Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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            Adam had the hand of God in him as the first man made in the image of God in critical balance.   Anglo-Saxons had to wait the justice of God to bless them.  Anglo-Saxons had to wait the transfer of power through the Holy Word to get the favor.  Thus Adam had the highest form of the blessing and highest ranking.  Adam in his purist form symbolizes God dwelling in an original man.  His substituted sin introduced the soul to loose his identity with God.  He was no longer the image of God but rather the image of man, a life of “God head negative”.  The image of man became related to the reality of his spirit, which is dependant on the order of his sins.  Adam lived nine hundred years before reduced to dust.  He died on Friday which is the sixth day representing Satan’s number, who is the keeper of the soul.  Christ’s blood was collected in the same Friday which covers Adam’s descendants’ sins also the reason of changing the principle of death with that of life.

Adam having the Divine spirit together with the opposite model of soul had all his activities shared with God; there were no other people in the world to share or to explain.  As there is no data, the spirit of Adam was the key mediator between human and God.  Thinking is a spirit in action to prove the spirit of man still open to God.  Manufacturing civilization is also a proof to the growth of the spirit.  Adam had qualities derived from heaven enough to keep him safe to survive.  Sexuality had low profile and no match to what sex is today.

Adam was the king of the earth but without royalty, self educated to do the bread winning and the duty of breeding.  He is a king without a country and possessions.  The world was his church guarding him from further fall.  His language changed but had no sins more to pick on to decrease his wisdom.  His world had no blows, evil was limited to his dissociation from God.  Pain and suffering came later when man became used to the sin, and the heart became more stony.  Thus the blessed Anglo-Saxons are less perfected than Adam in Skelton and spirit but have identification with Adam.

Anglo-Saxons put man into the human age to make him high.

Remember:  Evil sees not the same things that a wise man sees.  We live by the invisible sun within us.  There is no antidote to sins but Jesus.

Religions are the opium of time, count on one way not ways to go by and live splendidly.  Religions are as he is in the grave and second death because of not doing their homework right.  The soul is a tablet to do evil things and an instrument chosen carefully.  See evil in wards and all violent feelings driving falseness in all our impressions.  Man is a noble animal in life not pure.