Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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            The Word of God has spiritual action; God’s Power is transmitted through his Word and his Voice orally.  The voice adds impact to the word’s manifestation.  The Word has no past, no possibility but action in absolute way.  The letters of the Word possesses numerous powers within God’s creative power defining His Power of growth.  The Word kiss not kills in power and life in motion.  The word is straight as the truth containing the foundation of life and no life in color and virtue.

            The Spiritual Word has immortality and goes everywhere that God’s want; it is a type of work that has no hard work and unique to God.  Creation is the answer to God’s Word.  One can’t imagine the amount of positive energy gone is association with such an art of gallery in all aspects of life. The Word contains all the necessary knowledge, figures, shapes, color, language, life and virtues. Nothing so ever can block the Creative Word.  The word descends like the sun’s ray coming out of head of consciousness which has zero level of unconscious.  Therefore the word has no change to yield power.  An unchanged word is necessary for protection.

            Thus creation is a work of art in original form to be seen as a speech given by God to form life on earth with everything in it from fire, water, sun to life in perfect harmony.  The secret lies in the absolute purity, protected by immortality.

            The Word of God is also capable of self- expression into living and non-living, having capability for thinking, communicating which is something science cannot deal with, unless scientists have a restored faith.  The joy come from God’s loved Words is the proof of beauty.

Think how easy God can create and accomplish challenging tasks while humanity is only a puppet sitting in the background.  Man has his own war of words; he needs to be taught to learn in given time.  The difference lies in the content of the truth.  The voice of man holds imperfect truth to suggest profiting, because of the negative sitting in the resources.  Man is a sort of casino putting gambling on the table.  Man has been taxed by his undervalued love but still not alienated from God.

            God taught Adam his Letters of Language to be able to have power. But God still put a line between, full power and reward.

            The Word of God serves window to the Bible. Analyzing the Bible’s phrases showed events already happened.  This shows the Word of God transmits life events, no Bio-scientist can do the same.

            Religions buries the Word of God contained in the absolute truth.  Satan’s language is derived from multiplication of the four elements, air fire, earth and water.  The Chinese made an imagery symbols out of those elements examples: Taste is powered by water element giving salt.  Fire gives bitterness, the wood element gives acid taste, the metal element pungent  taste and earth the sweet taste.

The word of God has no puzzle but because of the strength associated with evil act to mislead the word of God carries the terrifying power of the curse.

            The Breath in God’s Voice gives life.  When God created Adam, the Breath blown into Adam’s nostrils, made him alive and had life imperishable.  The dust shall be raised into life to face God who gave it.  Thus the Spirit of God has made everything and the Breath has given the life.  Therefore it is so clear to say God is not the Sun as belief.  The breath is not just air which is absurd to call.  The breath is physiological transmitted via vital energy.  And well controlled to master physical and mental energies.  Adam wanted to become equal to God because of God’s breath power that can create anything called living.  Adam was a human, made in perfection, not a God or a prophet declared by Mohammad.  Thus his fall was a temptation to change from man to God.  This is not jealousy but rather an ambition.

            The Divine breath inspires prophecy, and this is why a prophet is called “Spiritual Man”.  The spirit and breath of God also means wisdom knowledge, understanding and might.

The flesh perishes when the breath is taken away and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.

Jesus said “I am the Alpha and Omega”, the First and the Last letter in the Greek alphabets to mean God’s Being in total knowledge and time.  The Beginning and the End The “is” and the “was” and the “is” to come “Beside me there is no God for I am He”.

            If Darwin is alive today, he will say the alpha is the bacteria and the omega is the end of evolution.  Jesus Alpha’s meant his Spirit is the source of our spiritual life, consuming it gives eternal life, which is the Omega.  The Omega also means hell in eternal death.  The Holy Spirit is wind originated from the breath of God carrying His Spirit sent from Heaven.  Thus the Word of the Father was incarnated into the Word of the Son for Salvation and the mission was accomplished.  The Word then returned to the father.  Our language in heaven will be reduced into Be.......Be......Be, matching with the Lord.

Remember:  The animal being “Satan” entered man and lived with him in the form of his instinctual psyche in a boundless profusion.  If the psychic animalistic instinct is not recognized, he may become dangerous.  The animal soul in us must be conditioned for wholeness in order to have a fully lived life.  The embodiment of the beast in us made man and woman diabolical and primitive.  Evolution bears no witness and not almighty.