Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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The symbol has been regarded as a generative force for ill happenings among the Western Christian culture.  The thirteenth chapter of the book of the Revelation describes the Anti Christ who represents Muslim terrorists led by Osama Bin Laden (Al-Qaeda) operating within the Muslim trinity (Mohammad – Allah – Dragon) i.e. A dynamic set by a group of three.

Friday and number thirteen had the worst calls on Jesus.

Christ and his Apostles, celebrated the Last Supper in total of thirteen persons and Crucified on Friday.

 The numbers also stand for assassination of Julius Caesar stabbed by Brutus in senate on March 13Th 4.4 B.C.  An assassination is considered a win for power, it also opens up the fear which is seen as an asset for a policy of “don’t try to make further attempt, the benefit would be murder”.

Thirteen is also the numbers that stand on two opposite’s activities.  Three stands for the principle of Trinity within the unity of the complete ten.  The second meaning of thirteen is the number of Mohammad having seven (the number of Jesus spirit) and six (Friday) corresponds the day of worship and his path of six mixed with seven.

The year 2013 will be the gate way for a reborn Mohammad under the name Osama to run the show.  Death and destruction in enormous proportions will prove his business of ending the world.  Demon’s have their impressive performance.  Mohammad will prove twice his evil image.

Chapter thirteen of St. John Revelation was opened by me in year 2000 taking the account seriously, the intellectual activities in the chapter will close in year 2016.

Remember:  Faith has no ocular proof but can put the light on ghoulish, ghosties and long-leggy beasties.