Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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The spirit had the greatest role for the infinity time after the Coming of Christ to earth initiating the light in the spirit and move darkness to the soul for its role in hurts.  The evil spirit sits in the process of soul attained by mystics.  The soul is only identified by its distinction within the individual’s spirit.  Example:  Mohammad’s soul, had no love, to recognize fighting.

The soul coincides with the psychic function totally, and to be related to the unconscious mind in content.  The peace of mind grows according to the status of unconscious mind.  Thus Christ came to drive the evil spirit off its ruling.  The soul interferes by changing the values of the system.  Wisdom can only grow after changing the system from flooding soul into spirit.

If mum and dad are stupid, the generations of their children are naturally stupid.  The spirit if lifted from evil, gives the biggest education within its parameters.  The spirit works like a tailor without taking freedom away.  The spirit segment is the giver of freedom.

Children therefore must be taught the truth to build their spirits for the lookout observing life reality.  It is too big mistake to see the spirit fail in children.  We know well that youth are the cause of revolution, not evolution.  A mental stress is the result of revolution, while a mind  unbeaten by stress beats the cry.  Money and were it comes from is the grass-route of all crises.  Enough problems changed young people into “hippies” a real symbol of rebels.

Jesus came to make child and father alike.  There is nothing better than a person adding value to the society.  Jesus saw this as the great tip to bring happiness into the garden of contributions by maintaining morals.  Education brings nutrition to the soul.  Jesus had to start from the bottom who is the poor melting with dark culture.  The “Harlem” in New York, black and predominantly Muslims who were migrants from Africa are similar breeding ignorance.  Their eyes are closed but their legs are open.

Seventy percent of Jesus teaching was “applications” to cause man to feel the truth.  The truth has power to wipe out what occurred in the childhood which has been retained by the unconscious mind.  The Holy Spirit is the real Armory not the sword.  The sword is like a hard hammer crushing nuts in various sizes.  The part of who you really are is constituted in the spirit. We have the same genes as our ancestors without a choice.  Jesus is our ransom; he paid our debts in miracle form so we don’t need to do anything.  Jesus said : follow me; be real fan of me, you will be victorious because the battle of faith is already won on the Cross.  The demons inside you use emotions to promote their interest which is the bad desire.  What Jesus says is what the spirit says; what demons say is what the soul says, to cover where the light is and where the dark is.

How can God be ALLAH when he is saving us by his own blood?  The building unit of God is God himself.  His Words are God.  The church is the place of the Lord, and the deal in a team form.  God gave us sex desire for a purpose of using it in a moral form at a time which is the best for our benefits and enjoyments.  The Demon replaced love with casual sex, its function aimed at a special purpose as its base line activities contributes to decrease performances.  Sex is saved for the day you say “I do”.  Erotic sex abuses love in its own picture, structuralizing men and women for a foothold in hell.

The flesh is the “enemy” of the spirit because of a diabolical force dwelling in the body.  The flesh is considered to be the target between two driving forces, one desiring soul actions and one safer desiring spirit.  This explains why the two are separates in effects.  The flesh started already dwelling in sins from Adam, to be possessed with immoral tones. God came in human nature to correct this.  It takes two to bind in royalty.

Play boy Hugh Hafner spends his time preoccupied with sex and famous for his sex creativity.

To make the war less between the spirit and soul, the flesh must be treated soberly, lust is contrary to the intentions of the spirit.  The flesh blossoms again with the spirit when refashioned in God’s image at rebirth.  Submission to the spirit is the silver line to living and the issue to Heaven and a life free from collision between soul and spirit.

The proof of spirit brought by Jesus is in the descendant of the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Christ.  The Holy Spirit has all the lines to connect and Play God.  The Old Testament provided the thought of spirit but in an indirect way by saying each soul has two levels, with two driving forces.  The lower is earthly and the higher for higher things.  The surrender recognizes two in one principle.  According to my views the two part of soul doesn’t explain the big problem of Satan in man to create the new man.  Spirit and soul are two poles of pure positive and pure negative; there is no bipartisanship between the two.  The two energies are impossible to mix.  Evil and good can’t mix, wars never mix with peace and criminality forbids diffusing into opposites.  If you mix black with white, the result is grey not white.  The two must be separable but their direct influences stay to do the battle of good against evil which is “the life necessity exam”.  Salvation is God’s spirit in pure form and by the Grace of God we become pure.  You can’t combine world’s shocking events with the work of Heaven’s light.  Love and hate can’t be shaped together.

The soul is vacant to suck forth everything that is moving in the direction of Hell.  The only saving grace to see is the soul loosing its shadowing power caused by the body’s evil actions.  Healing starts with body parts, alerting the soul.  The spirit is God’s temple and the soul is the altar of Satan and his Gods, for desire to become impulses and emotions in connection.  The soul goes to hell while the spirit flies to heaven.  Soul is a killer of life and economy.

The soul always has an earthly as well as a ghostly quality.  It has repelling forces powerful, enough to make the spirit blow away.

Remember:  Spirit and soul are two images in opposite of one symbol which is “the breath of life”.  The soul underpins the breath for victory in attitude.  Today we live in a world of scams putting profits above people and as a result the world became hard in cash.  Growing population in India led the world to be struggling for food.

God transformed himself into a white dove to show the idea of freedom.  God wants you to be winged; a prison cannot be solved by another prison.