take you, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, says the Lord, and will make you as a signet: for I have chosen you, says the Lord of hosts.

Consequently, the Book of Haggai is a skillful fraud written for the purposes of gaining wealth and power through deception. Calling Haggai a prophet is just as dishonest as relegating the Book of Daniel to writings and recasting The Apocalypse as a Christian prophecy. It is thereby undeniable that the religious leadership of both ancient and modern Israel is guilty of the same types of deception as Christianity and Islam, which sprang forth from it with the “wings of stork” and the “wind in the wings.”
The following passage from Revelation further symbolizes the same situation from a different perspective.

Revelation 8:3 (reconstructed)
And another
angel came and stood at the altar, having a gold censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne.
Revelation 8:4
And the
smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

Revelation 8:5
And the
angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

Revelation 8:6
And the
seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

After the Hebrews returned from Babylon, a Jewish religion was re-established and modeled on the religions of Babylon as a way to recapture the loyalties and wealth of the scattered Hebrew people. Many in the priesthood and ruling class had also become deeply involved in usury and the secret worship of Baal (Bel, Belial) and would maintain that connection and activity into the present.

The post-exile religion(s) did not exist before the Babylonian exile. Prior to then, the Hebrew nation had been founded on wisdom and the search for Truth and Justice. Long prior to the exile though, many had already strayed into the worship of Babylonian false doctrine and materialism and turned away from the wisdom and the Covenant. This was a persistent problem, starting during the Exodus and continuing forward into the present day. It is clearly described throughout the Old Testament and by the symbolism of the Gold Calf, Aaron’s Rod, Ten Horns, and Two Tables of Stone. It is thereby best understood as the long-term struggle between wisdom and religion, which religion has won for many millennia because humanity has been so easily deceived and deluded (duped). Because of these transgressions, ancient Israelites regularly suffered the results of the bad karma (curse), which they brought upon themselves by their own unwise behavior, and which eventually took the form of invasion and defeat at the hands of the very Babylonian Empire they had coveted. See also: Child, Seed, Babel, Babylon, Shinar, Second Temple, Women, Three, Triangle, Third Part, Divided into three parts, Mystery, Lead Talent, Ephah, Force, Power, Mystery Babylon, Vatican, Abomination, Abomination that makes desolate, Gold Censer, Gold Calf, Aaron’s Rod, Ten Horns, Ten Commandments, House, Temple, Altar, Ark, Golden Altar, Her Temple, Ark of her Testament, Pillar, Stone, Two Tables of Stone, Reed, Scroll, Backside, Rolled together, Little Book, Book of Life, Signet, Signified, Symbol, Symbology, Philosophers’ Stone, Seven Seals, Zion, Zionism, Nation, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Jesus Christ, Angel, Moses, Elijah, Raven, Mohammed, Nostradamus, St, Malachy, Teacher of Righteousness, Melchizedek, Messiah, Juda, Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Money, Usury, Religion, Star of David, Politics, Plummet, Stork, Wings of a stork, Unclean Bird, Hateful Bird, Seven Eyes, Seven Horns, Seven Trumpets, Seventh Angel, Seven Stars, Seven Angels, Shofar, End of Days, Book of Haggai Book of Zechariah, Prophet, Prophecy, Appendix B, Karma, Curse, Eleven Stars, 11, 17, 21, El
Zion/Sion–Refers to Africa, ancient Ethiopia, and Kush (Cush), which were called Zion by the ancients and Aethiopia by the Greeks. Thereby, Mount Zion is actually Mount Kilimanjaro. The Vatican, its predecessors and its cohorts have struggled to bury all clues that would expose the lies that have bedeviled Hebrew texts since the days of Babylon. Mt. Kilimanjaro was used as the model for the symbols, mighty wisdom or foundation or pillar of mighty wisdom and the mountain that grows to fill the earth.
Zion also symbolizes the return and growth (ascendancy) of ancient wisdom and therefore the reestablishment of a kingdom based on ancient wisdom, hence the Kingdom of God. This term for ancient Africa is also used to symbolize the truth that this ancient wisdom came from Africa. It predated the Egyptian, Babylonian and later Eurasian empires that struggled to hide the truth about ancient Africa as the source of the wisdom and prophecies used to fabricate their religions and mysticism. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that none of these empires or their religions or mystery schools ever succeeded at fully understanding ancient wisdom symbolism. Instead, they consistently and invariably misinterpreted and confounded it and treated it as magic, mysticism and religion. See also: Mount Zion, Juda, Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Judaism, Tribe of Dan, Babel, Zerubbabel, Mountain, Fill, Earth, Wisdom, King, Law, Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Pillar, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, God’s Throne, Ten Horns, Aaron’s Rod, Stone, Two Tables of Stone, Philosophers’ Stone, Prophecy, Israel, Egypt, Sphinx, Babylon, Mystery Babylon, Great Red Dragon, Hidden, Den, Pentacle, Pentagram, Five, Five Pillars, Rock, Truth, Lie, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Triangle, Three, Third Part, Three Parts, Divided into three parts, Three Six, 9, 11, El, Star, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, Twelve Stars, Crown of Twelve Stars, Yahad, Essene, 13, 11Q13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 72, 153, 666, 1776, Money, Religion, Politics, Second Temple

Zionism –An unjust, deceptive movement lead by self-appointed leaders who actively conspire with the Vatican to mislead Jewish populations and thereby use them as cannon fodder in the Vatican’s geopolitical manipulations. Both Judaism and Zionism are Vatican-directed deceptions. Both are long-term efforts at blatant identity theft to bury the truth about the Tribe of Juda and the symbolic meaning and literal locations of Zion and Mt. Zion, among other wisdom. Leaders of Zionism are close allies with the leaders of Christianity. Both of these groups present themselves as members of their religions and have become self-appointed heroes through outright deception, membership in secret cabals, great wealth, and geopolitical manipulation. See also: Judaism, Zion, Mount Zion, Second Temple, Mountain, Cloud, Sea, Sand of the Sea, Reed Sea, Juda, Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Sphinx, Ten Horns, Aaron’s Rod, Two Tables of Stone, Israel, Judaism, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Christianity, Islam, Hidden, Den, Rock, Three, Triangle, Star of David, Six, Star, Seven Stars, El, Eleven Stars, Tribe of Dan, Simon Magus, 11, 13, 11Q13, 17, 21, 153, Appendixes G&H, Jubilee, Shofar, Seven Horns, Seven Trumpets, Temple, Solomon’s Temple, Her Temple, Altar, God’s Altar, Golden Altar, Fire of the Altar, Tabernacle, Burning Bush, Fire, Candle, Oil, Olive Tree, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Menorah, Zerubbabel, Plummet, Seven Eyes, Wisdom

C h apt e r 8
R evel a t i o n E xpos e d
I n tr o d u c tio n



his is an exposé of the Book of Revelation as presented in the New Testament. It reveals and explains the fraudulent changes made by the founders of Christianity. It also uncovers most of the original narrative that was authored by the Teacher of Righteousness at the Yahad/Essene

community of Damascus (Qumran). It was later modified by the so-called Christian fathers and scribes and fraudulently attributed to the fantasy characters, John and Jesus. Along with other plundered texts, it was used as a source of imagery in the construction of the falsely named New Testament. A simple tool for understanding these lies is to realize that the letter “J” simply did not exist in any alphabet until the 1600's. Therefore, the names John and Jesus could not have existed before the 1600's. Attempting to assert that these names are mere translations that should somehow truthfully appear in the Book of Revelation is simply another effort to cover the true nature and extent of the ongoing lies, deceptions and delusions that have characterized Christianity since its inception.

Additionally, based on extensive evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the period of Roman occupation just before the revolt and destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, there should be no literal names in this document, nor should there be any mention of “churches” in a proven Hebrew document, whatsoever.

H o w to U s e T h is C h a p t e r
This version of the Book of Revelation is provided for those who wish to see how I uncovered the
lies. I’ve included notes with each marked and modified verse. However, use the “Apocalypse
Reconstructed,” version to do your interpretations.
The header and targeted text of (Christian) modifications are highlighted with bold a n d ita lic iz e d
te x t
to indicate fraudulent insertions that will be reconstructed. Notes explaining why that verse is
marked will follow it. The notes are followed by the reconstruction, if not otherwise flagged for
removal or repositioning.
There are two notable exceptions to the above rule. First, the use of the masculine pronoun for the
Creator (He and Him) is changed to accurately reflect the “feminine spirit” (She and Her) in the
“Apocalypse Reconstructed,” without providing a reconstructed notation in this chapter. Similarly,
the words “in” and “with” were widely used throughout the King James Version where it should have
said “within.” Where appropriate these instances are changed throughout the “Apocalypse
Reconstructed” without notation in this chapter.
Words that are bracketed ([ ]) in the verses below show words that were dropped from the
Christian versions. They are properly reinserted in the reconstructed verses.

Paragraphs with notes explaining the reason for correcting the marked verses are fully italicized.
T h e B ook of R evel a t i o n E xpos e d

R evel a t i o n 1 : 1
T h e R evel a t i o n o f J e s u s C h r i s t , w h i c h
must s h o r tly come to pass; an d h e s e n t an d s i gn i f i e d i t by h i s an ge l u n t o h i s s e r v an t Joh n : G o d g a ve u n t o h i m , t o s h ew u n t o h i s s e r v a n t s things which

Most of this first verse was reconstructed as shown below. This was done to exclude the lies about the fantasy characters John and Jesus. The word “shortly” was an insertion by the “Christian Fathers” to confuse the nature and timeline of these prophecies. Rome decided to use messianic expectations as a tool to gain control of rebellious populations and to more effectively delude others. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the products of those efforts. Furthermore, angel used incorrectly here and signified is not a proper symbol. Prophetic texts are sealed using verifiable symbolic code and astrological cycles and signs, thereby showing this statement to be yet another Christian lie.

Revelation 1:1 (reconstructed)


The Light of things which must come to pass, which God shone unto the Teacher of Righteousness,

R evel a t i o n 1 : 2
Who bare[s] record of the word[s] of God, an d of the testimony of J e su s C h ri st , and of all things that he saw.

This verse was reconstructed to remove the fraudulent literal name of Jesus Christ. There should be no literal names whatsoever in this heavily sealed Hebrew document. Also, it should have said the “words of God” plural, not singular.

Revelation 1:2 (reconstructed)


Who bares this record of the Words of God which are the Testimony of the Light that I saw.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 3
Blessed are they t h at r e ad i t , an d t h e y that he a r the wo rd s of this prophecy, an d ke e p t h os e t h i n gs w h ic h a r e w r itte n th e r e i n : f o r th e tim e is a t h a n d .

This is an improper usage of both symbols “time” and “hand” and is an obvious attempt to change the timelines and messages delivered herein. Also the symbol “hear” negates the need to say “read” and shows that it was added later. Even so, the proper symbol should have been “see.” Furthermore, those portions of this verse are too literal and mark it as a fraudulent modification.

Revelation 1:3 (reconstructed)


Blessed are they that see the light of this prophecy.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 4
J o h n t o t h e s even ch u r ch es w h i c h a r e i n A s i a
Grace [be] unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;

I dropped the lie about “John” from the beginning of this verse as well as the reference to “churches” which would never have truly been in any Hebrew text, nor in any text from this period and location.

Revelation 1:4 (reconstructed)
Grace unto you, and peace, from She which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the Seven Spirits which are before Her throne;

R evel a t i o n 1 : 5
And from J e su s C h ri st , who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. U n t o h i m t h at l o v e d u s , an d w a s h e d u s f r om ou r s i n s i n h i s ow n bl ood , R evel a t i o n 1 : 6
A n d h a t h m ade u s ki n g s an d pr i e s t s u n t o G od an d h i s F a t h e r ;
to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Am en .

The above two verses are Christian modifications of shorter verses. The additions are too literal and the symbols that are included are used incorrectly. And, of course, there's the false doctrine of salvation by faith alone that directly contradicts the complete opposite emphasis throughout The Apocalypse, the Old Testament and the “Ten Commandments” on works, deeds, character, and personal responsibility. Furthermore, the Yahad/Essene would never have given any support to anyone having dominion, forever and ever, except for God. This is another attempt by the Christian fathers to put this false god, most recently called Jesus Christ, before the one and only true God.

Notice that I've also switched the position of verses 1:5 and 1:6 shown below. The new verse 1:5 now correctly follows verse 1:4 and verse 1:6 is correctly followed by verse 1:7, which puts the message back in its proper order and format. “Glory and dominion forever” is directed to God only and never to any of Her creations. The order of these verses was changed to reinforce the false doctrine of the non-existent Jesus Christ as a god, which is blasphemy (lying about God for profit) and an abomination.

Revelation 1:5 (reconstructed)


To Her be glory and dominion forever and ever.

Revelation 1:6 (reconstructed)
And from the Teacher of Righteousness, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, an d t h e y al s o w h i c h pi e r c e d h i m : and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

This is another lie added to support the Jesus fantasy. It is based on a fraudulent interpretation of Hebrew texts. Ask yourselves, if every “eye” will see him, why add the blatantly redundant “and they also which pierced him ”since that would add up to more than 100% of every “eye.” This is also another blatant anti-Jewish statement to lay the foundations for the lie that Jews killed this fantasy character. Furthermore, it was I, the Teacher of Righteousness from Damascus (Qumran), who was killed by the founders of Christianity.

Revelation 1:7 (reconstructed)
Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 8
I am A l ph a an d O m e ga, t h e be gi n n i n g an d t h e e n di n g , s a i t h t h e L o r d , w h i c h i s , an d w h i c h w a s ,
a n d w h ic h is to c o m e , th e A l m i g h ty .

“Alpha and Omega” is a blatant Greek term that shouldn’t be in a Hebrew or Aramaic document at all and points to a later addition. It isn’t found in the Old Testament and certainly shouldn’t be in a Yahad/Zealot document. It is well known that we vigorously opposed these Greek and Roman invaders in our ancient homeland. Therefore, any attempt to defend the insertion of Greek terms into this document is blatant deception. This sentence is out of place also and is inserted here to break up the messages of the surrounding text.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 9
I J o hn, who al s o am
your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of J e s u s C h r i s t , w a s in th e is le th a t is c a lle d P a tm o s , for the wo rd of God, an d f o r t h e t e s t i m on y of J e su s C h ri st .

We know the above verse was modified because the symbol “isle” is misused and it contains two literal names that we already know are false and shouldn’t be in this document. They are literal names created a millennium and a half after the document was authored. Also, it should have said the “words” of God plural, not singular.

Revelation 1:9 (reconstructed)
I, the Teacher of Righteousness, who am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of God, was in the wilderness, for the Words of God, which are the Testimony of the Light.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 1 0


I was in th e Spirit on t h e L o r d ' s day , and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

“In the Spirit” is an incorrect use of Spirit, which should match Dead Sea Scrolls usage as character and nature. The use of “day” is incorrect; this shows it was added later to confuse the meaning of “day” and “Spirit.” “Lord” is also used incorrectly here and shows it was a later addition.

Revelation 1:10 (reconstructed)


I was in spirit and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

R evel a t i o n S a y i n g , I am s e n d i t u n t o

P e r gam os , an d u n t o T h y a t i r a, an d u n t o S a r d i s , an d u n t o P h i l ade l p h i a, an d u n t o L aodi c e a . 1 : 1 1

A l ph a an d O m e ga, t h e f i r s t an d t h e l a s t : an d, W h at t h ou t h e s even ch u r ch es w h i c h a r e i n A s i a ; u n t o E p h e s u s , a n d s e e s t , w r i t e i n a book, an d u n t o S m yr n a , a n d u n t o

Above we have both “Alpha and Omega” and the insertion of several churches. This clearly points to a fraudulent insertion. Notice how it attempts to break up yet another passage pointing to the “Seven Spirits” (“seven golden candlesticks”), below. Also notice that verse 1:10 and 1:12 flow together perfectly and provide a clean complete description, Yet, when verse 1:11 is read it becomes clumsy and makes absolutely no sense that God would deliver such an important vision and then talk about churches in the middle of it.

Revelation 1:12
And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto th e Son of man, clothed with a garment dow n to the foot , and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

“The Son of Man” is another later change since we know it should say “A son of man” as per all other Old Testament uses. And if it were supposed to say, “The son of man,” why bother to say the redundant “Like unto” as well? Also, the symbol down is misused here and it should read “a garment to the feet.”

Revelation 1:13 (reconstructed)
And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto a son of man, clothed with a garment to the feet, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

Revelation 1:14
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; Revelation 1:15
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
Revelation 1:16
And he had in his right hand, seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

R evel a t i o n 1 : 1 7
And when I saw him , I f e l l at h i s f e e t as de ad. A n d he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

These phrases are out of place for “a son of man” and do not flow with the statement of “fear not.” This follows the same pattern of changing “a son of man” to “the son of man” and other modifications with the purpose of posing Jesus as a God. Also the symbols ”feet,” and “dead” are used literally.

Revelation 1:17 (reconstructed)
And when I saw him he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am The First and The Last:

R evel a t i o n 1 : 1 8