Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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This assignment aimed at bringing the remarkable contrast between two lives, the life of Mohammad who restored the work of the false Messiah in his religion and the True Messiah, who came as the Lamb of God.  It is also so important in the branch of Theology to reveal such a difference since we are the product of the Word maintained in the Sacred Book.  The mind can make either Satan or God reign by possessing the power of the mental image.  God created the brain for either reward or punishment.  The brain is the maker of life and sensitive to the character and what ought to be practices.

God created us under his “mind map” of thinking.  The brain is just a house or a church to place the information.  If such information is good, it will turn into creative and affective means.  Good and evil are in the plan of creation and are part of the thinking process, so Frankstein will be known by this process.  The truth must be judged under errors to gain quality.

The brain is not made by a man called Darwin to be a little brain put away in the lumber room where he can get it if he wants it.

The beastly forces are deeply seated in us in the form of “instinctual psyche” or the “animal soul”, to shape the killer.

Therefore for such a construction there is a need of peace in mental and physical state.  If the evil mind is not recognized it will be integrated in productive way, history will be repeating itself in wild Rome and Babylon carried in birth cycles.

Islam is one of them fighting in the same style until the end of the world.  Its crimes are covered up under the name of Islamic faith.

The invisible God became visible in the character of Jesus.  Satan also has been invisible; we only saw the torture and wars by him.  Satan like God showed himself in words and deeds in Mohammad’s manifestation, revealing his agenda.  We know, hearts can bind to either God or the devil in actuality.  Liberating the mind from the enemy consists wisdom done by the person himself.

The reason for the likeliness of Mohammad to be the coming false prophet and the false Messiah in an extreme mentality is assessed as follows:

Christianity came in the first century and Islam in the sixth as expected, to take the call to fight.  We see an identical organization between Islam and Christianity in missionary-evangelists.  The caliphs are the equivalence of disciples to drive and sustain the structure of faith, but in lies, dishonesty, rape and killing.  Salvation is replaced by Hajj, the black stone consists Muslims true God.

The words peace, mercy, grace are there but in words not in power, to move Islam in the direction of persuasion.  You can’t fight under love but you can under an impact of hate.

The Koran is Mohammad’s plan of opposition.  Mohammad took all things in polarized nature to secure his control.  The culture took his big black hole of philosophy to become the end goal for terrorism.

Selfishness has no moral obligation but one benefit.  It makes nations trash calculating “what is gona be good to me”.  A quality of life requires, people on national scale crediting hard work and discovering to move forward, under the goal “we will make it happen”.

Faith is not an act of bravery but rather an act of intellectual honesty that can last for generations.  Faith is not meant to be personally involved to be controversial.  Faith must be the connector between past, present and future based on democracy so all the questions can be answered.  The choice of faith is based on free will, not on fingers pointed at each other.

A sword cannot bring a real change in the life, unless we turn away from sin in heart, a sword cannot heal sinners.  Allah cannot dwell upon the human heart by the sound of fencing.  A change must be seen in the character, the habits and the pursuits.  Only the hearts has infinitive love.

Before men can be changed from sin to holiness they have to be born from heaven above not the earth below by a power from heaven working from within, otherwise men will not be fit to dwell in heaven.  Heaven is not the place of wicked, unfit for companionship. All Allah’s thoughts, his interests, his motives are alien to those in heaven.

Allah is the enemy of God and the most terrorist who welcomes destruction and can enrich the lifeless faculties of soul to make it attractive to Satan, heaven to him a place of torture well hidden from the light.

God holds the law of love before and after his curse to the earth that brought woe and death because he is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  The thorns on Christ’s head proved God’s make up. What we see in Christ, all testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God and his desire to make his children happy.  When Moses prayed “show me thy glory” The Lord answered, “I will make all my Goodness pass before thee” (exodus 33:18-19).  Without having, such character, the truth wouldn’t be trusted in him.  His work gave evidence to His divine anointing; love, mercy and compassion were revealed in every act of Christ’s life.  Anyone who takes one’s life will risk his death.

Allah is the companion of Mohammad in equivalence to Christ bearing the heart of the father shown as the Son of God.  Mohammad without knowing, he had the same testimony of bearing the son of Allah.  Christ produced saints. Mohammad produced warriors.

The son of God came from heaven to make the world manifest by heaven.  Every soul was precious in his eyes.  He bowed with tender regard to every person.  He saw fallen souls whom it was his mission to save.

Jesus was a man of sorrows by his life of suffering his good news was to walk away from his world of indiscernible glory to a world blighted with sin, darkened with the shadow of death and the curse.  He suffered shame, insult; humiliation, hatred and death to give us healing that deserve a bond with heaven; the character of the Father’s heart that manifest in Christ to flow out to the children of men.  Jesus the tender, pitying Savior was God manifest in the flesh.

            Let me make now comparison between Jesus Christ and Mohammad:

Christ: his birth was miraculous, a divine child born of the virgin mother from the earth directed heavenwards, thus transfiguring earth to heaven making the earth an earth of light.  The light of medicine today senses the liberation of mind from darkness of the soul.

            “The Word made Flesh” shows his symbol of heaven-universe and earth inherited through His two natures, Divine and human.

He conquered the fire by his descent to the hell; he conquered the gravitational force of the earth by his ascension into Heaven together with his appearances.  Christ acted as the medium for all the good forces interacting together in his nature (I am the way, the truth and the life).  Christ therefore is the king of kings and the Lord of the lords.

            Jesus lived in barbaric time at the duration of the Herod’s ruling dynasty of Jerusalem ordering the massacre of innocents but Jesus stayed sinless.  Mohammad lived in quite time such as the desert but under his proposition changed the “still man” into barbarian.

Jews, Christians and paganisms were in harmony despite their doctrines.  Mohammad came to destroy their doctrines.

What was hold in the New Testament as the first communication by the Angel Gabriel to welcome Mary with her pregnancy?  The Koran created the same connection with angel Gabriel when he appeared to Mohammad at cave “Hira”.

Jesus claimed descent from David, Mohammad also but from Ishmael the cursed son of Ibrahim.

Judgement by Mohammad changed into “Mizan” or balance.  The Angel Gabriel will hold the Mizan were the good will be weighed against the bad.

Imam replaced priest, pilgrimage to Mecca replaces Jerusalem; Muezzin replaces church bell, and peace changed into normal greeting (salaam).

Christ’s role is in total contrast to Mohammad; his role is to snatch humanity from the bondages through Crucifixion to set mankind free from the devil.  Christ changed selfishness to selflessness.

Mohammad was born in Mecca and was son of Abdullah, a poor merchant of the paganism tribe of quaraysh, he was the hereditary guardian of the shine in Mecca.  Mohammad orphaned at the age of six, he had the brain disease epilepsy causing fits and was illiterate.

Mohammad regarded wars “blood liberation” and the sword a sacred weapon for victory against evil.  The reward of jihad has unconditional acceptance in heaven to reward the crime.

The sword is the symbol of the word.  The Koran justified all the killing actions as a holy power.  Jihad is a fundamental law for solution by destruction.  The question is how peace can grow out of the road to war? The injured states of mind wants revenge and seek “death” for the family death, as soon as possible.

A Muslim preacher holds a wooden sword in his right hand while the Christian preacher holds a wooden cross.  Mohammad came to upgrade Inca’s sacrifices on altars into a full scale sacrifices.

Mohammad beholds the fiery-red colored horse in the book of revelation.

The lord of sword lived for winning the crown of a king after shutting of Christianity and Judaism.  He has no deal but develop the power to destroy and change the picture forever.  Mohammad is equal in duties and performances to Alexander the great.  He is like Alexander, winning the world but lost all in death forever.

Mohammad The Beast from the East turned blood into divination and rituals far greater than the Aztec religion, the blood that served dictators and made the earth a fire of hell in wars.  How can one trust his God Allah who is bigger in kicking souls than the worst of the Chinese emperors?  This is not the Christian God’s way, as the more trust you have, the more love you receive.

Mohammad led armies forth shedding first his people blood, then the world.

Revenge goes forward with blood without seeing an end.  When one misbehaves, the sword to cut his throat is not the answer.  We need to correct the reason and pray for his healing.  A man’s life has a unique price, he is meant to be an image of God not a product.

The Christian help changed into a bomb to kill a Christian from stress larger than life.  Ugly wars are blood liberation, issue in Islam and life can be taken legally by terrorist attack.  Murdering is part of conscience; wounds are joy, the more suffering and intimidating, the more is the pleasure, the closer number to blood madness is the closer to heaven.

 One bomb by terrorist produces thousand panics; it sends a message “the war is not over”.

Mohammad came to steal our liberty by legalizing killing amongst thoughts.  He believed that the right to kill belongs to him not God. He told the woman what she shouldn’t do or face the slaughter.

Mohammad is the hero of an obsessive idea to the point that it won a significant recognition in the number of countries around the world.  The result is negative enough to be qualified to call for the extinction of the world.

A one murder made is called a villain, but a mission to kill is called a hero.  A hero is the opposite of a victim who did no harm (Jesus).  A hero looks at life as a man dyeing for it so he can vindicate the way of God to man.  Mohammad is the conquering hero on earth beholding his dream, he stands on a firm desert spot and moved the earth.  His art is not only imitation of other heroes but also to complete Allah’s purpose of destruction under condition of tyranny and a bad mind.  His religion today is performing the Anti-Christ, giving St. John’s Revelation, a real force of reality.

The devil born is a close a kin to Satan the dragon.  Mohammad had orders set by Allah to be integrated with Satan in a trinity.  He is not Satan, but he is the center of darkness in human form, while Jesus shines in Heaven.

In order for Mohammad to be the symbol of the devil one expect his actions be standing at human consciousness by a net work of disturbances, not in a confusing manner.  Mohammad wears the horns in his events and at the same time he credits grace and mercy.  The story of Koran thus takes a new twist by playing the game of mercy without doing and while dwells in killing.  Mohammad had no spirit of majestic life in him to keep happiness, grace has not been created in him, black being the color paid in blood.  His overwhelming deception hides his clues under the camel head.  The word of mouth is the main contributor to the concept of good observed in phrases copied from the Bible and mixed with his own conflicting and destructive emotions.  The Koran stands on the dark side to show its conjunction with the soul for, making a giant collective soul in one physical body, and have a full share of the number 6666 of the false prophet, “numbers do not lie.”

Death sentence is the pitch of battles and for the forces of fear to begin and stay under the phrase “put your sword first before your family”.

There is no conventional wisdom in the issue of sustaining death. Anger sustains a lot of blood in the hand.  When the opportunities of revenge arise, the outcome encourages more people to take their destiny in their hands.  Islam is an economy system based on consumption of blood under none transparency while a loss of life cannot be waived by any price.  Al-Qaeda is the true representative of Islam with superb accuracy coming out of Allah.

With respect to Jesus number of seven Mohammad recorded those in his act to establish reassurance.

Mohammad made a copy of seven out of the New Testament claiming seven heavens and seven hells.  I assign “76” to be the best number for representing Mohammad, taking the throne of Jesus “7” and putting it on himself “6”, showing the Anti-Christ in the issue of criminality through radical thoughts.

Mohammad had insults and beheading to replace love.  Jesus gave the law of love printed in the heart.  Such love has no parallel to normal love which is focused on specific character.  All people fall in Jesus arms equally, blended with equity and justice.  This love is infinite and a tender pity, surpassing a mother’s love.  This love is not sinners love that shrink with time, it is the spirit’s unselfish love connect with people, to be calm in the eye of the storm.

The difference between Jesus and Mohammad is the difference between zero and a hundred printed for a particular purpose; the defender and the saver of humans and the condemner; the protector of speech right and the abuser including the cross.

The black stone of Al-Kaaba transmits the stony heart instinct.  A stone is a symbol of an earthly religion.  Black is the color of evil with its all power to delay goods plan, black represents a primitive stage of human development were barbarity triumphant, such symbolism is seen in black Africa.  The black is symbol of slavery, Ill-treated by pitiless owners.  Black is also the color of death.

 You can’t have peace in tears; a peace deal requires harmony.  Killing change peace into nightmare to be thrown in the rubbish bin.  The Koran treats men and women like animals and even an animal shouldn’t be treated that way.

The devil is the seeker of God’s.  Hidden knowledge, and use the occult power to keep him balanced, he is “the ape of God”, lives in the abyss free, his inner peace lies in the hanging of an innocent man.  The devil considers human development is the consequences of ritual orgies after gaining spiritual advancement.  The libido supplies the flow of people’s power to keep his dynamic fashion alive.  The devil considers indulgence in the fallen material world not a sinful world but a spiritual world.

The Sufism of Islamic mysticism was inspired by Christian ideals a new movement that shows the spirit of man in contradiction to Mohammad’s laws obeyed blindly by the rule of fear.  Sufi philosophy had the clash between the different creeds of Islam.  Ibn Arabi himself wrote that his heart was the temple not the black stone of Al-Kaaba.

In summary:

Christ and Mohammad stand on the opposite poles the difference between the spirit and the soul, God and Satan.

Christ has the ladder to heaven and Mohammad the snake to the abyss.

Islam became the Arab mind and Christ mind installed in European minds.  East and West became separated in culture, one humanistic the other as animalistic as the beast truth.

If Mohammad claims to be the noblest of mankind, then he beholds a monarch in a beggar’s crown.

Radicalizing young Muslims has greater danger than terrorism, it provides an unknown numbers of terrorist.