Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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God in the Genesis refers to himself in a plural form, for example, “let us make man in our own image”.  To add more, the name of God Elohim in The Old Testaments has plural ending.  Thus the statement suggest that the plural has created the world.  This is not a majestic plural reserved for royalty but rather a reflection of the Christian Trinity.  Not a single male  but the three persons of one God head, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, united against the world in one God working together and impossible to remove any part.

The examination of the first three Hebrew words of the Genesis “Breshit Bara Helohim” to mean when God began to create, considers that God has been around for a long time before the creation.  The creation made earth what is now, geologically correct after the destruction of Dinosaurs.

The Word of God cannot be divided into three, under any circumstances.  The Word of God has been put in a frame of harmony and love to do the difficult task to be a repetition of the same sound, like the church ringing bell.  There is no way to separate three entities of love working on the great inside.  God and Jesus are one instrument in interactions and transfiguration.  The names are different but the message is the same credited to give the large that is needed against Satan terror.  The three states of existence give more shelter for the rough ride, finding everything that is missing.  My heaven is my life journey, it needs the mind in the belief for the positive spirit.  There neither maximum nor minimum sins because we have the devil in us taking sins to the maximum. 

The Roman Emperor Constantine held a conference in Nicaea located in Turkey in 325 A. D. the primary goal was to gather the Christian leaders to reach a definitive conclusion about Jesus relationship with God.  The creed was established which is called “The Nicene Creed”.  There the official basic belief of Christianity were laid down and the Trinity concept was officially endorsed.  Three in sameness state lacking nothing equally moral and creative.

Thus the one God worshiped by the Christians is not the same one by Jews and Muslims.  Jesus of the New Testament is the same one as God the Father of the Old Testament.  Jews and Muslims have a difficult time with the Trinity.  They see the concept of God being three as sufficiently confusing to be suggestive of polytheism i.e. 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 or the three deities.  God has been unknown and has often been depicted as a wise old man with a white beard for the nation of age and wisdom.  The picture of God also includes the notion of age and wisdom and if God was the creator  he is certainly order than the rest of us.  God also addressed as the masculine, with human features placed upon him to do the protection task.  This gives the beast with his wild state in the claim of God.  Few people in the Bible are said to have seen God; Moses saw His back and Jacob might have been surrounded by Him.

The New Testament tells us that God is Jesus looking after his flock which means people are likened the sheep tended by, a dutiful Divine and a lot of people have seen Him.  Thus the basic statement of monotheism stays intact i.e. 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 or we is I.

Jesus is the divinely human in mind expressing the inexpressible in contrarty to the life in the world.  Jesus is the flower of an experience rooted in truth and issuing forth into beauty.  The pretension is nothing; the performance is everything.  Jesus is the good apple.

Remember:  When the devil tempted Jesus after forty days and nights in the dessert eating nothing.  The devil who is Allah the ruler of the earth said to Him:  I give you all the money, all the prestige if you go down on your knees and worship my idols.  After fleeing away, Mohammad became the substitute to Jesus to carry out the opposites under Allah's demand for his glory.  He used his own faith, promises and assurances to end Jesus way.  He established a covenant of war to bring back the hate, tears and sweat, then the Anti-Christ.  All of this was declared after Jesus resisted Allah's demands at the great temptation.  A new earthly trinity was formed with the birth of Mohammad to advance head to head in East versus West loss of lives.  Good Friday is Allah’s repayment of Jesus temptation in the wilderness to score victory.  Muslims and third world nations today suffer from an incurable mind disease, asylem seekers traded as criminal; this is the pay back.