Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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            It is not weird to claim Osama to be the son of Mohammad.  A son is enough to flair Mohammad’s evil.  The coming of Al-Mahdi is the principle behind to play a significant role.  The root of Koran causes the phenomenon of mass-destruction organized globally, with a law acting responsibly.  The collapse of buildings in suicide style argues striking similarities to Osama’s ambition to make death a legal passion.  The value of sword now changed into bombs.

            The word “Al-Qaeda” means the “origin” of Jihad terrorism going back to Mohammad’s time.  Osama already killed over 3000 American’s in 9-11 showing his technique of control.

            Iran is moving towards dictatorship to seal Ahmadi Najat nuclear ambition towards the Jews first then Christians.  The Al-Qaeda in Yemen is training men and women to speak fluent English for winning terrorism.

            If Osama is Mohammad’s son in spirit, then he should be born in Saudi Arabia, has no memory of being a son.  We need to put the pieces together of what was Mohammad in relation to Osama, example: Mohammad started his mission of death at the age of forty.  We know Laden’s connection with 9/11 but how long needed to train   “Atta Mohammad” to do the clash of jet strategy.  We only know Osama’s ugly life in physical activities started at the East African embassy bombing happened in 1998.

            Osama saw Talibans to be the harvest in fullness for the Anti-Christ activities to make Christians mourn over the body of Christ.

            Islamic scholars at Al-Azhar University in Cairo declared suicide bombing were “the highest form of jihad’s operations” planting bombs is planting flowers which is considered not catastrophic of ethics but a foundation of victims agreed by ALLAH.  A martyr has an image of divine to deliver horror into the hearts of the enemies of ALLAH.  In Biblical tradition, a monster symbolizes irrational forces and possesses the characteristics of chaotic, dark and abyssal.  A monster is also regarded as disordered, unrestrained born of wind to spread terror.

Osama’s act of buying wives had initiatives standing for a testosterone culture seeking a hole.  He was uncultivated, uncompromising and unsophisticated relating to Mohammad.

Osama’s brain and mind is made up of is Allah’s mind to possess the quality of a destroyer.  Allah and Osama therefore are in agreements gathering two heads in one to maintain the way for a human to rise to the level of terrorism without any demand.

            The similarity of Osama’s submission in 1990s to the Nazi’s submission of Jews is similar in principle.  Osama has formulated a case to prove he is Mohammad behind the seen, the work is already done in action by Mohammad.

            We see Al-Qaeda today runs in circles against the West to do the unexpected blow job.  The base is moving to East Africa specifically Somalia to produce positive attacks in blood productivity.  Osama is in union with Mohammad’s contribution, black September confirms the death validity of number nine.  There are no figures to provide the final proof of Mohammad’s return in Osama.  Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  If we know the truth of who we are, it will put us through the tough time.

            The weight on the scale of crimes by Mohammad’s sons will exceed everyone else including Chinese and Mongol emperors to prove John’s call.

            One expects the son to be on the same line of battles as Mohammad.  The Afghan wars and terrorism against the unbelievers Christians matches well in symbol and actuality of “Mohammad’s aspect of wars”. 

Osama is qualified to be the leader of Anti-Christ.  He is the maker of Al-Qaeda to give witness to forceful wars of madness.

Osama has Mohammad’s numbers standing for him.  Born in 1954 give six and nine (5+4, 6x9).  He lived six years at a Pakistan mansion in silence.  His death on May 1st is in the six and 9-11 showed his product.

Number nine is a hero number to the ancient Iranians.  They believed, the number watched over the semen of Zoroaster from which all prophets were to spring.

The following are the most wanted terrorists to play Mohammad’s way of destruction and convert.  They are energetically high in Anti-Humanistic culture.

1.      Ayman Al-Zawahiri is no.2 in Al-Qaeda commander, an Egyptian doctor, “surgeon” who was involved in the assassination of Anwar Sadat president of Egypt on the 6th 1981.  He is uncultured.  Semi-Barbarous, and a believer in “kissing the black stone” as a kiss of life to make the light of the day and gives back a feast of desire wished for fulfillment.

2.      Anwar Al-Awlaki a Yamani educated in U.S and an American citizen.  He is the Al-Qaeda leader in the Middle East.  He tries to take the leadership of Al-Qaeda from Al-Zawahiri.

3.      Saif Al-Adel is an Egyptian and a temporary leader of Al-Qaeda for this time.  The name means having the sword to strike.  Bombing U.S embassy in Africa was his proud act; specialist in bombs and can go like a bomb with a great success using his military experience.

4.      Adnan Gulshair el-Shukrijumah, is a Saudi Arabian who lives in the United State and doing operational research which can be set out in the USA.

5.      Adam Gadhan an American who moved to Pakistan in 1998 and has appearances in Al-Qaeda video.  He is the publicity minister.

6.      Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah an Egyptian who does Al-Qaeda finances.

The wives of Osama are:

1.      Amal Al-Sadda

2.      Sufia Waadat

3.      Khairia Sabar

4.      Seham Sabar

5.      Um-Khalid

At Osama’s mansion in Islamabad a large stack of pornographic videos found.  The ultra religious who claimed to be a family man had sex problems.  It speaks about his unconscious mind.  It also raises the question “was he a hypocrite leader” in the same manner of Mohammad?”

Man cannot survive on hundred percent negatives in consistency.  The enemy is so large in energy, enough to destroy the structure formulae of life.

Remember:  We have secured the death of bin Laden but have we secured the nuclear weapons?

We need to put 100s’ pieces of intelligence in order to piece one.

A terrorist is a man painted red bearing a blindfold.  Terrorists have the ability to make the whole world ground zero.

Be a suicide bomber and have life only insured to be uninsured.

Al-Qaeda also slaughters “shiat”, the supporters of Ali’s claim to the caliphate; the “sufi”, the religious order of Islam evolved by the 12th century to make Islam elevate into a spiritual order as Christianity, and the Ahmadis founded in 1889 in India prophesying “the Messiah is the Al-Mahdi in the Koran”.