Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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            Man is getting a new boost by holding the Cross.  The Cross expresses the earth’s  show in underdevelopment, punishments, losses of lives, politics and the big one that has no feel, the money.  All are Satan’s movement against God producing a swept away life in jails and executions working on a big scale. Jesus saw this as a dead plan, never win, out of a low mind.  Therefore we need to go out and pump the good news and the victor will have his name in the book of life.  There are tons to talk about in the “Cross Discipline”.

            In the geometry development, the Cross is like the square has four directions emerged out of the two intersections.  Thus the Cross is a package to the earth not just a simple symbol.  In terms of numbers, the Cross shares the number four responsible for our Rupture (if we are wise).  The earth represent the square which is a derivative of the Cross.  The Cross is a mosaic applied in a big way.

            The Cross with it’s four chief position points is a symbol of all human existence with their cultures in the world, the North, the South, East and West.  Thus the Cross represents number four, which also restores Resurrections making the Rapture a reality.  The Cross with its horizontal beam represents death of human, i.e. lying on the ground in straight position.  The vertical beam refers to a man standing in both physical and spiritual.

            The Cross also link with the restructure of all humans in the time of the Final Judgement, when Christ regenerates the world’s people from the Cross.  The square is the earth basic figure matching with the Four Gates of the New Jerusalem, but the Cross is far above any symbol on earth and universe.

Human potential in skills needs the cross for the superior change in volume not the human power.  We require less people to do the change.  The cross is the final piece of the puzzle to take a position.

            The Cross has become the symbol of the church, therefore one can say Jesus of Nazareth mixed with his passion on the Cross and the church are one.  Preachers mocking around with the church will signify disconnection from such divine unity.  The Sheperd of mankind and the new Sheperd by man must follow God’s heart.  The Cross links Heaven with earth which embraces every possible power one can visualizes.  The center of the Cross has heaven’s power in centrifugal form.

            The physical body of Christ is identified with his life on earth, carrying the symbol of “the Sacrificed Lamb” and “life after death”.  The body translates with the end of time when the whole mankind gathered from Four Corners of the world to prove Christ’s heavenly identity.  The body is a symbol of all Good Forces of hopes, dreams, trust and the sense of responsibility.  The body defends the principle of redemptions, forgiveness and transformations, to make room for the right mind to move in.

The cross links with the conscious mind in the reality to change little mind into the extra-ordinary great minds.  The cross stands against the risky unconscious mind separating its mystery things.  The cross is the verb and the verb is God.  Christ’s body changed revolution into a living document called “Evolution” in a step by step progress.  The human body commits atrocities, in fights and uprising under the language of blood.  Christ’s body sets the road to freedom by his blood only united with love.

Finally the Cross is a heavenly “Rose Floral” symbol.  The red rose is Christ’s blood presented in five roses, four at each side of the Cross and one at the center showing Christ’s wounds.  The rose in the center is where the sacred heart of Christ is located.  The spiritual power of Christ lies in everything that stood for good, teaming with the Father.

The Cross is an image of the soul of man making the change from invisible work due to the power of evil into visible by adding a fifth space dimension to go upward.

Remember:  Dictatorship is more than a sin, dictators at heart are sealed from Heaven. They are proven already criminals, there is no demand to their judgements.